Aspose::Words::Math::OfficeMathDisplayType enum

OfficeMathDisplayType enum

Specifies the display format type of the equation.

enum class OfficeMathDisplayType


Display0The Office Math is displayed on its own line.
Inline1The Office Math is displayed inline with the text.


Shows how to set office math display formatting.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Office math.docx");

auto officeMath = System::ExplicitCast<OfficeMath>(doc->GetChild(NodeType::OfficeMath, 0, true));

// OfficeMath nodes that are children of other OfficeMath nodes are always inline.
// The node we are working with is the base node to change its location and display type.
ASSERT_EQ(MathObjectType::OMathPara, officeMath->get_MathObjectType());
ASSERT_EQ(NodeType::OfficeMath, officeMath->get_NodeType());
ASPOSE_ASSERT_EQ(officeMath->get_ParentNode(), officeMath->get_ParentParagraph());

// Change the location and display type of the OfficeMath node.

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Shape.OfficeMath.docx");

See Also