Aspose::Words::Drawing::RelativeHorizontalSize enum

RelativeHorizontalSize enum

Specifies relatively to what the width of a shape or a text frame is calculated horizontally.

enum class RelativeHorizontalSize


Margin0Specifies that the width is calculated relatively to the space between the left and the right margins.
Page1Specifies that the width is calculated relatively to the page width.
LeftMargin2Specifies that the width is calculated relatively to the left margin area size.
RightMargin3Specifies that the width is calculated relatively to the right margin area size.
InnerMargin4Specifies that the width is calculated relatively to the inside margin area size, to the left margin area size for odd pages and to the right margin area size for even pages.
OuterMargin5Specifies that the width is calculated relatively to the outside margin area size, to the right margin area size for odd pages and to the left margin area size for even pages.
Defaultn/aDefault value is Margin.

See Also