
TeXJob(Stream, Device, TeXOptions)

Creates a TeX job for running the engine in production mode to typeset a TeX file.

public TeXJob(Stream stream, Device device, TeXOptions options)
streamStreamThe stream containing the TeX file.
deviceDeviceThe device defining output representation.
optionsTeXOptionsTeX engine run options.

See Also

TeXJob(string, Device, TeXOptions)

Creates a TeX job for running the engine in production mode to typeset a TeX file.

public TeXJob(string path, Device device, TeXOptions options)
pathStringThe path to the TeX file.
deviceDeviceThe device defining output representation.
optionsTeXOptionsTeX engine run options.

See Also

TeXJob(Device, TeXOptions)

Creates a TeX job for running the engine in production mode to typeset a TeX document. The engine will prompt the file name as soon as it starts. Thus this run is supposed to be interactive.

public TeXJob(Device device, TeXOptions options)
deviceDeviceThe device defining output representation.
optionsTeXOptionsTeX engine run options.

See Also