Handling Invalid Size Exception for Bitmap in Aspose.Tasks


In this tutorial, we will delve into handling the BitmapInvalidSizeException when working with Aspose.Tasks for .NET. Aspose.Tasks is a powerful library that allows developers to manipulate Microsoft Project files programmatically, enabling tasks such as saving projects as images. However, occasionally, when attempting to save a project as an image, we might encounter an Invalid Size Exception related to the bitmap. This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of catching and handling this exception effectively.


Before proceeding with this tutorial, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Basic understanding of C# programming language.
  2. Installed Aspose.Tasks for .NET.
  3. Familiarity with working with Microsoft Project files.

Import Namespaces

Before starting, make sure to import the necessary namespaces:

using Aspose.Tasks;
using System;

using Aspose.Tasks.Saving;
using Aspose.Tasks.Visualization;

Step 1: Initialize Project and Define View

Firstly, initialize a Project object and define a view, such as the GanttChartView.

// The path to th documents directory.
String DataDir = "Your Document Directory";
var project = new Project(DataDir + "Blank2010.mpp");
GanttChartView view = (GanttChartView) project.Views.ToList()[0];

Step 2: Specify Image Save Options

Next, specify the options for saving the image, including the format and timescale.

var options = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFileFormat.Png)
    Timescale = Timescale.DefinedInView

Step 3: Set Timescale Unit and Count

Adjust the timescale unit and count according to your requirements. In this example, we set the timescale to minutes.

view.MiddleTimescaleTier.Unit = TimescaleUnit.Minutes;
view.MiddleTimescaleTier.Count = 1;

Step 4: Save Project as Image

Attempt to save the project as an image using the specified options.

project.Save(DataDir + "SaveToStreamAndCatchException_out.mpp", options);

Step 5: Catch and Handle Exception

Implement exception handling to catch the BitmapInvalidSizeException if it occurs during the image-saving process.

    // Attempt to save project as an image
    project.Save(DataDir + "SaveToStreamAndCatchException_out.mpp", options);
catch (BitmapInvalidSizeException ex)
    // Handle the exception


In conclusion, handling the BitmapInvalidSizeException when saving projects as images in Aspose.Tasks for .NET is crucial for ensuring smooth execution of your applications. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can effectively catch and handle this exception, thus enhancing the robustness of your project management solutions.


Q1: What causes the BitmapInvalidSizeException in Aspose.Tasks?

A1: This exception occurs when attempting to save a project as an image with invalid bitmap size parameters.

Q2: Can I customize the timescale when saving a project as an image?

A2: Yes, you can adjust the timescale unit and count according to your requirements, as demonstrated in the tutorial.

Q3: Where can I find more resources for working with Aspose.Tasks for .NET?

A3: You can explore the documentation and support forums provided by Aspose.Tasks for comprehensive guidance and assistance.

Q4: Is Aspose.Tasks compatible with different versions of Microsoft Project files?

A4: Yes, Aspose.Tasks supports various versions of Microsoft Project files, allowing seamless interoperability.

Q5: How can I obtain a temporary license for Aspose.Tasks?

A5: You can acquire a temporary license for evaluation purposes through the provided link in the article.