
ReportingEngine.SetRestrictedTypes method

Specifies types, which members as well as which derived types’ members should be inaccessible by the engine through template syntax.

public static void SetRestrictedTypes(params Type[] types)
typesType[]Types to be restricted.


Restricted types should be set before the very first building of a report. After BuildReport is invoked, restricted types cannot be modified and an exception is thrown on attempt to do this. The best place to set restricted types is application startup.

Note that a big amount of restricted types may affect performance, so it is better to restrict only those types, access to which members is really sensitive.

Throws ArgumentException in the following cases:

  • types is null.

  • One of types items is null.

  • One of types items represents an invisible type, i.e. a non-public type or a public nested type which has a non-public outer type.

  • One of types items represents an array type.

  • types contain duplicate entries.


Shows how to deny access to members of types considered insecure.

Document doc =
        "<<var [typeVar = \"\".GetType().BaseType]>><<[typeVar]>>");

// Note, that you can't set restricted types during or after building a report.
// We set "AllowMissingMembers" option to avoid exceptions during building a report.
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine() { Options = ReportBuildOptions.AllowMissingMembers };
engine.BuildReport(doc, new object());

// We get an empty string because we can't access the GetType() method.
Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, doc.GetText().Trim());

See Also