

Class Description
EmfBackgroundMode BackgroundMode Enumeration
EmfBrushStyle The BrushStyle Enumeration specifies the different possible brush types that can be used in graphics operations.
EmfFontWeight A 32-bit signed integer that specifies the weight of the font in the range zero through 1000.
EmfFormatSignature The FormatSignature enumeration defines values that are used to identify the format of embedded data in EMF records.
EmfGraphicsMode GraphicsMode Enumeration
EmfHatchStyle HatchStyle Enumeration
EmfMapMode The MapMode enumeration is used to define the unit of measure for transforming page space units into device space units and for defining the orientation of the drawing axes.
EmfModifyWorldTransformMode ModifyWorldTransformMode Enumeration
EmfPenStyle The PenStyle enumeration defines the attributes of pens that can be used in graphics operations.
EmfPolygonFillMode PolygonFillMode Enumeration
EmfRecordType The RecordType enumeration defines values that uniquely identify EMF records.
EmfTextAlignmentModeFlags TextAlignmentMode Flags specify the relationship between a reference point and a bounding rectangle, for text alignment.
WmfCharacterSet The CharacterSet Enumeration defines the possible sets of character glyphs that are defined in fonts for graphics output.
WmfClipPrecisionFlags ClipPrecision Flags specify clipping precision, which defines how to clip characters that are partially outside a clipping region.
WmfFamilyFont The FamilyFont enumeration specifies the font family.
WmfFontQuality The FontQuality Enumeration specifies how closely the attributes of the logical font should match those of the physical font when rendering text.
WmfOutPrecision The OutPrecision enumeration defines values for output precision, which is the requirement for the font mapper to match specific font parameters, including height, width, character orientation, escapement, pitch, and font type.
WmfPitchFont The PitchFont enumeration defines values that are used for specifying characteristics of a font.