
OutlineCodeCollection class

Represents a collection of OutlineCode objects.

public class OutlineCodeCollection : IList<OutlineCode>


Count { get; }Gets the number of elements contained in this collection.
IsReadOnly { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this collection is read-only; otherwise, false.
Item { get; set; }Returns or sets the element at the specified index.


Add(OutlineCode)Adds the specified item to this collection.
Clear()Removes all items from this collection.
Contains(OutlineCode)Returns true if the specified item is found in this collection; otherwise, false.
CopyTo(OutlineCode[], int)Copies the elements of this collection to the specified array, starting at the specified array index.
GetEnumerator()Returns an enumerator for this collection.
IndexOf(OutlineCode)Determines the index of the specified item in this collection.
Insert(int, OutlineCode)Inserts the specified item at the specified index.
Remove(OutlineCode)Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from this collection.
RemoveAt(int)Removes an item at the specified index.


Shows how to work with outline code collections.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "OutlineCodes2003.mpp");

var collector = new ChildTasksCollector();
TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, collector, 0);

for (var i = 0; i < collector.Tasks.Count; i++)
    var current = collector.Tasks[i];
    if (current.Get(Tsk.Id) == 0)

    Console.WriteLine("Print outline codes for the " + current.Get(Tsk.Name) + " task.");
    Console.WriteLine("Count of outline codes: " + current.OutlineCodes.Count);
    foreach (var outlineCode in current.OutlineCodes)
        Console.WriteLine("Field Id: " + outlineCode.FieldId);
        Console.WriteLine("Value Id: " + outlineCode.ValueId);
        Console.WriteLine("Value Guid: " + outlineCode.ValueGuid);

// add a custom outline code definition
var outlineCodeDefinition = new OutlineCodeDefinition { FieldId = ((int)ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode3).ToString("D"), Alias = "My Outline Code" };

// create outline code
var value = new OutlineValue { Type = OutlineValueType.Text, Value = "Val1", Description = "Descr1", ValueId = 1 };

var codeOne = new OutlineCode { FieldId = outlineCodeDefinition.FieldId, ValueId = 1, ValueGuid = value.ValueGuid.ToString("D").ToUpperInvariant() };

var task = project.RootTask.Children.GetByUid(2);

// one can check that collection is not read only
if (!task.OutlineCodes.IsReadOnly)

var codeZero = new OutlineCode { FieldId = outlineCodeDefinition.FieldId, ValueId = 0, ValueGuid = value.ValueGuid.ToString("D").ToUpperInvariant() };

task.OutlineCodes.Insert(0, codeZero);

var code2 = new OutlineCode { FieldId = outlineCodeDefinition.FieldId, ValueId = 2, ValueGuid = value.ValueGuid.ToString("D").ToUpperInvariant() };

// insert code with 2 in a wrong position
task.OutlineCodes.Insert(0, code2);

// fix it
var indexOf = task.OutlineCodes.IndexOf(code2);

// insert code with 2 in a right position
task.OutlineCodes.Insert(2, code2);

// check that the code was inserted
Console.WriteLine("Is outline codes contains the inserted value: " + task.OutlineCodes.Contains(code2));

// ...
// work with outline codes
// ...
var otherProject = new Project(DataDir + "OutlineCodes2003.mpp");
var otherTask = otherProject.RootTask.Children.GetById(2);

// add a custom outline code definition
outlineCodeDefinition = new OutlineCodeDefinition { FieldId = ((int)ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode3).ToString("D"), Alias = "My Outline Code" };

// create outline code
var otherValue = new OutlineValue { Type = OutlineValueType.Text, Value = "Val1", Description = "Descr1", ValueId = 1 };

var outlineCodes = new OutlineCode[task.OutlineCodes.Count];
task.OutlineCodes.CopyTo(outlineCodes, 0);

foreach (var code in outlineCodes)

// ...
// work with outline codes
// ...

// remove outline code

while (otherTask.OutlineCodes.Count > 0)

// clear all values at once

See Also