Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldAutoNum::get_SeparatorCharacter method

FieldAutoNum::get_SeparatorCharacter method

Gets or sets the separator character to be used.

System::String Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldAutoNum::get_SeparatorCharacter()


Shows how to number paragraphs using autonum fields.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);

// Each AUTONUM field displays the current value of a running count of AUTONUM fields,
// allowing us to automatically number items like a numbered list.
// This field will display a number "1.".
auto field = System::ExplicitCast<FieldAutoNum>(builder->InsertField(FieldType::FieldAutoNum, true));
builder->Writeln(u"\tParagraph 1.");

ASSERT_EQ(u" AUTONUM ", field->GetFieldCode());

field = System::ExplicitCast<FieldAutoNum>(builder->InsertField(FieldType::FieldAutoNum, true));
builder->Writeln(u"\tParagraph 2.");

// The separator character, which appears in the field result immediately after the number,is a full stop by default.
// If we leave this property null, our second AUTONUM field will display "2." in the document.
ASSERT_TRUE(field->get_SeparatorCharacter() == nullptr);

// We can set this property to apply the first character of its string as the new separator character.
// In this case, our AUTONUM field will now display "2:".

ASSERT_EQ(u" AUTONUM  \\s :", field->GetFieldCode());

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Field.AUTONUM.docx");

See Also