Aspose::Words::Paragraph::get_ListLabel method

Paragraph::get_ListLabel method

Gets a ListLabel object that provides access to list numbering value and formatting for this paragraph.

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Lists::ListLabel> Aspose::Words::Paragraph::get_ListLabel()


Shows how to extract the list labels of all paragraphs that are list items.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Rendering.docx");

SharedPtr<NodeCollection> paras = doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Paragraph, true);

// Find if we have the paragraph list. In our document, our list uses plain Arabic numbers,
// which start at three and ends at six.
for (auto paragraph : System::IterateOver(
         paras->LINQ_OfType<SharedPtr<Paragraph>>()->LINQ_Where([](SharedPtr<Paragraph> p) { return p->get_ListFormat()->get_IsListItem(); })))
    std::cout << "List item paragraph #" << paras->IndexOf(paragraph) << std::endl;

    // This is the text we get when getting when we output this node to text format.
    // This text output will omit list labels. Trim any paragraph formatting characters.
    String paragraphText = paragraph->ToString(SaveFormat::Text).Trim();
    std::cout << "\tExported Text: " << paragraphText << std::endl;

    SharedPtr<ListLabel> label = paragraph->get_ListLabel();

    // This gets the position of the paragraph in the current level of the list. If we have a list with multiple levels,
    // this will tell us what position it is on that level.
    std::cout << "\tNumerical Id: " << label->get_LabelValue() << std::endl;

    // Combine them together to include the list label with the text in the output.
    std::cout << "\tList label combined with text: " << label->get_LabelString() << " " << paragraphText << std::endl;

See Also