Aspose::Words::Saving::PageSavingArgs::get_PageStream method

PageSavingArgs::get_PageStream method

Allows to specify the stream where the document page will be saved to.

System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> Aspose::Words::Saving::PageSavingArgs::get_PageStream() const


This property allows you to save document pages to streams instead of files.

The default value is null. When this property is null, the document page will be saved to a file specified in the PageFileName property.

If both PageStream and PageFileName are set, then PageStream will be used.


Shows how to use a callback to save a document to HTML page by page.

void PageFileNames()
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
    auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

    builder->Writeln(u"Page 1.");
    builder->Writeln(u"Page 2.");
    builder->InsertImage(ImageDir + u"Logo.jpg");
    builder->Writeln(u"Page 3.");

    // Create an "HtmlFixedSaveOptions" object, which we can pass to the document's "Save" method
    // to modify how we convert the document to HTML.
    auto htmlFixedSaveOptions = MakeObject<HtmlFixedSaveOptions>();

    // We will save each page in this document to a separate HTML file in the local file system.
    // Set a callback that allows us to name each output HTML document.

    doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"SavingCallback.PageFileNames.html", htmlFixedSaveOptions);

    ArrayPtr<String> filePaths = System::IO::Directory::GetFiles(ArtifactsDir)
                                     ->LINQ_Where([](String s) { return s.StartsWith(ArtifactsDir + u"SavingCallback.PageFileNames.Page_"); })

    ASSERT_EQ(3, filePaths->get_Length());

class CustomFileNamePageSavingCallback : public IPageSavingCallback
    void PageSaving(SharedPtr<PageSavingArgs> args) override
        String outFileName = String::Format(u"{0}SavingCallback.PageFileNames.Page_{1}.html", ArtifactsDir, args->get_PageIndex());

        // Below are two ways of specifying where Aspose.Words will save each page of the document.
        // 1 -  Set a filename for the output page file:

        // 2 -  Create a custom stream for the output page file:
        args->set_PageStream(MakeObject<System::IO::FileStream>(outFileName, System::IO::FileMode::Create));


See Also