Aspose::Words::Markup::StructuredDocumentTagCollection class

StructuredDocumentTagCollection class

A collection of IStructuredDocumentTag instances that represent the structured document tags in the specified range. To learn more, visit the Structured Document Tags or Content Control documentation article.

class StructuredDocumentTagCollection : public System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Markup::IStructuredDocumentTag>>


get_Count()Returns the number of structured document tags in the collection.
GetById(int32_t)Returns the structured document tag by identifier.
GetByTag(const System::String&)Returns the first structured document tag encountered in the collection with the specified tag.
GetByTitle(const System::String&)Returns the first structured document tag encountered in the collection with the specified title.
GetEnumerator() overrideReturns an enumerator object.
GetType() const override
idx_get(int32_t)Returns the structured document tag at the specified index.
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override
Remove(int32_t)Removes the structured document tag with the specified identifier.
RemoveAt(int32_t)Removes a structured document tag at the specified index.
static Type()

See Also