
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.tasks.IContainer

public class Project extends IContainer<Byte>

Represents a project.

The Project is a central class in the Aspose.Tasks library.

One can use Project to read one of supported project management formats: MPP, MPT, MPX, XML.

To load an existing document in any of the supported formats, pass a file name or a stream into one of the Project constructors. To create a blank project, call the parameterless constructor.

Use one of the Save method overloads to save the project in any of the SaveFileFormat formats: Primavera: P6 XML, PM XER; Microsoft Excel: XLSX, XML; Fixed Layout: PDF; Images: JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, SVG; Text: TXT; Others: HTML.

To print the project, use one of the print() method overloads.

The Project stores project-wide information such as Aspose.Tasks.Project.Views(getViews()/setViews(ViewCollection)), Aspose.Tasks.Project.BuiltInProps(getBuiltInProps()/ setBuiltInProps(BuiltInProjectPropertyCollection)), Aspose.Tasks.Project.CustomProps(getCustomProps()/ setCustomProps(CustomProjectPropertyCollection)), and Aspose.Tasks.Project.ExtendedAttributes(getExtendedAttributes()/ setExtendedAttributes(ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection)). Most of these objects are accessible via the corresponding properties of the Project class.

The Project is a root entity that contains entry points to manipulate other project entities, such as Task, Resource, ResourceAssignment, ExtendedAttribute and Calendar.

The Project entities can be accessed via typed collections, for example Aspose.Tasks.Task.Children(Task.getChildren()/ Task.setChildren(TaskCollection)), Aspose.Tasks.Project.Resources(getResources()/ setResources(ResourceCollection)), Aspose.Tasks.Project.ResourceAssignments(getResourceAssignments()/ setResourceAssignments(ResourceAssignmentCollection)), etc.


Project()Initializes a new instance of the Project class.
Project(String projectTemplate, String protectionPassword)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a password protected template (existent mpp or mpt file).
Project(String projectTemplate)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file).
Project(InputStream stream, PrimaveraReadOptions options)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from the Stream with the specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class.
Project(String projectTemplate, ParseErrorCallback parseErrorHandler)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file).
Project(InputStream stream)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a stream.
Project(String projectTemplate, PrimaveraReadOptions options)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent MPP or MPT file) with the specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class.
Project(DbSettings settings)Initializes a new instance of the Project class to read data from a database which is specified by the instance of the DbSettings class.
Project(InputStream stream, ParseErrorCallback parseErrorHandler)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template(existent mpp or mpt file).
Project(InputStream stream, String protectionPassword)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template(existent mpp or mpt file).
Project(String projectTemplate, LoadOptions options)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file) with the specified instance of the LoadOptions class.
Project(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options)Initializes a new instance of the Project class from the Stream with the specified instance of the LoadOptions class.


<T>get(Key<T,Byte> key)Returns the value to which the property is mapped in this container.
<T>set(Key<T,Byte> key, T val)Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container.
copyTo(Project another)Copies project’s main data and properties to another project.
copyTo(Project another, CopyToOptions options)Copies project’s main data and properties to another project.
enumerateAllChildTasks()Recursively enumerates all project’s tasks including root task.
getActualsInSync()Gets a value indicating whether ActualsInSync is set or not.
getAdminProject()Gets a value indicating whether AdminProject is set or not.
getAreEditableActualCosts()Gets a value indicating whether AreEditableActualCosts is set or not.
getAuthor()Gets a value of Author.
getAutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks()Gets a value indicating whether AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks is set or not.
getAutoCalculateAssignmentCosts()Gets whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment’s work and resource rates.
getAutolink()Gets a value indicating whether Autolink is set or not.
getBaselineForEarnedValue()Gets a value of BaselineForEarnedValue.
getBaselineSaveTime(int baselineNumber)Returns the baseline save time.
getBuiltInProps()Gets project’s built-in properties collection.
getCalculationMode()Gets calculation mode of a project.
getCalendar()Gets a value of Calendar.
getCalendars()Gets CalendarCollection object of this Project instance.
getCategory()Gets a value of Category.
getComments()Gets a value of Comments.
getCompany()Gets a value of Company.
getCreationDate()Gets a value of CreationDate.
getCriticalPath()Gets a collection which contains a list of Critical tasks which comprise Critical Path of this project.
getCriticalSlackLimit()Gets a value of CriticalSlackLimit.
getCurrencyCode()Gets a value of CurrencyCode.
getCurrencyDigits()Gets a value of CurrencyDigits.
getCurrencySymbol()Gets a value of CurrencySymbol.
getCurrencySymbolPosition()Gets a value of CurrencySymbolPosition.
getCurrentDate()Gets a value of CurrentDate.
getCustomDateFormat()Gets a value of CustomDateFormat.
getCustomProps()Gets project’s custom properties collection.
getDateFormat()Gets a value of DateFormat.
getDaysPerMonth()Gets a value of DaysPerMonth.
getDefaultFinishTime()Gets a value of DefaultFinishTime.
getDefaultFixedCostAccrual()Gets a value of DefaultFixedCostAccrual.
getDefaultOvertimeRate()Gets a value of DefaultOvertimeRate.
getDefaultStandardRate()Gets a value of DefaultStandardRate.
getDefaultStartTime()Gets a value of DefaultStartTime.
getDefaultTaskEVMethod()Gets a value of DefaultTaskEVMethod.
getDefaultTaskType()Gets a value of DefaultTaskType.
getDefaultView()Gets default view of the project.
getDefaultWeekWorkingDays()Gets the instance of WeekDayCollection class which represents a collection of project default week working days and working times.
getDisplayOptions()Gets an instance of the ProjectDisplayOptions class.
getDuration(double val)Gets Duration object with the specified number of units and default duration format which is defined in project’s settings Prj.DURATION_FORMAT.
getDuration(double val, byte timeUnit)Gets Duration object with the specified number of TimeUnitType units.
getDurationFormat()Gets a value of DurationFormat.
getEarnedValueMethod()Gets a value of EarnedValueMethod.
getExtendedAttributes()Gets ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection object.
getExtendedCreationDate()Gets a value of ExtendedCreationDate.
getFinishDate()Gets a value of FinishDate.
getFiscalYearStart()Gets a value indicating whether FiscalYearStart is set or not.
getFyStartDate()Gets a value of FyStartDate.
getGuid()Gets a value of Guid.
getHonorConstraints()Gets a value indicating whether HonorConstraints is set or not.
getHyperlinkBase()Gets a value of HyperlinkBase.
getInsertedProjectsLikeSummary()Gets a value indicating whether InsertedProjectsLikeSummary is set or not.
getKeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled()Gets a value indicating whether KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled is set or not.
getKeywords()Gets a value of Keywords.
getLastAuthor()Gets a value of LastAuthor.
getLastPrinted()Gets a value of LastPrinted.
getLastSaved()Gets a value of LastSaved.
getManager()Gets a value of Manager.
getMicrosoftProjectServerURL()Gets a value indicating whether MicrosoftProjectServerURL is set or not.
getMinutesPerDay()Gets a value of MinutesPerDay.
getMinutesPerWeek()Gets a value of MinutesPerWeek.
getMoveCompletedEndsBack()Gets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsBack is set or not.
getMoveCompletedEndsForward()Gets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsForward is set or not.
getMoveRemainingStartsBack()Gets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsBack is set or not.
getMoveRemainingStartsForward()Gets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsForward is set or not.
getMultipleCriticalPaths()Gets a value indicating whether MultipleCriticalPaths is set or not.
getName()Gets a value of Name.
getNewTaskStartDate()Gets a value of NewTaskStartDate.
getNewTasksAreManual()Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksAreManual is set or not.
getNewTasksEffortDriven()Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksEffortDriven is set or not.
getNewTasksEstimated()Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksEstimated is set or not.
getOleObjects()Gets a collection containing the instances of the OleObject class which are linked or embedded to this project file.
getOutlineCodes()Gets OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection object.
getPageCount()Returns page count for the project to be rendered using default Timescale(Days).
getPageCount(SaveOptions saveOptions)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given SaveOptions.
getPageCount(int format, int scale)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale and PresentationFormat.
getPageCount_PageSize(int pageSize, int scale)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale and PageSize.
getPageCount_PageSize(int pageSize, int scale, Date startDate, Date endDate)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale, PresentationFormat and date range.
getPageCount_PresentationFormat(int format)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using default Timescale(Days) and given PresentationFormat
getPageCount_Timescale(int scale)Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale.
getPredecessors(Task task)Returns a collection of task links which are predecessors of the specified task.
getPrimaveraProperties()Gets an object containing Primavera-specific properties for a project read from Primavera file.
getProjectExternallyEdited()Gets a value indicating whether ProjectExternallyEdited is set or not.
getProjectFileInfo(InputStream stream)Gets project file info from the stream.
getProjectFileInfo(String filename)Read project file info from the file.
getRemoveFileProperties()Gets a value indicating whether RemoveFileProperties is set or not.
getResourceAssignments()Gets ResourceAssignmentCollection object.
getResourceFilters()Gets all the resource-based filter definitions.
getResourceGroups()Gets all of the resource-based group definitions.
getResources()Gets ResourceCollection object.
getRevision()Gets a value of Revision.
getRootTask()Gets the root of the tree of tasks.
getSaveVersion()Gets a value of SaveVersion.
getScheduleFromStart()Gets a value indicating whether ScheduleFromStart is set or not.
getShowProjectSummaryTask()Gets a value indicating whether ShowProjectSummaryTask is set or not.
getSplitsInProgressTasks()Gets a value indicating whether SplitsInProgressTasks is set or not.
getSpreadActualCost()Gets a value indicating whether SpreadActualCost is set or not.
getSpreadPercentComplete()Gets a value indicating whether SpreadPercentComplete is set or not.
getStartDate()Gets a value of StartDate.
getStatusDate()Gets a value of StatusDate.
getSubject()Gets a value of Subject.
getTables()Gets a list of Table objects.
getTaskFilters()Gets all the task-based filter definitions.
getTaskGroups()Gets all the task-based group definitions.
getTaskLinks()Gets TaskLinkCollection object.
getTaskUpdatesResource()Gets a value indicating whether TaskUpdatesResource is set or not.
getTemplate()Gets a value of Template.
getTimescaleFinish()Gets a value of TimescaleFinish.
getTimescaleStart()Gets a value of TimescaleStart.
getTitle()Gets a value of Title.
getUid()Gets a value of Uid.
getUpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks()Gets a value indicating whether UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks is set or not.
getVbaProject()Gets an instance of VbaProject(getVbaProject()/setVbaProject(VbaProject)) class.
getViews()Gets a list of View objects.
getWBSCodeDefinition()Gets WBS Code Definition for the project.
getWeekStartDay()Gets a value of WeekStartDay.
getWork(double val)Gets Duration object with the specified double value and default work format.
getWorkFormat()Gets a value of WorkFormat.
print()Prints project to the default printer with default printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(PrintOptions options)Prints project to the default printer with default printer settings and custom save options using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(PrinterSettings printerSettings)Prints project according to the specified printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(PrinterSettings printerSettings, PrintOptions options)Prints project according to the specified printer settings and custom save options using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(PrinterSettings printerSettings, PrintOptions options, String documentName)Prints project according to the specified printer settings, custom save options and the specified document name using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(PrinterSettings printerSettings, String documentName)Prints project according to the specified printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
print(String printerName)Prints project to the specified printer with default printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
recalculate()Reschedules all project tasks ids, outline levels, start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields.
recalculate(boolean validate)Reschedules all project tasks ids, outline levels, start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields with optional validation.
recalculateResourceFields()Recalculates Id, Start and Finish of resources.
recalculateResourceStartFinish()Recalculates Start and Finish of resources.
removeInvalidResourceAssignments()Eliminates invalid resource assignments from the project resource assignments list.
renumberWBSCode()Renumber WBS code of all tasks.
renumberWBSCode(List<Integer> taskIds)Renumber WBS code of passed tasks.
rescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter(Date after)Reschedules uncompleted project work to start after a specified date.
rescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter(Date after, List<Task> taskCollection)Reschedules uncompleted work for a specified list of tasks to start after a specified date.
save(OutputStream stream, SimpleSaveOptions options)Saves the project to a stream using the specified save options.
save(OutputStream stream, int format)Saves the project data to the stream.
save(String filename)Saves the project data to the file in mpp format.
save(String filename, SimpleSaveOptions options)Saves the document to a file using the specified save options.
save(String filename, int format)Saves the project data to the file.
saveAsTemplate(OutputStream stream)Saves the project as a template to a specified stream.
saveAsTemplate(OutputStream stream, SaveTemplateOptions options)Saves the project as a template to a specified stream.
saveAsTemplate(String fileName)Saves the project as a template to the specified file path.
saveAsTemplate(String fileName, SaveTemplateOptions options)Saves the project as a template.
saveReport(OutputStream stream)Saves the project overview report to the stream.
saveReport(OutputStream stream, int reportType)Saves the project report of the specified type to the specified stream.
saveReport(String fileName)Saves the project overview report to PDF file.
saveReport(String fileName, int reportType)Saves the project report of the specified type in PDF format to the specified file path.
selectAllChildTasks()Recursively collects all child tasks of the root task.
set(Key<Date,Byte> key, Date val)Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container.
setActualsInSync(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether ActualsInSync is set or not.
setAdminProject(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether AdminProject is set or not.
setAreEditableActualCosts(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether AreEditableActualCosts is set or not.
setAuthor(String value)Sets a value of Author.
setAutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks is set or not.
setAutoCalculateAssignmentCosts(boolean value)Sets whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment’s work and resource rates.
setAutolink(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether Autolink is set or not.
setBaseline(int baselineType)Saves baseline fields to the specified baseline for the entire project.
setBaseline(int baselineType, Iterable<Task> taskCollection)Saves baseline fields to the specified baseline for the selected tasks.
setBaselineForEarnedValue(int value)Sets a value of BaselineForEarnedValue.
setBaselineSaveTime(int baselineNumber, Date value)Sets the baseline save time.
setCalculationMode(int value)Sets calculation mode of a project.
setCalendar(Calendar value)Sets a value of Calendar.
setCategory(String value)Sets a value of Category.
setComments(String value)Sets a value of Comments.
setCompany(String value)Sets a value of Company.
setCreationDate(Date value)Sets a value of CreationDate.
setCriticalSlackLimit(int value)Sets a value of CriticalSlackLimit.
setCurrencyCode(String value)Sets a value of CurrencyCode.
setCurrencyDigits(int value)Sets a value of CurrencyDigits.
setCurrencySymbol(String value)Sets a value of CurrencySymbol.
setCurrencySymbolPosition(int value)Sets a value of CurrencySymbolPosition.
setCurrentDate(Date value)Sets a value of CurrentDate.
setCustomDateFormat(String value)Sets a value of CustomDateFormat.
setDateFormat(int value)Sets a value of DateFormat.
setDaysPerMonth(int value)Sets a value of DaysPerMonth.
setDefaultFinishTime(Date value)Sets a value of DefaultFinishTime.
setDefaultFixedCostAccrual(int value)Sets a value of DefaultFixedCostAccrual.
setDefaultOvertimeRate(double value)Sets a value of DefaultOvertimeRate.
setDefaultStandardRate(double value)Sets a value of DefaultStandardRate.
setDefaultStartTime(Date value)Sets a value of DefaultStartTime.
setDefaultTaskEVMethod(int value)Sets a value of DefaultTaskEVMethod.
setDefaultTaskType(int value)Sets a value of DefaultTaskType.
setDefaultView(View value)Sets default view of the project.
setDurationFormat(byte value)Sets a value of DurationFormat.
setEarnedValueMethod(int value)Sets a value of EarnedValueMethod.
setExtendedCreationDate(Date value)Sets a value of ExtendedCreationDate.
setFinishDate(Date value)Sets a value of FinishDate.
setFiscalYearStart(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether FiscalYearStart is set or not.
setFyStartDate(int value)Sets a value of FyStartDate.
setGuid(UUID value)Sets a value of Guid.
setHonorConstraints(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether HonorConstraints is set or not.
setHyperlinkBase(String value)Sets a value of HyperlinkBase.
setInsertedProjectsLikeSummary(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether InsertedProjectsLikeSummary is set or not.
setKeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled is set or not.
setKeywords(String value)Sets a value of Keywords.
setLastAuthor(String value)Sets a value of LastAuthor.
setLastPrinted(Date value)Sets a value of LastPrinted.
setLastSaved(Date value)Sets a value of LastSaved.
setManager(String value)Sets a value of Manager.
setMicrosoftProjectServerURL(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether MicrosoftProjectServerURL is set or not.
setMinutesPerDay(int value)Sets a value of MinutesPerDay.
setMinutesPerWeek(int value)Sets a value of MinutesPerWeek.
setMoveCompletedEndsBack(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsBack is set or not.
setMoveCompletedEndsForward(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsForward is set or not.
setMoveRemainingStartsBack(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsBack is set or not.
setMoveRemainingStartsForward(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsForward is set or not.
setMultipleCriticalPaths(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether MultipleCriticalPaths is set or not.
setName(String value)Sets a value of Name.
setNewTaskStartDate(int value)Sets a value of NewTaskStartDate.
setNewTasksAreManual(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksAreManual is set or not.
setNewTasksEffortDriven(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksEffortDriven is set or not.
setNewTasksEstimated(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksEstimated is set or not.
setProjectExternallyEdited(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether ProjectExternallyEdited is set or not.
setRemoveFileProperties(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether RemoveFileProperties is set or not.
setRevision(int value)Sets a value of Revision.
setSaveVersion(int value)Sets a value of SaveVersion.
setScheduleFromStart(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether ScheduleFromStart is set or not.
setShowProjectSummaryTask(boolean value)Sets a value indicating whether ShowProjectSummaryTask is set or not.
setSplitsInProgressTasks(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether SplitsInProgressTasks is set or not.
setSpreadActualCost(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether SpreadActualCost is set or not.
setSpreadPercentComplete(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether SpreadPercentComplete is set or not.
setStartDate(Date value)Sets a value of StartDate.
setStatusDate(Date value)Sets a value of StatusDate.
setSubject(String value)Sets a value of Subject.
setTaskUpdatesResource(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether TaskUpdatesResource is set or not.
setTemplate(String value)Sets a value of Template.
setTimescaleFinish(Date value)Sets a value of TimescaleFinish.
setTimescaleStart(Date value)Sets a value of TimescaleStart.
setTitle(String value)Sets a value of Title.
setUid(String value)Sets a value of Uid.
setUpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks(NullableBool value)Sets a value indicating whether UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks is set or not.
setWBSCodeDefinition(WBSCodeDefinition value)Sets WBS Code Definition for the project.
setWeekStartDay(int value)Sets a value of WeekStartDay.
setWorkFormat(byte value)Sets a value of WorkFormat.
updateProjectWorkAsComplete(Date completeThrough, boolean setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly)Updates all work as complete through a specified date for the entire project.
updateProjectWorkAsComplete(Date completeThrough, boolean setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly, List<Task> taskCollection)Updates all work as complete through a specified date for the specified list of tasks.


public Project()

Initializes a new instance of the Project class.

Project(String projectTemplate, String protectionPassword)

public Project(String projectTemplate, String protectionPassword)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a password protected template (existent mpp or mpt file).


projectTemplatejava.lang.StringPath to template to create project from.
protectionPasswordjava.lang.StringProtection password.

Reading password protected files currently supported for MSP 2003 file format only. |

Project(String projectTemplate)

public Project(String projectTemplate)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file).


projectTemplatejava.lang.StringPath to template to create project from.

Project(InputStream stream, PrimaveraReadOptions options)

public Project(InputStream stream, PrimaveraReadOptions options)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from the Stream with the specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class.


ParameterTypeDescription of the Project
optionsPrimaveraReadOptionsthe specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptionsclass which allows to customize reading of Primavera formats (XER or XML).

Project(String projectTemplate, ParseErrorCallback parseErrorHandler)

public Project(String projectTemplate, ParseErrorCallback parseErrorHandler)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file).


projectTemplatejava.lang.StringPath to template to create project from.
parseErrorHandlerParseErrorCallbackthe specified callback method to handle xml parse errors.

Project(InputStream stream)

public Project(InputStream stream)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a stream.


ParameterTypeDescription to load a template from.

Project(String projectTemplate, PrimaveraReadOptions options)

public Project(String projectTemplate, PrimaveraReadOptions options)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent MPP or MPT file) with the specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class.


projectTemplatejava.lang.StringPath to template to create project from
optionsPrimaveraReadOptionsthe specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class.

Project(DbSettings settings)

public Project(DbSettings settings)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class to read data from a database which is specified by the instance of the DbSettings class.


settingsDbSettingsthe specified instance of the DbSettings class.

Project(InputStream stream, ParseErrorCallback parseErrorHandler)

public Project(InputStream stream, ParseErrorCallback parseErrorHandler)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template(existent mpp or mpt file).


ParameterTypeDescription to load a template from.
parseErrorHandlerParseErrorCallbackthe specified callback method to handle xml parse errors.

Project(InputStream stream, String protectionPassword)

public Project(InputStream stream, String protectionPassword)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template(existent mpp or mpt file).


ParameterTypeDescription to load a template from.
protectionPasswordjava.lang.StringProtection password.

Reading password protected files currently supported for MSP 2003 file format only. |

Project(String projectTemplate, LoadOptions options)

public Project(String projectTemplate, LoadOptions options)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file) with the specified instance of the LoadOptions class.


projectTemplatejava.lang.StringPath to template to create project from
optionsLoadOptionsthe specified instance of the LoadOptions class.

Project(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options)

public Project(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from the Stream with the specified instance of the LoadOptions class.


ParameterTypeDescription of the Project
optionsLoadOptionsthe specified instance of the LoadOptionsclass

<T>get(Key<T,Byte> key)

public final T <T>get(Key<T,Byte> key)

Returns the value to which the property is mapped in this container.


keycom.aspose.tasks.Key<T,java.lang.Byte>the specified property key. Prj for getting the property key.

Returns: T - the value to which the property is mapped in this container.

<T>set(Key<T,Byte> key, T val)

public final void <T>set(Key<T,Byte> key, T val)

Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container.


keycom.aspose.tasks.Key<T,java.lang.Byte>the specified property key. Prj for getting the property key.
valTthe value.

copyTo(Project another)

public final void copyTo(Project another)

Copies project’s main data and properties to another project.


anotherProjectAnother project to copy data to.

copyTo(Project another, CopyToOptions options)

public final void copyTo(Project another, CopyToOptions options)

Copies project’s main data and properties to another project.


anotherProjectAnother project to copy data to.
optionsCopyToOptionsCopy options to control copy process.


public final Iterable<Task> enumerateAllChildTasks()

Recursively enumerates all project’s tasks including root task.

Returns: java.lang.Iterable<com.aspose.tasks.Task> - IEnumerable which can be used to iterate over all project’s tasks.

Provides a more lightweight way to iterate over tasks compared to selectAllChildTasks() method as it does not allocate memory for all tasks.


public final NullableBool getActualsInSync()

Gets a value indicating whether ActualsInSync is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether ActualsInSync is set or not.


public final NullableBool getAdminProject()

Gets a value indicating whether AdminProject is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether AdminProject is set or not.


public final NullableBool getAreEditableActualCosts()

Gets a value indicating whether AreEditableActualCosts is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether AreEditableActualCosts is set or not.


public final String getAuthor()

Gets a value of Author.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Author.


public final NullableBool getAutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks()

Gets a value indicating whether AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks is set or not.


public final boolean getAutoCalculateAssignmentCosts()

Gets whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment’s work and resource rates.

Returns: boolean - whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment’s work and resource rates.

public final NullableBool getAutolink()

Gets a value indicating whether Autolink is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether Autolink is set or not.


public final int getBaselineForEarnedValue()

Gets a value of BaselineForEarnedValue.

Returns: int - a value of BaselineForEarnedValue.

getBaselineSaveTime(int baselineNumber)

public final Date getBaselineSaveTime(int baselineNumber)

Returns the baseline save time. Returns DateTime.MinValue (00:00:00.0000000 UTC, 1st January 0001) if the baseline was not saved.


baselineNumberintThe baseline’s number BaselineType.

Returns: java.util.Date - The baseline’s last save date and time.


public final BuiltInProjectPropertyCollection getBuiltInProps()

Gets project’s built-in properties collection.

Returns: BuiltInProjectPropertyCollection - project’s built-in properties collection.


public final int getCalculationMode()

Gets calculation mode of a project. Can be one of the values of CalculationMode(getCalculationMode()/setCalculationMode(int)) enumeration.

Returns: int - calculation mode of a project.


public final Calendar getCalendar()

Gets a value of Calendar.

Returns: Calendar - a value of Calendar.


public final CalendarCollection getCalendars()

Gets CalendarCollection object of this Project instance.

Returns: CalendarCollection - CalendarCollection object of this Project instance.


public final String getCategory()

Gets a value of Category.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Category.


public final String getComments()

Gets a value of Comments.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Comments.


public final String getCompany()

Gets a value of Company.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Company.


public final Date getCreationDate()

Gets a value of CreationDate.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of CreationDate.


public final TaskCollection getCriticalPath()

Gets a collection which contains a list of Critical tasks which comprise Critical Path of this project.

Returns: TaskCollection - a collection which represents a list of all critical tasks.

This is an O(n) operation, where n is the number of tasks in the project.


public final int getCriticalSlackLimit()

Gets a value of CriticalSlackLimit.

Returns: int - a value of CriticalSlackLimit.


public final String getCurrencyCode()

Gets a value of CurrencyCode.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of CurrencyCode.


public final int getCurrencyDigits()

Gets a value of CurrencyDigits.

Returns: int - a value of CurrencyDigits.


public final String getCurrencySymbol()

Gets a value of CurrencySymbol.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of CurrencySymbol.


public final int getCurrencySymbolPosition()

Gets a value of CurrencySymbolPosition.

Returns: int - a value of CurrencySymbolPosition.


public final Date getCurrentDate()

Gets a value of CurrentDate.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of CurrentDate.


public final String getCustomDateFormat()

Gets a value of CustomDateFormat.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of CustomDateFormat.


public final CustomProjectPropertyCollection getCustomProps()

Gets project’s custom properties collection.

Returns: CustomProjectPropertyCollection - project’s custom properties collection.


public final int getDateFormat()

Gets a value of DateFormat.

Returns: int - a value of DateFormat.


public final int getDaysPerMonth()

Gets a value of DaysPerMonth.

Returns: int - a value of DaysPerMonth.


public final Date getDefaultFinishTime()

Gets a value of DefaultFinishTime.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of DefaultFinishTime.


public final int getDefaultFixedCostAccrual()

Gets a value of DefaultFixedCostAccrual.

Returns: int - a value of DefaultFixedCostAccrual.


public final double getDefaultOvertimeRate()

Gets a value of DefaultOvertimeRate.

Returns: double - a value of DefaultOvertimeRate.


public final double getDefaultStandardRate()

Gets a value of DefaultStandardRate.

Returns: double - a value of DefaultStandardRate.


public final Date getDefaultStartTime()

Gets a value of DefaultStartTime.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of DefaultStartTime.


public final int getDefaultTaskEVMethod()

Gets a value of DefaultTaskEVMethod.

Returns: int - a value of DefaultTaskEVMethod.


public final int getDefaultTaskType()

Gets a value of DefaultTaskType.

Returns: int - a value of DefaultTaskType.


public final View getDefaultView()

Gets default view of the project.

Returns: View - default view of the project.


public final WeekDayCollection getDefaultWeekWorkingDays()

Gets the instance of WeekDayCollection class which represents a collection of project default week working days and working times.

Returns: WeekDayCollection - The instance of WeekDayCollection class which contains a list of WeekDay objects.

The data contains only in mpp files (not in xml).


public final ProjectDisplayOptions getDisplayOptions()

Gets an instance of the ProjectDisplayOptions class.

Returns: ProjectDisplayOptions - an instance of the ProjectDisplayOptions class.

getDuration(double val)

public final Duration getDuration(double val)

Gets Duration object with the specified number of units and default duration format which is defined in project’s settings Prj.DURATION_FORMAT.


valdoublespecified number of units.

This method should be used carefully because it returns different durations depending on Project.DurationFormat setting. For example, GetWork(1.0) will return 1 hour when Project.DurationFormat is TimeUnitType.Hour or 1 day if Project.DurationFormat is TimeUnitType.Day. |

Returns: Duration - Duration object.

getDuration(double val, byte timeUnit)

public final Duration getDuration(double val, byte timeUnit)

Gets Duration object with the specified number of TimeUnitType units.


valdoublespecified number of units.
timeUnitbytespecified TimeUnitType value.

Returns: Duration - Duration object.


public final byte getDurationFormat()

Gets a value of DurationFormat.

Returns: byte - a value of DurationFormat.


public final int getEarnedValueMethod()

Gets a value of EarnedValueMethod.

Returns: int - a value of EarnedValueMethod.


public final ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection getExtendedAttributes()

Gets ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection object. The collection of extended attribute (custom fields) definitions associated with a project.

Returns: ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection - ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection object.


public final Date getExtendedCreationDate()

Gets a value of ExtendedCreationDate.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of ExtendedCreationDate.


public final Date getFinishDate()

Gets a value of FinishDate.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of FinishDate.


public final NullableBool getFiscalYearStart()

Gets a value indicating whether FiscalYearStart is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether FiscalYearStart is set or not.


public final int getFyStartDate()

Gets a value of FyStartDate.

Returns: int - a value of FyStartDate.


public final UUID getGuid()

Gets a value of Guid.

Returns: java.util.UUID - a value of Guid.


public final NullableBool getHonorConstraints()

Gets a value indicating whether HonorConstraints is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether HonorConstraints is set or not.


public final String getHyperlinkBase()

Gets a value of HyperlinkBase.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of HyperlinkBase.


public final NullableBool getInsertedProjectsLikeSummary()

Gets a value indicating whether InsertedProjectsLikeSummary is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether InsertedProjectsLikeSummary is set or not.


public final NullableBool getKeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled()

Gets a value indicating whether KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled is set or not.


public final String getKeywords()

Gets a value of Keywords.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Keywords.


public final String getLastAuthor()

Gets a value of LastAuthor.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of LastAuthor.


public final Date getLastPrinted()

Gets a value of LastPrinted.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of LastPrinted.


public final Date getLastSaved()

Gets a value of LastSaved.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of LastSaved.


public final String getManager()

Gets a value of Manager.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Manager.


public final NullableBool getMicrosoftProjectServerURL()

Gets a value indicating whether MicrosoftProjectServerURL is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether MicrosoftProjectServerURL is set or not.


public final int getMinutesPerDay()

Gets a value of MinutesPerDay.

Returns: int - a value of MinutesPerDay.


public final int getMinutesPerWeek()

Gets a value of MinutesPerWeek.

Returns: int - a value of MinutesPerWeek.


public final NullableBool getMoveCompletedEndsBack()

Gets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsBack is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsBack is set or not.


public final NullableBool getMoveCompletedEndsForward()

Gets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsForward is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsForward is set or not.


public final NullableBool getMoveRemainingStartsBack()

Gets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsBack is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsBack is set or not.


public final NullableBool getMoveRemainingStartsForward()

Gets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsForward is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsForward is set or not.


public final NullableBool getMultipleCriticalPaths()

Gets a value indicating whether MultipleCriticalPaths is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether MultipleCriticalPaths is set or not.


public final String getName()

Gets a value of Name.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Name.


public final int getNewTaskStartDate()

Gets a value of NewTaskStartDate.

Returns: int - a value of NewTaskStartDate.


public final NullableBool getNewTasksAreManual()

Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksAreManual is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether NewTasksAreManual is set or not.


public final NullableBool getNewTasksEffortDriven()

Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksEffortDriven is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether NewTasksEffortDriven is set or not.


public final NullableBool getNewTasksEstimated()

Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksEstimated is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether NewTasksEstimated is set or not.


public final OleObjectCollection getOleObjects()

Gets a collection containing the instances of the OleObject class which are linked or embedded to this project file.

Available for mpp file format only. This collection is read-only except for ‘Clear’ operation.

Returns: OleObjectCollection - a collection containing the instances of the OleObject class which are linked or embedded to this project file.


public final OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection getOutlineCodes()

Gets OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection object. The collection of outline code definitions associated with a project.

Returns: OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection - OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection object.


public final int getPageCount()

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using default Timescale(Days).

Returns: int - Page count to be rendered.

getPageCount(SaveOptions saveOptions)

public final int getPageCount(SaveOptions saveOptions)

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given SaveOptions.

In this example instance of HtmlSaveOptions and the number of pages in resulting HTML is written to the console.

  Project project = new Project(@"test.mpp");
  HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions
      IncludeProjectNameInPageHeader = false,
      IncludeProjectNameInTitle = false,
      PageSize = PageSize.A4,
      Timescale = Timescale.Days,
      StartDate = project.Get(Prj.StartDate).Date,
      EndDate = project.Get(Prj.FinishDate).Date


saveOptionsSaveOptionsThe save options to get page count for.

Returns: int - a page count to be rendered.

getPageCount(int format, int scale)

public final int getPageCount(int format, int scale)

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale and PresentationFormat.


formatintPresentationFormat to get page count for.
scaleintTimescale to get page count for.

Returns: int - Page count to be rendered.

getPageCount_PageSize(int pageSize, int scale)

public final int getPageCount_PageSize(int pageSize, int scale)

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale and PageSize.


pageSizeintPageSize to get page count for.
scaleintTimescale to get page count for.

Returns: int - Page count to be rendered.

getPageCount_PageSize(int pageSize, int scale, Date startDate, Date endDate)

public final int getPageCount_PageSize(int pageSize, int scale, Date startDate, Date endDate)

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale, PresentationFormat and date range.


pageSizeintPageSize to get page count for.
scaleintTimescale to get page count for.
startDatejava.util.DateThe start date to get page count for.
endDatejava.util.DateThe end date to get page count for.

Returns: int - Page count to be rendered.

getPageCount_PresentationFormat(int format)

public final int getPageCount_PresentationFormat(int format)

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using default Timescale(Days) and given PresentationFormat


formatintPresentationFormat to get page count for.

Returns: int - Page count to be rendered.

getPageCount_Timescale(int scale)

public final int getPageCount_Timescale(int scale)

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale.


scaleintTimescale to get page count for.

Returns: int - Page count to be rendered.

getPredecessors(Task task)

public final TaskLinkCollection getPredecessors(Task task)

Returns a collection of task links which are predecessors of the specified task.


taskTaskThe task to get predecessors for.

Returns: TaskLinkCollection - List of predecessors TaskLink.


public final PrimaveraProjectProperties getPrimaveraProperties()

Gets an object containing Primavera-specific properties for a project read from Primavera file.

Returns: PrimaveraProjectProperties - an object containing Primavera-specific properties for a project read from Primavera file.


public final NullableBool getProjectExternallyEdited()

Gets a value indicating whether ProjectExternallyEdited is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether ProjectExternallyEdited is set or not.

getProjectFileInfo(InputStream stream)

public static ProjectFileInfo getProjectFileInfo(InputStream stream)

Gets project file info from the stream.


ParameterTypeDescription data stream.

Returns: ProjectFileInfo - The project file info ProjectFileInfo.

getProjectFileInfo(String filename)

public static ProjectFileInfo getProjectFileInfo(String filename)

Read project file info from the file.


filenamejava.lang.StringThe project filename.

Returns: ProjectFileInfo - The project file info ProjectFileInfo.


public final NullableBool getRemoveFileProperties()

Gets a value indicating whether RemoveFileProperties is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether RemoveFileProperties is set or not.


public final ResourceAssignmentCollection getResourceAssignments()

Gets ResourceAssignmentCollection object.

Returns: ResourceAssignmentCollection - ResourceAssignmentCollection object.


public final FilterCollection getResourceFilters()

Gets all the resource-based filter definitions. ResourceFilters is a collection of Filter objects.

Returns: FilterCollection - all the resource-based filter definitions.


public final GroupCollection getResourceGroups()

Gets all of the resource-based group definitions. ResourceGroups is a collection of Group objects.

Returns: GroupCollection - all of the resource-based group definitions.


public final ResourceCollection getResources()

Gets ResourceCollection object.

Returns: ResourceCollection - ResourceCollection object.


public final int getRevision()

Gets a value of Revision.

Returns: int - a value of Revision.


public final Task getRootTask()

Gets the root of the tree of tasks.

Returns: Task - the root of the tree of tasks.


public final int getSaveVersion()

Gets a value of SaveVersion.

Returns: int - a value of SaveVersion.


public final NullableBool getScheduleFromStart()

Gets a value indicating whether ScheduleFromStart is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether ScheduleFromStart is set or not.


public final boolean getShowProjectSummaryTask()

Gets a value indicating whether ShowProjectSummaryTask is set or not.

Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether ShowProjectSummaryTask is set or not.


public final NullableBool getSplitsInProgressTasks()

Gets a value indicating whether SplitsInProgressTasks is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether SplitsInProgressTasks is set or not.


public final NullableBool getSpreadActualCost()

Gets a value indicating whether SpreadActualCost is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether SpreadActualCost is set or not.


public final NullableBool getSpreadPercentComplete()

Gets a value indicating whether SpreadPercentComplete is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether SpreadPercentComplete is set or not.


public final Date getStartDate()

Gets a value of StartDate.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of StartDate.


public final Date getStatusDate()

Gets a value of StatusDate.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of StatusDate.


public final String getSubject()

Gets a value of Subject.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Subject.


public final TableCollection getTables()

Gets a list of Table objects.

Returns: TableCollection - a list of Table objects.


public final FilterCollection getTaskFilters()

Gets all the task-based filter definitions. TaskFilters is a collection of Filter objects.

Returns: FilterCollection - all the task-based filter definitions.


public final GroupCollection getTaskGroups()

Gets all the task-based group definitions. TaskGroups is a collection of Group objects.

Returns: GroupCollection - all the task-based group definitions.

public final TaskLinkCollection getTaskLinks()

Gets TaskLinkCollection object.

Returns: TaskLinkCollection - TaskLinkCollection object.


public final NullableBool getTaskUpdatesResource()

Gets a value indicating whether TaskUpdatesResource is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether TaskUpdatesResource is set or not.


public final String getTemplate()

Gets a value of Template.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Template.


public final Date getTimescaleFinish()

Gets a value of TimescaleFinish.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of TimescaleFinish.


public final Date getTimescaleStart()

Gets a value of TimescaleStart.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value of TimescaleStart.


public final String getTitle()

Gets a value of Title.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Title.


public final String getUid()

Gets a value of Uid.

Returns: java.lang.String - a value of Uid.

public final NullableBool getUpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks()

Gets a value indicating whether UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks is set or not.

Returns: NullableBool - a value indicating whether UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks is set or not.


public final VbaProject getVbaProject()

Gets an instance of VbaProject(getVbaProject()/setVbaProject(VbaProject)) class.

Returns: VbaProject - an instance of VbaProject(getVbaProject()/setVbaProject(VbaProject)) class.


public final ViewCollection getViews()

Gets a list of View objects.

Returns: ViewCollection - a list of View objects.


public final WBSCodeDefinition getWBSCodeDefinition()

Gets WBS Code Definition for the project.

Returns: WBSCodeDefinition - WBS Code Definition for the project.


public final int getWeekStartDay()

Gets a value of WeekStartDay.

Returns: int - a value of WeekStartDay.

getWork(double val)

public final Duration getWork(double val)

Gets Duration object with the specified double value and default work format.


valdoublespecified double value.

This method should be used carefully because it returns different durations depending on Project.WorkFormat setting. For example, GetWork(1.0) will return 1 hour when Project.WorkFormat is TimeUnitType.Hour or 1 day if Project.WorkFormat is TimeUnitType.Day. |

Returns: Duration - Duration object.


public final byte getWorkFormat()

Gets a value of WorkFormat.

Returns: byte - a value of WorkFormat.

public final void print()

Prints project to the default printer with default printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.

public final void print(PrintOptions options)

Prints project to the default printer with default printer settings and custom save options using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.


optionsPrintOptionsthe specified instance of the PrintOptions class.
public final void print(PrinterSettings printerSettings)

Prints project according to the specified printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.


printerSettingsPrinterSettingsthe specified instance of the PrinterSettings class.
public final void print(PrinterSettings printerSettings, PrintOptions options)

Prints project according to the specified printer settings and custom save options using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.


printerSettingsPrinterSettingsthe specified instance of the PrinterSettings class.
optionsPrintOptionsthe specified instance of the PrintOptions class.
public final void print(PrinterSettings printerSettings, PrintOptions options, String documentName)

Prints project according to the specified printer settings, custom save options and the specified document name using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.


printerSettingsPrinterSettingsthe specified instance of the PrinterSettings class.
optionsPrintOptionsthe specified instance of the PrintOptions class.
documentNamejava.lang.Stringthe document name to display (for example, in a print status dialog box or printer queue).
public final void print(PrinterSettings printerSettings, String documentName)

Prints project according to the specified printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.


printerSettingsPrinterSettingsthe specified instance of the PrinterSettings class.
documentNamejava.lang.Stringthe document name to display (for example, in a print status dialog box or printer queue).
public final void print(String printerName)

Prints project to the specified printer with default printer settings using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.


printerNamejava.lang.StringSpecified printer name.


public final void recalculate()

Reschedules all project tasks ids, outline levels, start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields.

recalculate(boolean validate)

public final void recalculate(boolean validate)

Reschedules all project tasks ids, outline levels, start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields with optional validation.


validatebooleanIf true the validation of recalculation will be performed. What data is validated: At the moment only basic validation of task and task link date ranges is implemented. Task’s date ranges (e.g. ActualStart - ActualFinish, EarlyStart - EarlyFinish, etc.) as well as Task Links dates will be checked against the date criteria that start date is less or equal than finish date. If any of conditions described above is failed then RecalculationValidationException will be thrown.


public final void recalculateResourceFields()

Recalculates Id, Start and Finish of resources.


public final void recalculateResourceStartFinish()

Recalculates Start and Finish of resources.


public final void removeInvalidResourceAssignments()

Eliminates invalid resource assignments from the project resource assignments list.

MS Project creates an empty resource assignment for each task. Call the method to remove them.


public final void renumberWBSCode()

Renumber WBS code of all tasks.

renumberWBSCode(List<Integer> taskIds)

public final void renumberWBSCode(List<Integer> taskIds)

Renumber WBS code of passed tasks.


taskIdsjava.util.List<java.lang.Integer>Task identifiers to renumber WBS codes.

rescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter(Date after)

public final void rescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter(Date after)

Reschedules uncompleted project work to start after a specified date.


afterjava.util.DateThe date to reschedule uncompleted work after.

Ensure that Project.CanSplitsInProgressTasks flag is set to true before using this method. |

rescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter(Date after, List<Task> taskCollection)

public final void rescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter(Date after, List<Task> taskCollection)

Reschedules uncompleted work for a specified list of tasks to start after a specified date.


afterjava.util.DateThe date to reschedule uncompleted work after.
taskCollectionjava.util.List<com.aspose.tasks.Task>List<Task> of tasks to reschedule uncompleted work for.

Ensure that Project.CanSplitsInProgressTasks flag is set to true before using this method. |

save(OutputStream stream, SimpleSaveOptions options)

public final void save(OutputStream stream, SimpleSaveOptions options)

Saves the project to a stream using the specified save options.


ParameterTypeDescription stream.
optionsSimpleSaveOptionsThe save options.

save(OutputStream stream, int format)

public void save(OutputStream stream, int format)

Saves the project data to the stream.


ParameterTypeDescription stream.
formatintthe specified save file format.SaveFileFormat

save(String filename)

public final void save(String filename)

Saves the project data to the file in mpp format.


filenamejava.lang.StringThe file name.

save(String filename, SimpleSaveOptions options)

public final void save(String filename, SimpleSaveOptions options)

Saves the document to a file using the specified save options.


filenamejava.lang.StringThe file name.
optionsSimpleSaveOptionsThe save options.

save(String filename, int format)

public final void save(String filename, int format)

Saves the project data to the file.


filenamejava.lang.StringThe file name.
formatintThe save file format.

saveAsTemplate(OutputStream stream)

public final void saveAsTemplate(OutputStream stream)

Saves the project as a template to a specified stream.


ParameterTypeDescription specified stream to save the project to.

saveAsTemplate(OutputStream stream, SaveTemplateOptions options)

public final void saveAsTemplate(OutputStream stream, SaveTemplateOptions options)

Saves the project as a template to a specified stream.


ParameterTypeDescription to save the project template to.
optionsSaveTemplateOptionsthe specified save options SaveTemplateOptions.

saveAsTemplate(String fileName)

public final void saveAsTemplate(String fileName)

Saves the project as a template to the specified file path.


fileNamejava.lang.Stringthe specified file name.

saveAsTemplate(String fileName, SaveTemplateOptions options)

public void saveAsTemplate(String fileName, SaveTemplateOptions options)

Saves the project as a template.


fileNamejava.lang.StringThe file name.
optionsSaveTemplateOptionsthe specified save options SaveTemplateOptions.

saveReport(OutputStream stream)

public final void saveReport(OutputStream stream)

Saves the project overview report to the stream.


ParameterTypeDescription stream to save project report to.

saveReport(OutputStream stream, int reportType)

public void saveReport(OutputStream stream, int reportType)

Saves the project report of the specified type to the specified stream.


ParameterTypeDescription specified stream to save project report to.
reportTypeintthe specified report type.ReportType

saveReport(String fileName)

public final void saveReport(String fileName)

Saves the project overview report to PDF file.


fileNamejava.lang.StringThe file name.

saveReport(String fileName, int reportType)

public final void saveReport(String fileName, int reportType)

Saves the project report of the specified type in PDF format to the specified file path.


fileNamejava.lang.Stringthe specified file name.
reportTypeintthe specified report type.ReportType


public final List<Task> selectAllChildTasks()

Recursively collects all child tasks of the root task.

Returns: java.util.List<com.aspose.tasks.Task> - The collection of tasks.

set(Key<Date,Byte> key, Date val)

public final void set(Key<Date,Byte> key, Date val)

Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container.


keycom.aspose.tasks.Key<java.util.Date,java.lang.Byte>the specified property key. Prj for getting the property key.
valjava.util.Datethe value.

setActualsInSync(NullableBool value)

public final void setActualsInSync(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether ActualsInSync is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether ActualsInSync is set or not.

setAdminProject(NullableBool value)

public final void setAdminProject(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether AdminProject is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether AdminProject is set or not.

setAreEditableActualCosts(NullableBool value)

public final void setAreEditableActualCosts(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether AreEditableActualCosts is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether AreEditableActualCosts is set or not.

setAuthor(String value)

public final void setAuthor(String value)

Sets a value of Author.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of Author.

setAutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks(NullableBool value)

public final void setAutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks is set or not.

setAutoCalculateAssignmentCosts(boolean value)

public final void setAutoCalculateAssignmentCosts(boolean value)

Sets whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment’s work and resource rates.


valuebooleanwhether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment’s work and resource rates.
public final void setAutolink(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether Autolink is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether Autolink is set or not.

setBaseline(int baselineType)

public final void setBaseline(int baselineType)

Saves baseline fields to the specified baseline for the entire project.


baselineTypeintThe baseline type to save baseline data to.

setBaseline(int baselineType, Iterable<Task> taskCollection)

public final void setBaseline(int baselineType, Iterable<Task> taskCollection)

Saves baseline fields to the specified baseline for the selected tasks.


baselineTypeintThe baseline type to save baseline data to.
taskCollectionjava.lang.Iterable<com.aspose.tasks.Task>List of tasks to save baseline data for.

setBaselineForEarnedValue(int value)

public final void setBaselineForEarnedValue(int value)

Sets a value of BaselineForEarnedValue.


valueinta value of BaselineForEarnedValue.

setBaselineSaveTime(int baselineNumber, Date value)

public final void setBaselineSaveTime(int baselineNumber, Date value)

Sets the baseline save time.


baselineNumberintThe baseline’s number BaselineType.
valuejava.util.DateThe baseline’s last save date and time.

Set value to DateTime.MinValue if the baseline was not saved. |

setCalculationMode(int value)

public final void setCalculationMode(int value)

Sets calculation mode of a project. Can be one of the values of CalculationMode(getCalculationMode()/setCalculationMode(int)) enumeration.


valueintcalculation mode of a project.

setCalendar(Calendar value)

public final void setCalendar(Calendar value)

Sets a value of Calendar.


valueCalendara value of Calendar.

setCategory(String value)

public final void setCategory(String value)

Sets a value of Category.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of Category.

setComments(String value)

public final void setComments(String value)

Sets a value of Comments.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of Comments.

setCompany(String value)

public final void setCompany(String value)

Sets a value of Company.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of Company.

setCreationDate(Date value)

public final void setCreationDate(Date value)

Sets a value of CreationDate.


valuejava.util.Datea value of CreationDate.

setCriticalSlackLimit(int value)

public final void setCriticalSlackLimit(int value)

Sets a value of CriticalSlackLimit.


valueinta value of CriticalSlackLimit.

setCurrencyCode(String value)

public final void setCurrencyCode(String value)

Sets a value of CurrencyCode.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of CurrencyCode.

setCurrencyDigits(int value)

public final void setCurrencyDigits(int value)

Sets a value of CurrencyDigits.


valueinta value of CurrencyDigits.

setCurrencySymbol(String value)

public final void setCurrencySymbol(String value)

Sets a value of CurrencySymbol.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of CurrencySymbol.

setCurrencySymbolPosition(int value)

public final void setCurrencySymbolPosition(int value)

Sets a value of CurrencySymbolPosition.


valueinta value of CurrencySymbolPosition.

setCurrentDate(Date value)

public final void setCurrentDate(Date value)

Sets a value of CurrentDate.


valuejava.util.Datea value of CurrentDate.

setCustomDateFormat(String value)

public final void setCustomDateFormat(String value)

Sets a value of CustomDateFormat.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of CustomDateFormat.

setDateFormat(int value)

public final void setDateFormat(int value)

Sets a value of DateFormat.


valueinta value of DateFormat.

setDaysPerMonth(int value)

public final void setDaysPerMonth(int value)

Sets a value of DaysPerMonth.


valueinta value of DaysPerMonth.

setDefaultFinishTime(Date value)

public final void setDefaultFinishTime(Date value)

Sets a value of DefaultFinishTime.


valuejava.util.Datea value of DefaultFinishTime.

setDefaultFixedCostAccrual(int value)

public final void setDefaultFixedCostAccrual(int value)

Sets a value of DefaultFixedCostAccrual.


valueinta value of DefaultFixedCostAccrual.

setDefaultOvertimeRate(double value)

public final void setDefaultOvertimeRate(double value)

Sets a value of DefaultOvertimeRate.


valuedoublea value of DefaultOvertimeRate.

setDefaultStandardRate(double value)

public final void setDefaultStandardRate(double value)

Sets a value of DefaultStandardRate.


valuedoublea value of DefaultStandardRate.

setDefaultStartTime(Date value)

public final void setDefaultStartTime(Date value)

Sets a value of DefaultStartTime.


valuejava.util.Datea value of DefaultStartTime.

setDefaultTaskEVMethod(int value)

public final void setDefaultTaskEVMethod(int value)

Sets a value of DefaultTaskEVMethod.


valueinta value of DefaultTaskEVMethod.

setDefaultTaskType(int value)

public final void setDefaultTaskType(int value)

Sets a value of DefaultTaskType.


valueinta value of DefaultTaskType.

setDefaultView(View value)

public final void setDefaultView(View value)

Sets default view of the project.


valueViewdefault view of the project.

setDurationFormat(byte value)

public final void setDurationFormat(byte value)

Sets a value of DurationFormat.


valuebytea value of DurationFormat.

setEarnedValueMethod(int value)

public final void setEarnedValueMethod(int value)

Sets a value of EarnedValueMethod.


valueinta value of EarnedValueMethod.

setExtendedCreationDate(Date value)

public final void setExtendedCreationDate(Date value)

Sets a value of ExtendedCreationDate.


valuejava.util.Datea value of ExtendedCreationDate.

setFinishDate(Date value)

public final void setFinishDate(Date value)

Sets a value of FinishDate.


valuejava.util.Datea value of FinishDate.

setFiscalYearStart(NullableBool value)

public final void setFiscalYearStart(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether FiscalYearStart is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether FiscalYearStart is set or not.

setFyStartDate(int value)

public final void setFyStartDate(int value)

Sets a value of FyStartDate.


valueinta value of FyStartDate.

setGuid(UUID value)

public final void setGuid(UUID value)

Sets a value of Guid.


valuejava.util.UUIDa value of Guid.

setHonorConstraints(NullableBool value)

public final void setHonorConstraints(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether HonorConstraints is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether HonorConstraints is set or not.

setHyperlinkBase(String value)

public final void setHyperlinkBase(String value)

Sets a value of HyperlinkBase.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of HyperlinkBase.

setInsertedProjectsLikeSummary(NullableBool value)

public final void setInsertedProjectsLikeSummary(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether InsertedProjectsLikeSummary is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether InsertedProjectsLikeSummary is set or not.

setKeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled(NullableBool value)

public final void setKeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled is set or not.

setKeywords(String value)

public final void setKeywords(String value)

Sets a value of Keywords.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of Keywords.

setLastAuthor(String value)

public final void setLastAuthor(String value)

Sets a value of LastAuthor.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of LastAuthor.

setLastPrinted(Date value)

public final void setLastPrinted(Date value)

Sets a value of LastPrinted.


valuejava.util.Datea value of LastPrinted.

setLastSaved(Date value)

public final void setLastSaved(Date value)

Sets a value of LastSaved.


valuejava.util.Datea value of LastSaved.

setManager(String value)

public final void setManager(String value)

Sets a value of Manager.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of Manager.

setMicrosoftProjectServerURL(NullableBool value)

public final void setMicrosoftProjectServerURL(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether MicrosoftProjectServerURL is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether MicrosoftProjectServerURL is set or not.

setMinutesPerDay(int value)

public final void setMinutesPerDay(int value)

Sets a value of MinutesPerDay.


valueinta value of MinutesPerDay.

setMinutesPerWeek(int value)

public final void setMinutesPerWeek(int value)

Sets a value of MinutesPerWeek.


valueinta value of MinutesPerWeek.

setMoveCompletedEndsBack(NullableBool value)

public final void setMoveCompletedEndsBack(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsBack is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsBack is set or not.

setMoveCompletedEndsForward(NullableBool value)

public final void setMoveCompletedEndsForward(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsForward is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsForward is set or not.

setMoveRemainingStartsBack(NullableBool value)

public final void setMoveRemainingStartsBack(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsBack is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsBack is set or not.

setMoveRemainingStartsForward(NullableBool value)

public final void setMoveRemainingStartsForward(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsForward is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsForward is set or not.

setMultipleCriticalPaths(NullableBool value)

public final void setMultipleCriticalPaths(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether MultipleCriticalPaths is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether MultipleCriticalPaths is set or not.

setName(String value)

public final void setName(String value)

Sets a value of Name.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of Name.

setNewTaskStartDate(int value)

public final void setNewTaskStartDate(int value)

Sets a value of NewTaskStartDate.


valueinta value of NewTaskStartDate.

setNewTasksAreManual(NullableBool value)

public final void setNewTasksAreManual(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksAreManual is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether NewTasksAreManual is set or not.

setNewTasksEffortDriven(NullableBool value)

public final void setNewTasksEffortDriven(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksEffortDriven is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether NewTasksEffortDriven is set or not.

setNewTasksEstimated(NullableBool value)

public final void setNewTasksEstimated(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksEstimated is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether NewTasksEstimated is set or not.

setProjectExternallyEdited(NullableBool value)

public final void setProjectExternallyEdited(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether ProjectExternallyEdited is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether ProjectExternallyEdited is set or not.

setRemoveFileProperties(NullableBool value)

public final void setRemoveFileProperties(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether RemoveFileProperties is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether RemoveFileProperties is set or not.

setRevision(int value)

public final void setRevision(int value)

Sets a value of Revision.


valueinta value of Revision.

setSaveVersion(int value)

public final void setSaveVersion(int value)

Sets a value of SaveVersion.


valueinta value of SaveVersion.

setScheduleFromStart(NullableBool value)

public final void setScheduleFromStart(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether ScheduleFromStart is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether ScheduleFromStart is set or not.

setShowProjectSummaryTask(boolean value)

public final void setShowProjectSummaryTask(boolean value)

Sets a value indicating whether ShowProjectSummaryTask is set or not.


valuebooleana value indicating whether ShowProjectSummaryTask is set or not.

setSplitsInProgressTasks(NullableBool value)

public final void setSplitsInProgressTasks(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether SplitsInProgressTasks is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether SplitsInProgressTasks is set or not.

setSpreadActualCost(NullableBool value)

public final void setSpreadActualCost(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether SpreadActualCost is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether SpreadActualCost is set or not.

setSpreadPercentComplete(NullableBool value)

public final void setSpreadPercentComplete(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether SpreadPercentComplete is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether SpreadPercentComplete is set or not.

setStartDate(Date value)

public final void setStartDate(Date value)

Sets a value of StartDate.


valuejava.util.Datea value of StartDate.

setStatusDate(Date value)

public final void setStatusDate(Date value)

Sets a value of StatusDate.


valuejava.util.Datea value of StatusDate.

setSubject(String value)

public final void setSubject(String value)

Sets a value of Subject.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of Subject.

setTaskUpdatesResource(NullableBool value)

public final void setTaskUpdatesResource(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether TaskUpdatesResource is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether TaskUpdatesResource is set or not.

setTemplate(String value)

public final void setTemplate(String value)

Sets a value of Template.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of Template.

setTimescaleFinish(Date value)

public final void setTimescaleFinish(Date value)

Sets a value of TimescaleFinish.


valuejava.util.Datea value of TimescaleFinish.

setTimescaleStart(Date value)

public final void setTimescaleStart(Date value)

Sets a value of TimescaleStart.


valuejava.util.Datea value of TimescaleStart.

setTitle(String value)

public final void setTitle(String value)

Sets a value of Title.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of Title.

setUid(String value)

public final void setUid(String value)

Sets a value of Uid.


valuejava.lang.Stringa value of Uid.
public final void setUpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks(NullableBool value)

Sets a value indicating whether UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks is set or not.


valueNullableBoola value indicating whether UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks is set or not.

setWBSCodeDefinition(WBSCodeDefinition value)

public final void setWBSCodeDefinition(WBSCodeDefinition value)

Sets WBS Code Definition for the project.


valueWBSCodeDefinitionWBS Code Definition for the project.

setWeekStartDay(int value)

public final void setWeekStartDay(int value)

Sets a value of WeekStartDay.


valueinta value of WeekStartDay.

setWorkFormat(byte value)

public final void setWorkFormat(byte value)

Sets a value of WorkFormat.


valuebytea value of WorkFormat.

updateProjectWorkAsComplete(Date completeThrough, boolean setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly)

public final void updateProjectWorkAsComplete(Date completeThrough, boolean setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly)

Updates all work as complete through a specified date for the entire project.


completeThroughjava.util.DateThe date to update work as completed through.
setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnlybooleanIf set to true updates only those tasks as 100% complete whose finish date is before specified complete-through date. Otherwise, calculates a percentage complete value based on scheduled start and complete-through dates.

updateProjectWorkAsComplete(Date completeThrough, boolean setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly, List<Task> taskCollection)

public final void updateProjectWorkAsComplete(Date completeThrough, boolean setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly, List<Task> taskCollection)

Updates all work as complete through a specified date for the specified list of tasks.


completeThroughjava.util.DateThe date to update work as completed through.
setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnlybooleanIf set to true updates only those tasks as 100% complete whose finish date is before specified complete-through date. Otherwise, calculates a percentage complete value based on scheduled start and complete-through dates.
taskCollectionjava.util.List<com.aspose.tasks.Task>List<Task> of tasks to update work for.