
FieldOptions.PreProcessCulture property

Gets or sets the culture to preprocess field values.

public CultureInfo PreProcessCulture { get; set; }


Currently this property only affects value of the FieldDocProperty field.

The default value is null. When this property is set to null, the FieldDocProperty field’s value is preprocessed with the culture controlled by the FieldUpdateCultureSource property.


Shows how to set the preprocess culture.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.docx");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// Set the culture according to which some fields will format their displayed values.
doc.FieldOptions.PreProcessCulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");

Field field = builder.InsertField(" DOCPROPERTY CreateTime");

// The DOCPROPERTY field will display its result formatted according to the preprocess culture
// we have set to German. The field will display the date/time using the " hh:mm" format.
Assert.IsTrue(Regex.Match(field.Result, @"\d{2}[.]\d{2}[.]\d{4} \d{2}[:]\d{2}").Success);

doc.FieldOptions.PreProcessCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

// After switching to the invariant culture, the DOCPROPERTY field will use the "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm" format.
Assert.IsTrue(Regex.Match(field.Result, @"\d{2}[/]\d{2}[/]\d{4} \d{2}[:]\d{2}").Success);

See Also