
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class ZebraUnionFunc


Constructor Description


Method Description
calculateExtendedUnionParams(ZebraUnion aUnion, ByteBitmap aBitmap, int aBalance) Calculated extended params for union like bounding quad and gradient angle
calculateExtendedUnionParams(ZebraUnion aUnion, ByteBitmap aBitmap, int MaxGradientLines, int aBalance, int aSelection) Calculated extended params for union like bounding quad and gradient angle
createZebraUnionBasicWithBasicParams(List aList) Unites ZebraSegment union and calculates basic params: barcode type, value quality, length and zebra pixel size
equals(Object arg0)
getGradientAngle(List aList, ByteBitmap aBitmap, int MaxLines) Detects angle of the lines on the union area bt gradient algorithm
getUnionBalancedQuad(List aSegments, double aDetectedAngle, System.Drawing.Point aCentralPoint, QuadPoints aPreviousQuad, int aBalance, int aSelection) Creates bounding quadrangle for union zebra segments
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)


public ZebraUnionFunc()

calculateExtendedUnionParams(ZebraUnion aUnion, ByteBitmap aBitmap, int aBalance)

public static void calculateExtendedUnionParams(ZebraUnion aUnion, ByteBitmap aBitmap, int aBalance)

Calculated extended params for union like bounding quad and gradient angle


Parameter Type Description
aUnion ZebraUnion union with basic params
aBitmap ByteBitmap bitmap to gradient angle calculation
aBalance int balance edge types, fast or precise for noised images

calculateExtendedUnionParams(ZebraUnion aUnion, ByteBitmap aBitmap, int MaxGradientLines, int aBalance, int aSelection)

public static void calculateExtendedUnionParams(ZebraUnion aUnion, ByteBitmap aBitmap, int MaxGradientLines, int aBalance, int aSelection)

Calculated extended params for union like bounding quad and gradient angle


Parameter Type Description
aUnion ZebraUnion union with basic params
aBitmap ByteBitmap bitmap to gradient angle calculation
MaxGradientLines int maximum lines to calculate gradient angle
aBalance int balance edge types, fast or precise for noised images
aSelection int detect Start or/and End edges for Quad

createZebraUnionBasicWithBasicParams(List aList)

public static ZebraUnion createZebraUnionBasicWithBasicParams(List<ZebraSegment> aList)

Unites ZebraSegment union and calculates basic params: barcode type, value quality, length and zebra pixel size


Parameter Type Description
aList java.util.List<com.aspose.barcode.barcoderecognition.common.zebraxd.ZebraSegment> clustered segments which should be united to union

Returns: ZebraUnion - union with basic params

equals(Object arg0)

public boolean equals(Object arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Object

Returns: boolean


public final native Class<?> getClass()

Returns: java.lang.Class

getGradientAngle(List aList, ByteBitmap aBitmap, int MaxLines)

public static double getGradientAngle(List<ZebraSegment> aList, ByteBitmap aBitmap, int MaxLines)

Detects angle of the lines on the union area bt gradient algorithm


Parameter Type Description
aList java.util.List<com.aspose.barcode.barcoderecognition.common.zebraxd.ZebraSegment>
aBitmap ByteBitmap bitmap
MaxLines int maximum scans

Returns: double - detected gradient angle

getUnionBalancedQuad(List aSegments, double aDetectedAngle, System.Drawing.Point aCentralPoint, QuadPoints aPreviousQuad, int aBalance, int aSelection)

public static QuadPoints getUnionBalancedQuad(List<ZebraSegment> aSegments, double aDetectedAngle, System.Drawing.Point aCentralPoint, QuadPoints aPreviousQuad, int aBalance, int aSelection)

Creates bounding quadrangle for union zebra segments


Parameter Type Description
aSegments java.util.List<com.aspose.barcode.barcoderecognition.common.zebraxd.ZebraSegment> recognized zebra segments from union
aDetectedAngle double deetcted by gradient algorithm angle
aCentralPoint com.aspose.ms.System.Drawing.Point
aPreviousQuad QuadPoints quad from previous union
aBalance int balance edge types, fast or precise for noised images
aSelection int detect Start or/and End edges for Quad

Returns: QuadPoints - detected bounding quadrangle


public native int hashCode()

Returns: int


public final native void notify()


public final native void notifyAll()


public String toString()

Returns: java.lang.String


public final void wait()

wait(long arg0)

public final native void wait(long arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long

wait(long arg0, int arg1)

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long
arg1 int