
Create(byte[], SecureString)

Creates CertificateHolder object using byte array of PKCS12 store and its password.

public static CertificateHolder Create(byte[] certBytes, SecureString password)
certBytesByte[]A byte array that contains data from an X.509 certificate.
passwordSecureStringThe password required to access the X.509 certificate data.

Return Value

An instance of CertificateHolder


InvalidParameterExceptionThrown if certBytes is null
InvalidParameterExceptionThrown if password is null
SecurityExceptionThrown if PKCS12 store contains no aliases
IOExceptionThrown if there is wrong password or corrupted file.


Shows how to create CertificateHolder objects.

// Below are four ways of creating CertificateHolder objects.
// 1 -  Load a PKCS #12 file into a byte array and apply its password:
byte[] certBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(MyDir + "morzal.pfx");
CertificateHolder.Create(certBytes, "aw");

// 2 -  Load a PKCS #12 file into a byte array, and apply a secure password:
SecureString password = new NetworkCredential("", "aw").SecurePassword;
CertificateHolder.Create(certBytes, password);

// If the certificate has private keys corresponding to aliases,
// we can use the aliases to fetch their respective keys. First, we will check for valid aliases.
using (FileStream certStream = new FileStream(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", FileMode.Open))
    Pkcs12Store pkcs12Store = new Pkcs12StoreBuilder().Build();
    pkcs12Store.Load(certStream, "aw".ToCharArray());
    foreach (string currentAlias in pkcs12Store.Aliases)
        if ((currentAlias != null) &&
            (pkcs12Store.IsKeyEntry(currentAlias) &&
            Console.WriteLine($"Valid alias found: {currentAlias}");

// 3 -  Use a valid alias:
CertificateHolder.Create(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", "aw", "c20be521-11ea-4976-81ed-865fbbfc9f24");

// 4 -  Pass "null" as the alias in order to use the first available alias that returns a private key:
CertificateHolder.Create(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", "aw", null);

See Also

Create(byte[], string)

Creates CertificateHolder object using byte array of PKCS12 store and its password.

public static CertificateHolder Create(byte[] certBytes, string password)
certBytesByte[]A byte array that contains data from an X.509 certificate.
passwordStringThe password required to access the X.509 certificate data.

Return Value

An instance of CertificateHolder


InvalidParameterExceptionThrown if certBytes is null
InvalidParameterExceptionThrown if password is null
SecurityExceptionThrown if PKCS12 store contains no aliases
IOExceptionThrown if there is wrong password or corrupted file.


Shows how to create CertificateHolder objects.

// Below are four ways of creating CertificateHolder objects.
// 1 -  Load a PKCS #12 file into a byte array and apply its password:
byte[] certBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(MyDir + "morzal.pfx");
CertificateHolder.Create(certBytes, "aw");

// 2 -  Load a PKCS #12 file into a byte array, and apply a secure password:
SecureString password = new NetworkCredential("", "aw").SecurePassword;
CertificateHolder.Create(certBytes, password);

// If the certificate has private keys corresponding to aliases,
// we can use the aliases to fetch their respective keys. First, we will check for valid aliases.
using (FileStream certStream = new FileStream(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", FileMode.Open))
    Pkcs12Store pkcs12Store = new Pkcs12StoreBuilder().Build();
    pkcs12Store.Load(certStream, "aw".ToCharArray());
    foreach (string currentAlias in pkcs12Store.Aliases)
        if ((currentAlias != null) &&
            (pkcs12Store.IsKeyEntry(currentAlias) &&
            Console.WriteLine($"Valid alias found: {currentAlias}");

// 3 -  Use a valid alias:
CertificateHolder.Create(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", "aw", "c20be521-11ea-4976-81ed-865fbbfc9f24");

// 4 -  Pass "null" as the alias in order to use the first available alias that returns a private key:
CertificateHolder.Create(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", "aw", null);

See Also

Create(string, string)

Creates CertificateHolder object using path to PKCS12 store and its password.

public static CertificateHolder Create(string fileName, string password)
fileNameStringThe name of a certificate file.
passwordStringThe password required to access the X.509 certificate data.

Return Value

An instance of CertificateHolder


InvalidParameterExceptionThrown if fileName is null
InvalidParameterExceptionThrown if password is null
SecurityExceptionThrown if PKCS12 store contains no aliases
IOExceptionThrown if there is wrong password or corrupted file.


Shows how to digitally sign documents.

// Create an X.509 certificate from a PKCS#12 store, which should contain a private key.
CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.Create(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", "aw");

// Create a comment and date which will be applied with our new digital signature.
SignOptions signOptions = new SignOptions
    Comments = "My comment", 
    SignTime = DateTime.Now

// Take an unsigned document from the local file system via a file stream,
// then create a signed copy of it determined by the filename of the output file stream.
using (Stream streamIn = new FileStream(MyDir + "Document.docx", FileMode.Open))
    using (Stream streamOut = new FileStream(ArtifactsDir + "DigitalSignatureUtil.SignDocument.docx", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
        DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(streamIn, streamOut, certificateHolder, signOptions);

See Also

Create(string, string, string)

Creates CertificateHolder object using path to PKCS12 store, its password and the alias by using which private key and certificate will be found.

public static CertificateHolder Create(string fileName, string password, string alias)
fileNameStringThe name of a certificate file.
passwordStringThe password required to access the X.509 certificate data.
aliasStringThe associated alias for a certificate and its private key

Return Value

An instance of CertificateHolder


InvalidParameterExceptionThrown if fileName is null
InvalidParameterExceptionThrown if password is null
SecurityExceptionThrown if PKCS12 store contains no aliases
IOExceptionThrown if there is wrong password or corrupted file.
SecurityExceptionThrown if there is no private key with the given alias


Shows how to create CertificateHolder objects.

// Below are four ways of creating CertificateHolder objects.
// 1 -  Load a PKCS #12 file into a byte array and apply its password:
byte[] certBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(MyDir + "morzal.pfx");
CertificateHolder.Create(certBytes, "aw");

// 2 -  Load a PKCS #12 file into a byte array, and apply a secure password:
SecureString password = new NetworkCredential("", "aw").SecurePassword;
CertificateHolder.Create(certBytes, password);

// If the certificate has private keys corresponding to aliases,
// we can use the aliases to fetch their respective keys. First, we will check for valid aliases.
using (FileStream certStream = new FileStream(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", FileMode.Open))
    Pkcs12Store pkcs12Store = new Pkcs12StoreBuilder().Build();
    pkcs12Store.Load(certStream, "aw".ToCharArray());
    foreach (string currentAlias in pkcs12Store.Aliases)
        if ((currentAlias != null) &&
            (pkcs12Store.IsKeyEntry(currentAlias) &&
            Console.WriteLine($"Valid alias found: {currentAlias}");

// 3 -  Use a valid alias:
CertificateHolder.Create(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", "aw", "c20be521-11ea-4976-81ed-865fbbfc9f24");

// 4 -  Pass "null" as the alias in order to use the first available alias that returns a private key:
CertificateHolder.Create(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", "aw", null);

See Also