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Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.ms.System.ValueType, com.aspose.ms.System.Enum

public final class EmfRecordType extends System.Enum

The RecordType enumeration defines values that uniquely identify EMF records. These values are provided in the Type field of each record.


Field Description
EmfAbortPath This record aborts a path bracket or discards the path from a closed path bracket.
EmfAlphaBlend This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, including alpha transparency data, according to a specified blending operation.
EmfAngleArc This record defines a line segment of an arc.
EmfArc This record defines an elliptical arc.
EmfArcTo This record defines an elliptical arc.
EmfBeginPath This record opens a path bracket in the playback device context.
EmfBitBlt This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation.
EmfChord This record defines a chord (a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment, called a secant).
EmfCloseFigure This record closes an open figure in a path.
EmfColorCorrectPalette This record specifies how to correct the entries of a logical palette object using Windows Color System (WCS) 1.0 values
EmfColorMatchToTargetW This record specifies whether to perform color matching with a color profile that is specified in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters.
EmfComment This record specifies arbitrary private data.
EmfCreateBrushInDirect This record defines a logical brush for figure filling in graphics operations.
EmfCreateColorSpace This record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of ASCII characters
EmfCreateColorSpaceW This record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of Unicode characters
EmfCreateDibPatternBrushPt This record defines a logical brush that has the pattern specified by the DIB.
EmfCreateMonoBrush This record defines a logical brush with the specified bitmap pattern.
EmfCreatePalette This record defines a LogPalette object.
EmfCreatePen This record defines a logical pen that has the specified style, width, and color.
EmfDeleteColorSpace This record deletes a logical color space object.
EmfDeleteObject This record deletes a graphics object, clearing its index in the EMF Object Table.
EmfDrawEscape This record passes arbitrary information to the driver.
EmfEllipse This record defines an ellipse.
EmfEndPath This record closes a path bracket and selects the path defined by the bracket into the playback device context.
EmfEof This record indicates the end of the metafile.
EmfExcludeClipRect This record defines a new clipping region that consists of the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle.
EmfExtCreateFontInDirectW This record defines a logical font that has the specified characteristics.
EmfExtCreatePen This record defines a logical cosmetic or geometric pen that has the specified style, width, and brush attributes.
EmfExtEscape This record passes arbitrary information to the driver.
EmfExtFloodFill This record fills an area of the display surface with the current brush.
EmfExtSelectClipRgn This record combines the specified region with the current clip region using the specified mode.
EmfExtTextOutA This record draws an ASCII text string using the current font and text colors.Note EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA SHOULD be emulated with an EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record (section
EmfExtTextOutW This record draws a Unicode text string using the current font and text colors.
EmfFillPath This record closes any open figures in the current path and fills the path’s interior by using the current brush and polygon-filling mode.
EmfFillRgn This record fills the specified region by using the specified brush.
EmfFlattenPath This record transforms any curve in the path that is selected into the playback device context, turning each curve into a sequence of lines.
EmfForceUfiMapping This record forces the font mapper to match fonts based on their UniversalFontId in preference to their LogFont information.
EmfFrameRgn This record draws a border around the specified region using the specified brush.
EmfGlsBoundedRecord This record specifies an OpenGL function with a bounding rectangle for output.
EmfGlsRecord This record specifies an OpenGL function.
EmfGradientFill This record specifies filling rectangles or triangles with gradients of color
EmfHeader This record defines the start of the metafile and specifies its characteristics; its contents, including the dimensions of the embedded image; the number of records in the metafile; and the resolution of the device on which the embedded image was created.
EmfIntersectClipRect This record defines a new clipping region from the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle.
EmfInvertRgn This record inverts the colors in the specified region.
EmfLineTo This record defines a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point.
EmfMapMode This record defines the mapping mode of the playback device context.
EmfMaskBlt This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern and with the application of a color mask bitmap, according to specified foreground and background raster operations.
EmfModifyWorldTransform This record redefines the world transformation for the playback device context using the specified mode.
EmfMoveToEx This record defines coordinates of the new current position, in logical units.
EmfNamedEscape This record passes arbitrary information to the given named driver.
EmfNone This is None record
EmfOffsetClipRgn This record redefines the clipping region of the playback device context by the specified offsets.
EmfPaintRgn This record paints the specified region by using the brush currently selected into the playback device context.
EmfPie This record defines a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials.
EmfPixelFormat This record specifies the pixel format to use for graphics operations
EmfPlgBlt This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination parallelogram, with the application of a color mask bitmap.
EmfPolyBezier This record defines one or more Bezier curves.
EmfPolyBezier16 This record defines one or more Bezier curves.
EmfPolyBezierTo This record defines one or more Bezier curves based upon the current position.
EmfPolyBezierTo16 This record defines one or more Bezier curves based on the current position.
EmfPolyDraw This record defines a set of line segments and Bezier curves.
EmfPolyDraw16 This record defines a set of line segments and Bezier curves.
EmfPolyLine This record defines a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array.
EmfPolyLine16 This record defines a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array.
EmfPolyLineTo This record defines one or more straight lines based upon the current position.
EmfPolyLineTo16 This record defines one or more straight lines based upon the current position.
EmfPolyPolyLine This record defines multiple series of connected line segments.
EmfPolyPolyLine16 This record defines multiple series of connected line segments.
EmfPolyPolygon This record defines a series of closed polygons.
EmfPolyPolygon16 This record defines a series of closed polygons.
EmfPolyTextOutA This record draws one or more ASCII text strings using the current font and text colors.
EmfPolyTextOutW This record draws one or more Unicode text strings using the current font and text colors.
EmfPolygon This record defines a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines.
EmfPolygon16 This record defines a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines.
EmfRealizePalette This record maps entries from the current logical palette to the system palette.
EmfRectangle This record defines a rectangle.
EmfResizePalette This record increases or decreases the size of a logical palette.
EmfRestoreDc This record restores the playback device context to the specified saved state.
EmfRoundRect This record defines a rectangle with rounded corners.
EmfSaveDc This record saves the current state of the playback device context by copying data describing selected objects and graphic modes\u2014including the bitmap, brush, palette, font, pen, region, drawing mode, and mapping mode\u2014to a stack of saved device contexts.
EmfScaleViewportExtEx This record redefines the viewport for the playback device context using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.
EmfScaleWindowExtEx This record redefines the window for the playback device context using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.
EmfSelectClipPath This record defines the current path as a clipping region for the playback device context, combining the new region with any existing clipping region using the specified mode.
EmfSelectObject This record adds an object to the playback device context, identifying it by its index in the EMF Object Table (section
EmfSelectPalette This record adds a LogPalette (section 2.2.17) object to the playback device context, identifying it by its index in the EMF Object Table.
EmfSetArcDirection This record defines the drawing direction to be used for arc and rectangle operations.
EmfSetBkColor This record defines the background color.
EmfSetBkMode This record defines the background mix mode of the playback device context.
EmfSetBrushOrgEx This record defines the origin of the current brush.
EmfSetColorAdjustment This record defines the color adjustment values for the playback device context using the specified values.
EmfSetColorSpace This record defines the current logical color space object for graphics operations.
EmfSetDiBitsToDevice This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from specified scan lines of a source bitmap to a destination rectangle.
EmfSetIcmMode This record specifies the mode of Image Color Management (ICM) for graphics operations.
EmfSetIcmProfileA This record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of ASCII characters, for graphics output.
EmfSetIcmProfileW This record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters, for graphics output
EmfSetLayout This record specifies the order in which text and graphics are drawn
EmfSetLinkedUfis This record sets the UniversalFontIds of linked fonts to use during character lookup.
EmfSetMapperFlags This record specifies parameters of the process of matching logical fonts to physical fonts, which is performed by the font mapper.
EmfSetMetaRgn This record intersects the current clipping region for the playback device context with the current meta region and saves the combined region as the new meta region.
EmfSetMiterLimit This record defines the limit for the length of miter joins for the playback device context.
EmfSetPaletteEntries This record defines RGB (red-green-blue) color values in a range of entries in a LogPalette object.
EmfSetPixelV This record defines the color of the pixel at the specified logical coordinates.
EmfSetPolyFillMode This record defines polygon fill mode.
EmfSetRop2 This record defines binary raster operation mode.
EmfSetStrechBltMode This record defines bitmap stretch mode.
EmfSetTextAlign This record defines text alignment.
EmfSetTextColor This record defines the current text color.
EmfSetTextJustification This record specifies the amount of extra space to add to break characters for justification purposes.
EmfSetViewportExtEx This record defines the viewport extent.
EmfSetViewportOrgEx This record defines the viewport origin.
EmfSetWindowExtEx This record defines the window extent.
EmfSetWindowOrgEx This record defines the window origin.
EmfSetWorldTransform This record defines a two-dimensional linear transformation between world space and page space (for more information, see [MSDN-WRLDPGSPC]) for the playback device context.
EmfSmallTextOut This record outputs a string.
EmfStretchBlt This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.
EmfStretchDiBits This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.
EmfStrokeAndFillPath This record closes any open figures in a path, strokes the outline of the path by using the current pen, and fills its interior by using the current brush.
EmfStrokePath This record renders the specified path by using the current pen.
EmfTransparentBlt This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, treating a specified color as transparent, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary
EmfWidenPath This record redefines the current path as the area that would be painted if the path were stroked using the pen currently selected into the playback device context.


Method Description
CloneTo(T arg0)
CloneTo(System.Enum arg0)
equals(Object arg0)
format(System.Type arg0, Object arg1, String arg2)
format(Class arg0, long arg1, String arg2)
getName(System.Type arg0, Object arg1)
getName(Class arg0, long arg1)
getNames(System.Type arg0)
getNames(Class arg0)
getUnderlyingType(System.Type arg0)
getUnderlyingType(Class arg0)
getValue(Class arg0, String arg1)
getValues(System.Type arg0)
isDefined(System.Type arg0, Object arg1)
isDefined(System.Type arg0, String arg1)
isDefined(System.Type arg0, long arg1)
isDefined(Class arg0, long arg1)
parse(System.Type arg0, String arg1)
parse(System.Type arg0, String arg1, Boolean arg2)
parse(Class arg0, String arg1)
parse(Class arg0, String arg1, Boolean arg2)
register(System.Enum.AbstractEnum arg0)
toObject(System.Type arg0, Object arg1)
toString(Class arg0, long arg1)
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)


public static final long EmfAbortPath

This record aborts a path bracket or discards the path from a closed path bracket.


public static final long EmfAlphaBlend

This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, including alpha transparency data, according to a specified blending operation.


public static final long EmfAngleArc

This record defines a line segment of an arc. The line segment is drawn from the current position to the beginning of the arc. The arc is drawn along the perimeter of a circle with the given radius and center. The length of the arc is defined by the given start and sweep angles.


public static final long EmfArc

This record defines an elliptical arc.


public static final long EmfArcTo

This record defines an elliptical arc. It resets the current position to the end point of the arc.


public static final long EmfBeginPath

This record opens a path bracket in the playback device context.

After a path bracket is open, an application can begin processing records to define the points that lie in the path. An application MUST close an open path bracket by processing the EMR_ENDPATH record. When an application processes the EMR_BEGINPATH record, all previous paths MUST be discarded from the playback device context.


public static final long EmfBitBlt

This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation.


public static final long EmfChord

This record defines a chord (a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment, called a secant). The chord is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush.


public static final long EmfCloseFigure

This record closes an open figure in a path.

Processing the EMR_CLOSEFIGURE record MUST close the figure by drawing a line from the current position to the first point of the figure, and then it MUST connect the lines by using the line join style. If a figure is closed by processing the EMR_LINETO record instead of the EMR_CLOSEFIGURE record, end caps are used to create the corner instead of a join. EMR_LINETO is specified in section The EMR_CLOSEFIGURE record SHOULD only be used if there is an open path bracket in the playback device context. A figure in a path is open unless it is explicitly closed by processing this record. Note: A figure can be open even if the current point and the starting point of the figure are the same. After processing the EMR_CLOSEFIGURE record, adding a line or curve to the path MUST start a new figure.


public static final long EmfColorCorrectPalette

This record specifies how to correct the entries of a logical palette object using Windows Color System (WCS) 1.0 values


public static final long EmfColorMatchToTargetW

This record specifies whether to perform color matching with a color profile that is specified in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters.


public static final long EmfComment

This record specifies arbitrary private data.


public static final long EmfCreateBrushInDirect

This record defines a logical brush for figure filling in graphics operations.


public static final long EmfCreateColorSpace

This record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of ASCII characters


public static final long EmfCreateColorSpaceW

This record creates a logical color space object from a color profile with a name consisting of Unicode characters


public static final long EmfCreateDibPatternBrushPt

This record defines a logical brush that has the pattern specified by the DIB.


public static final long EmfCreateMonoBrush

This record defines a logical brush with the specified bitmap pattern. The bitmap can be a device-independent bitmap (DIB) section bitmap or it can be a device-dependent bitmap.


public static final long EmfCreatePalette

This record defines a LogPalette object.


public static final long EmfCreatePen

This record defines a logical pen that has the specified style, width, and color. The pen can subsequently be selected into the playback device context and used to draw lines and curves.


public static final long EmfDeleteColorSpace

This record deletes a logical color space object. Note An EMR_DELETEOBJECT record SHOULD be used instead of EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE to delete a logical color space object


public static final long EmfDeleteObject

This record deletes a graphics object, clearing its index in the EMF Object Table. If the deleted object is selected in the playback device context, the default object for that context property MUST be restored.


public static final long EmfDrawEscape

This record passes arbitrary information to the driver. The intent is that the information will result in drawing being done.


public static final long EmfEllipse

This record defines an ellipse. The center of the ellipse is the center of the specified bounding rectangle. The ellipse is outlined by using the current pen and is filled by using the current brush.


public static final long EmfEndPath

This record closes a path bracket and selects the path defined by the bracket into the playback device context.


public static final long EmfEof

This record indicates the end of the metafile.


public static final long EmfExcludeClipRect

This record defines a new clipping region that consists of the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle.


public static final long EmfExtCreateFontInDirectW

This record defines a logical font that has the specified characteristics. The font can subsequently be selected as the current font for the playback device context.


public static final long EmfExtCreatePen

This record defines a logical cosmetic or geometric pen that has the specified style, width, and brush attributes.


public static final long EmfExtEscape

This record passes arbitrary information to the driver. The intent is that the information will not result in drawing being done.


public static final long EmfExtFloodFill

This record fills an area of the display surface with the current brush.


public static final long EmfExtSelectClipRgn

This record combines the specified region with the current clip region using the specified mode.


public static final long EmfExtTextOutA

This record draws an ASCII text string using the current font and text colors.Note EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA SHOULD be emulated with an EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW record (section This requires the ASCII text string in the EmrText object to be converted to Unicode UTF16-LE encoding.


public static final long EmfExtTextOutW

This record draws a Unicode text string using the current font and text colors.


public static final long EmfFillPath

This record closes any open figures in the current path and fills the path’s interior by using the current brush and polygon-filling mode.


public static final long EmfFillRgn

This record fills the specified region by using the specified brush.


public static final long EmfFlattenPath

This record transforms any curve in the path that is selected into the playback device context, turning each curve into a sequence of lines.


public static final long EmfForceUfiMapping

This record forces the font mapper to match fonts based on their UniversalFontId in preference to their LogFont information.


public static final long EmfFrameRgn

This record draws a border around the specified region using the specified brush.


public static final long EmfGlsBoundedRecord

This record specifies an OpenGL function with a bounding rectangle for output.


public static final long EmfGlsRecord

This record specifies an OpenGL function.


public static final long EmfGradientFill

This record specifies filling rectangles or triangles with gradients of color


public static final long EmfHeader

This record defines the start of the metafile and specifies its characteristics; its contents, including the dimensions of the embedded image; the number of records in the metafile; and the resolution of the device on which the embedded image was created. These values make it possible for the metafile to be device-independent.


public static final long EmfIntersectClipRect

This record defines a new clipping region from the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle.


public static final long EmfInvertRgn

This record inverts the colors in the specified region.


public static final long EmfLineTo

This record defines a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point. It resets the current position to the specified point.


public static final long EmfMapMode

This record defines the mapping mode of the playback device context. The mapping mode defines the unit of measure used to transform page space units into device space units, and also defines the orientation of the device’s x-axis and y-axis.


public static final long EmfMaskBlt

This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern and with the application of a color mask bitmap, according to specified foreground and background raster operations.


public static final long EmfModifyWorldTransform

This record redefines the world transformation for the playback device context using the specified mode.


public static final long EmfMoveToEx

This record defines coordinates of the new current position, in logical units.


public static final long EmfNamedEscape

This record passes arbitrary information to the given named driver.


public static final long EmfNone

This is None record


public static final long EmfOffsetClipRgn

This record redefines the clipping region of the playback device context by the specified offsets.


public static final long EmfPaintRgn

This record paints the specified region by using the brush currently selected into the playback device context.


public static final long EmfPie

This record defines a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials. The pie is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush.


public static final long EmfPixelFormat

This record specifies the pixel format to use for graphics operations


public static final long EmfPlgBlt

This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination parallelogram, with the application of a color mask bitmap.


public static final long EmfPolyBezier

This record defines one or more Bezier curves. Cubic Bezier curves are defined using specified endpoints and control points, and are stroked with the current pen.


public static final long EmfPolyBezier16

This record defines one or more Bezier curves. The curves are drawn using the current pen.


public static final long EmfPolyBezierTo

This record defines one or more Bezier curves based upon the current position.


public static final long EmfPolyBezierTo16

This record defines one or more Bezier curves based on the current position.


public static final long EmfPolyDraw

This record defines a set of line segments and Bezier curves.


public static final long EmfPolyDraw16

This record defines a set of line segments and Bezier curves.


public static final long EmfPolyLine

This record defines a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array.


public static final long EmfPolyLine16

This record defines a series of line segments by connecting the points in the specified array.


public static final long EmfPolyLineTo

This record defines one or more straight lines based upon the current position. A line is drawn from the current position to the first point specified by the points field by using the current pen. For each additional line, drawing is performed from the ending point of the previous line to the next point specified by points.


public static final long EmfPolyLineTo16

This record defines one or more straight lines based upon the current position. A line is drawn from the current position to the first point specified by the Points field by using the current pen. For each additional line, drawing is performed from the ending point of the previous line to the next point specified by Points.


public static final long EmfPolyPolyLine

This record defines multiple series of connected line segments. The line segments are drawn by using the current pen. The figures formed by the segments are not filled. T he current position is neither used nor updated by this record.


public static final long EmfPolyPolyLine16

This record defines multiple series of connected line segments.


public static final long EmfPolyPolygon

This record defines a series of closed polygons. Each polygon is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush and polygon fill mode. The polygons defined by this record can overlap.


public static final long EmfPolyPolygon16

This record defines a series of closed polygons. Each polygon is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush and polygon fill mode. The polygons specified by this record can overlap.


public static final long EmfPolyTextOutA

This record draws one or more ASCII text strings using the current font and text colors. Note EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA SHOULD be emulated with a series of EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records, one per string


public static final long EmfPolyTextOutW

This record draws one or more Unicode text strings using the current font and text colors. Note EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW SHOULD be emulated with a series of EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records, one per string


public static final long EmfPolygon

This record defines a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines. The polygon is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush and polygon fill mode. The polygon is closed automatically by drawing a line from the last vertex to the first.


public static final long EmfPolygon16

This record defines a polygon consisting of two or more vertexes connected by straight lines. The polygon is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush and polygon fill mode. The polygon is closed automatically by drawing a line from the last vertex to the first.


public static final long EmfRealizePalette

This record maps entries from the current logical palette to the system palette.


public static final long EmfRectangle

This record defines a rectangle. The rectangle is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush.


public static final long EmfResizePalette

This record increases or decreases the size of a logical palette.


public static final long EmfRestoreDc

This record restores the playback device context to the specified saved state. The playback device context is restored by popping state information off a stack of saved device contexts created by earlier EMR_SAVEDC (section 2.3.11) records.


public static final long EmfRoundRect

This record defines a rectangle with rounded corners. The rectangle is outlined by using the current pen and filled by using the current brush.


public static final long EmfSaveDc

This record saves the current state of the playback device context by copying data describing selected objects and graphic modes\u2014including the bitmap, brush, palette, font, pen, region, drawing mode, and mapping mode\u2014to a stack of saved device contexts.


public static final long EmfScaleViewportExtEx

This record redefines the viewport for the playback device context using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.


public static final long EmfScaleWindowExtEx

This record redefines the window for the playback device context using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.


public static final long EmfSelectClipPath

This record defines the current path as a clipping region for the playback device context, combining the new region with any existing clipping region using the specified mode.


public static final long EmfSelectObject

This record adds an object to the playback device context, identifying it by its index in the EMF Object Table (section


public static final long EmfSelectPalette

This record adds a LogPalette (section 2.2.17) object to the playback device context, identifying it by its index in the EMF Object Table.


public static final long EmfSetArcDirection

This record defines the drawing direction to be used for arc and rectangle operations.


public static final long EmfSetBkColor

This record defines the background color.


public static final long EmfSetBkMode

This record defines the background mix mode of the playback device context. The background mix mode is used with text, hatched brushes, and pen styles that are not solid lines.


public static final long EmfSetBrushOrgEx

This record defines the origin of the current brush.


public static final long EmfSetColorAdjustment

This record defines the color adjustment values for the playback device context using the specified values.


public static final long EmfSetColorSpace

This record defines the current logical color space object for graphics operations.


public static final long EmfSetDiBitsToDevice

This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from specified scan lines of a source bitmap to a destination rectangle.


public static final long EmfSetIcmMode

This record specifies the mode of Image Color Management (ICM) for graphics operations.


public static final long EmfSetIcmProfileA

This record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of ASCII characters, for graphics output.


public static final long EmfSetIcmProfileW

This record specifies a color profile in a file with a name consisting of Unicode characters, for graphics output


public static final long EmfSetLayout

This record specifies the order in which text and graphics are drawn


public static final long EmfSetLinkedUfis

This record sets the UniversalFontIds of linked fonts to use during character lookup.


public static final long EmfSetMapperFlags

This record specifies parameters of the process of matching logical fonts to physical fonts, which is performed by the font mapper.


public static final long EmfSetMetaRgn

This record intersects the current clipping region for the playback device context with the current meta region and saves the combined region as the new meta region. The clipping region is reset to a null region.


public static final long EmfSetMiterLimit

This record defines the limit for the length of miter joins for the playback device context.


public static final long EmfSetPaletteEntries

This record defines RGB (red-green-blue) color values in a range of entries in a LogPalette object.


public static final long EmfSetPixelV

This record defines the color of the pixel at the specified logical coordinates.


public static final long EmfSetPolyFillMode

This record defines polygon fill mode.


public static final long EmfSetRop2

This record defines binary raster operation mode.


public static final long EmfSetStrechBltMode

This record defines bitmap stretch mode.


public static final long EmfSetTextAlign

This record defines text alignment.


public static final long EmfSetTextColor

This record defines the current text color.


public static final long EmfSetTextJustification

This record specifies the amount of extra space to add to break characters for justification purposes.


public static final long EmfSetViewportExtEx

This record defines the viewport extent.


public static final long EmfSetViewportOrgEx

This record defines the viewport origin.


public static final long EmfSetWindowExtEx

This record defines the window extent.


public static final long EmfSetWindowOrgEx

This record defines the window origin.


public static final long EmfSetWorldTransform

This record defines a two-dimensional linear transformation between world space and page space (for more information, see [MSDN-WRLDPGSPC]) for the playback device context. This transformation can be used to scale, rotate, shear, or translate graphics output.


public static final long EmfSmallTextOut

This record outputs a string.


public static final long EmfStretchBlt

This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.


public static final long EmfStretchDiBits

This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, optionally in combination with a brush pattern, according to a specified raster operation, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary.


public static final long EmfStrokeAndFillPath

This record closes any open figures in a path, strokes the outline of the path by using the current pen, and fills its interior by using the current brush.


public static final long EmfStrokePath

This record renders the specified path by using the current pen.


public static final long EmfTransparentBlt

This record specifies a block transfer of pixels from a source bitmap to a destination rectangle, treating a specified color as transparent, stretching or compressing the output to fit the dimensions of the destination, if necessary


public static final long EmfWidenPath

This record redefines the current path as the area that would be painted if the path were stroked using the pen currently selected into the playback device context.


public static final char[] EnumSeparatorCharArray


public System.Enum Clone()

Returns: com.aspose.ms.System.Enum

CloneTo(T arg0)

public abstract void CloneTo(T arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 T

CloneTo(System.Enum arg0)

public void CloneTo(System.Enum arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Enum

equals(Object arg0)

public boolean equals(Object arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Object

Returns: boolean

format(System.Type arg0, Object arg1, String arg2)

public static String format(System.Type arg0, Object arg1, String arg2)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Type
arg1 java.lang.Object
arg2 java.lang.String

Returns: java.lang.String

format(Class arg0, long arg1, String arg2)

public static String format(Class<?> arg0, long arg1, String arg2)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Class
arg1 long
arg2 java.lang.String

Returns: java.lang.String


public final native Class<?> getClass()

Returns: java.lang.Class

getName(System.Type arg0, Object arg1)

public static String getName(System.Type arg0, Object arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Type
arg1 java.lang.Object

Returns: java.lang.String

getName(Class arg0, long arg1)

public static String getName(Class<?> arg0, long arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Class
arg1 long

Returns: java.lang.String

getNames(System.Type arg0)

public static String[] getNames(System.Type arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Type

Returns: java.lang.String[]

getNames(Class arg0)

public static Collection<String> getNames(Class<?> arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Class

Returns: java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>

getUnderlyingType(System.Type arg0)

public static System.Type getUnderlyingType(System.Type arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Type

Returns: com.aspose.ms.System.Type

getUnderlyingType(Class arg0)

public static Class<? extends Number> getUnderlyingType(Class<?> arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Class

Returns: java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.Number>

getValue(Class arg0, String arg1)

public static long getValue(Class<?> arg0, String arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Class
arg1 java.lang.String

Returns: long

getValues(System.Type arg0)

public static System.Array getValues(System.Type arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Type

Returns: com.aspose.ms.System.Array


public long get_Value()

Returns: long


public native int hashCode()

Returns: int

isDefined(System.Type arg0, Object arg1)

public static boolean isDefined(System.Type arg0, Object arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Type
arg1 java.lang.Object

Returns: boolean

isDefined(System.Type arg0, String arg1)

public static boolean isDefined(System.Type arg0, String arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Type
arg1 java.lang.String

Returns: boolean

isDefined(System.Type arg0, long arg1)

public static boolean isDefined(System.Type arg0, long arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Type
arg1 long

Returns: boolean

isDefined(Class arg0, long arg1)

public static boolean isDefined(Class<?> arg0, long arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Class
arg1 long

Returns: boolean


public final native void notify()


public final native void notifyAll()

parse(System.Type arg0, String arg1)

public static long parse(System.Type arg0, String arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Type
arg1 java.lang.String

Returns: long

parse(System.Type arg0, String arg1, Boolean arg2)

public static long parse(System.Type arg0, String arg1, Boolean arg2)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Type
arg1 java.lang.String
arg2 java.lang.Boolean

Returns: long

parse(Class arg0, String arg1)

public static long parse(Class<?> arg0, String arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Class
arg1 java.lang.String

Returns: long

parse(Class arg0, String arg1, Boolean arg2)

public static long parse(Class<?> arg0, String arg1, Boolean arg2)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Class
arg1 java.lang.String
arg2 java.lang.Boolean

Returns: long

register(System.Enum.AbstractEnum arg0)

public static void register(System.Enum.AbstractEnum arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Enum.AbstractEnum

toObject(System.Type arg0, Object arg1)

public static Object toObject(System.Type arg0, Object arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 com.aspose.ms.System.Type
arg1 java.lang.Object

Returns: java.lang.Object


public String toString()

Returns: java.lang.String

toString(Class arg0, long arg1)

public static String toString(Class<?> arg0, long arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Class
arg1 long

Returns: java.lang.String


public final void wait()

wait(long arg0)

public final native void wait(long arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long

wait(long arg0, int arg1)

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long
arg1 int