Aspose.Tasks for C++
Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment Class Reference

Represents a resource assignment in a project. More...

#include <ResourceAssignment.h>

Inherits Aspose::Tasks::IContainer< K >, System::IEquatable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment > >, Aspose::Tasks::IExtendedAttributeParent, Aspose::Tasks::IEntityWithNotes, and Aspose::Tasks::IEntityWithHyperlink.

Public Member Functions

const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Task > & get_Task () const
 The task to which a resource is assigned. More...
void set_Task (const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Task > &value)
 The task to which a resource is assigned. More...
const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Resource > & get_Resource () const
 The resource assigned to a task. More...
void set_Resource (const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Resource > &value)
 The resource assigned to a task. More...
System::Nullable< System::Guid > get_Guid () const
 Gets unique identifier for this assignment. More...
void set_Guid (System::Nullable< System::Guid > value)
 Sets unique identifier for this assignment. More...
const System::SharedPtr< Project > & get_ParentProject () const override
 Gets parent project for this assignment. More...
System::SharedPtr< AssignmentBaselineCollectionget_Baselines ()
 Gets AssignmentBaselineCollection object. The collection of baseline values associated with an assignment. More...
System::SharedPtr< ExtendedAttributeCollectionget_ExtendedAttributes () override
 Gets an instance of the ExtendedAttributeCollection class for this object. More...
void set_ExtendedAttributes (const System::SharedPtr< ExtendedAttributeCollection > &value)
 Sets an instance of the ExtendedAttributeCollection class for this object. More...
System::SharedPtr< TimephasedDataCollectionget_TimephasedData ()
 Gets the instance of TimephasedDataCollection class containing elements of TimephasedData class. More...
void set_TimephasedData (const System::SharedPtr< TimephasedDataCollection > &value)
 Sets the instance of TimephasedDataCollection class containing elements of TimephasedData class. More...
int32_t get_Uid ()
 Gets a value of Uid. More...
void set_Uid (int32_t value)
 Sets a value of Uid. More...
int32_t get_PercentWorkComplete ()
 Gets a value of PercentWorkComplete. More...
void set_PercentWorkComplete (int32_t value)
 Sets a value of PercentWorkComplete. More...
System::Decimal get_ActualCost ()
 Gets a value of ActualCost. More...
void set_ActualCost (System::Decimal value)
 Sets a value of ActualCost. More...
System::DateTime get_ActualFinish ()
 Gets a value of ActualFinish. More...
void set_ActualFinish (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of ActualFinish. More...
System::Decimal get_ActualOvertimeCost ()
 Gets a value of ActualOvertimeCost. More...
void set_ActualOvertimeCost (System::Decimal value)
 Sets a value of ActualOvertimeCost. More...
System::DateTime get_ActualStart ()
 Gets a value of ActualStart. More...
void set_ActualStart (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of ActualStart. More...
Duration get_ActualWork ()
 Gets a value of ActualWork. More...
void set_ActualWork (Duration value)
 Sets a value of ActualWork. More...
double get_ACWP ()
 Gets a value of ACWP. More...
void set_ACWP (double value)
 Sets a value of ACWP. More...
bool get_Confirmed ()
 Gets a value indicating whether Confirmed is set or not. More...
void set_Confirmed (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether Confirmed is set or not. More...
System::Decimal get_Cost ()
 Gets a value of Cost. More...
void set_Cost (System::Decimal value)
 Sets a value of Cost. More...
RateType get_CostRateTableType ()
 Gets a value of CostRateTableType. More...
void set_CostRateTableType (RateType value)
 Sets a value of CostRateTableType. More...
double get_CostVariance ()
 Gets a value of CostVariance. More...
void set_CostVariance (double value)
 Sets a value of CostVariance. More...
double get_CV ()
 Gets a value of CV. More...
void set_CV (double value)
 Sets a value of CV. More...
Duration get_Delay ()
 Gets a value of Delay. More...
void set_Delay (Duration value)
 Sets a value of Delay. More...
System::DateTime get_Finish ()
 Gets a value of Finish. More...
void set_Finish (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of Finish. More...
Duration get_FinishVariance ()
 Gets a value of FinishVariance. More...
void set_FinishVariance (Duration value)
 Sets a value of FinishVariance. More...
System::String get_Hyperlink () override
 Gets a value of Hyperlink. More...
void set_Hyperlink (System::String value) override
 Sets a value of Hyperlink. More...
System::String get_HyperlinkAddress () override
 Gets a value of HyperlinkAddress. More...
void set_HyperlinkAddress (System::String value) override
 Sets a value of HyperlinkAddress. More...
System::String get_HyperlinkSubAddress () override
 Gets a value of HyperlinkSubAddress. More...
void set_HyperlinkSubAddress (System::String value) override
 Sets a value of HyperlinkSubAddress. More...
Duration get_WorkVariance ()
 Gets a value of WorkVariance. More...
void set_WorkVariance (Duration value)
 Sets a value of WorkVariance. More...
bool get_HasFixedRateUnits ()
 Gets a value indicating whether HasFixedRateUnits is set or not. More...
void set_HasFixedRateUnits (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether HasFixedRateUnits is set or not. More...
bool get_FixedMaterial ()
 Gets a value indicating whether FixedMaterial is set or not. More...
void set_FixedMaterial (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether FixedMaterial is set or not. More...
Duration get_LevelingDelay ()
 Gets a value of LevelingDelay. More...
void set_LevelingDelay (Duration value)
 Sets a value of LevelingDelay. More...
bool get_LinkedFields ()
 Gets a value indicating whether LinkedFields is set or not. More...
void set_LinkedFields (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether LinkedFields is set or not. More...
bool get_Milestone ()
 Gets a value indicating whether Milestone is set or not. More...
void set_Milestone (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether Milestone is set or not. More...
System::String get_NotesText () override
 Gets notes' plain text extracted from RTF data. More...
void set_NotesText (System::String value) override
 Sets notes' plain text extracted from RTF data. More...
System::String get_NotesRTF () override
 Gets the text notes in RTF format. More...
void set_NotesRTF (System::String value) override
 Sets the text notes in RTF format. More...
bool get_Overallocated ()
 Gets a value indicating whether Overallocated is set or not. More...
void set_Overallocated (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether Overallocated is set or not. More...
System::Decimal get_OvertimeCost ()
 Gets a value of OvertimeCost. More...
void set_OvertimeCost (System::Decimal value)
 Sets a value of OvertimeCost. More...
Duration get_OvertimeWork ()
 Gets a value of OvertimeWork. More...
void set_OvertimeWork (Duration value)
 Sets a value of OvertimeWork. More...
double get_PeakUnits ()
 Gets a value of PeakUnits. More...
void set_PeakUnits (double value)
 Sets a value of PeakUnits. More...
Duration get_RegularWork ()
 Gets a value of RegularWork. More...
void set_RegularWork (Duration value)
 Sets a value of RegularWork. More...
System::Decimal get_RemainingCost ()
 Gets a value of RemainingCost. More...
void set_RemainingCost (System::Decimal value)
 Sets a value of RemainingCost. More...
System::Decimal get_RemainingOvertimeCost ()
 Gets a value of RemainingOvertimeCost. More...
void set_RemainingOvertimeCost (System::Decimal value)
 Sets a value of RemainingOvertimeCost. More...
Duration get_RemainingOvertimeWork ()
 Gets a value of RemainingOvertimeWork. More...
void set_RemainingOvertimeWork (Duration value)
 Sets a value of RemainingOvertimeWork. More...
Duration get_RemainingWork ()
 Gets a value of RemainingWork. More...
void set_RemainingWork (Duration value)
 Sets a value of RemainingWork. More...
bool get_ResponsePending ()
 Gets a value indicating whether ResponsePending is set or not. More...
void set_ResponsePending (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether ResponsePending is set or not. More...
System::DateTime get_Start ()
 Gets a value of Start. More...
void set_Start (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of Start. More...
System::DateTime get_Stop ()
 Gets a value of Stop. More...
void set_Stop (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of Stop. More...
System::DateTime get_Resume ()
 Gets a value of Resume. More...
void set_Resume (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of Resume. More...
Duration get_StartVariance ()
 Gets a value of StartVariance. More...
void set_StartVariance (Duration value)
 Sets a value of StartVariance. More...
bool get_Summary ()
 Gets a value indicating whether Summary is set or not. More...
void set_Summary (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether Summary is set or not. More...
double get_SV ()
 Gets a value of SV. More...
void set_SV (double value)
 Sets a value of SV. More...
double get_Units ()
 Gets a value of Units. More...
void set_Units (double value)
 Sets a value of Units. More...
bool get_UpdateNeeded ()
 Gets a value indicating whether UpdateNeeded is set or not. More...
void set_UpdateNeeded (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether UpdateNeeded is set or not. More...
double get_VAC ()
 Gets a value of VAC. More...
void set_VAC (double value)
 Sets a value of VAC. More...
Duration get_Work ()
 Gets a value of Work. More...
void set_Work (Duration value)
 Sets a value of Work. More...
WorkContourType get_WorkContour ()
 Gets a value of WorkContour. More...
void set_WorkContour (WorkContourType value)
 Sets a value of WorkContour. More...
double get_BCWS ()
 Gets a value of BCWS. More...
void set_BCWS (double value)
 Sets a value of BCWS. More...
double get_BCWP ()
 Gets a value of BCWP. More...
void set_BCWP (double value)
 Sets a value of BCWP. More...
Aspose::Tasks::BookingType get_BookingType ()
 Gets a value of BookingType. More...
void set_BookingType (Aspose::Tasks::BookingType value)
 Sets a value of BookingType. More...
Duration get_ActualWorkProtected ()
 Gets a value of ActualWorkProtected. More...
void set_ActualWorkProtected (Duration value)
 Sets a value of ActualWorkProtected. More...
Duration get_ActualOvertimeWorkProtected ()
 Gets a value of ActualOvertimeWorkProtected. More...
void set_ActualOvertimeWorkProtected (Duration value)
 Sets a value of ActualOvertimeWorkProtected. More...
Duration get_ActualOvertimeWork ()
 Gets a value of ActualOvertimeWork. More...
void set_ActualOvertimeWork (Duration value)
 Sets a value of ActualOvertimeWork. More...
System::DateTime get_Created ()
 Gets a value of Created. More...
void set_Created (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of Created. More...
System::String get_AssignmentOwner ()
 Gets a value of AssignmentOwner. More...
void set_AssignmentOwner (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of AssignmentOwner. More...
System::String get_AssignmentOwnerGuid ()
 Gets a value of AssignmentOwnerGuid. More...
void set_AssignmentOwnerGuid (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of AssignmentOwnerGuid. More...
System::Decimal get_BudgetCost ()
 Gets a value of BudgetCost. More...
void set_BudgetCost (System::Decimal value)
 Sets a value of BudgetCost. More...
Duration get_BudgetWork ()
 Gets a value of BudgetWork. More...
void set_BudgetWork (Duration value)
 Sets a value of BudgetWork. More...
RateScaleType get_RateScale ()
 Gets a value of RateScale. More...
void set_RateScale (RateScaleType value)
 Sets a value of RateScale. More...
template<typename T >
Get (const Key< T, AsnKey > &key) const
 Returns the value to which the property is mapped in this container. More...
template<typename T >
void Set (const Key< T, AsnKey > &key, const T &val)
 Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container. More...
void Delete ()
 Deletes resource assignment from project assignments collection. More...
bool Equals (System::SharedPtr< ResourceAssignment > other) override
 Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified instance of the ResourceAssignment class. More...
bool Equals (System::SharedPtr< System::Object > obj) override
 Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object. More...
System::String ToString () const override
 Returns short string representation of the instance of the ResourceAssignment class. The exact details of the representation are unspecified and subject to change. More...
int32_t GetHashCode () const override
 Returns a hash code value for the instance of the ResourceAssignment class. More...
void TimephasedDataFromTaskDuration (const System::SharedPtr< Calendar > &calendar)
 Generates list of time phased data based on the task duration and the scheduled start date. More...
System::DateTime MakeTPs (System::DateTime start, System::TimeSpan time, const System::SharedPtr< Calendar > &calendar, const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::TimephasedData >>> &list, bool isWorking, int32_t type)
 Generates a list of time phased data. More...
void SplitTask (System::DateTime start, System::DateTime finish, const System::SharedPtr< Calendar > &calendar)
 Splits task into two parts. More...
System::SharedPtr< TimephasedDataCollectionGetTimephasedData (System::DateTime start, System::DateTime end, TimephasedDataType timephasedType)
 Returns the instance TimephasedDataCollection class containing instances of TimephasedData class within given start and end dates of specified TimephasedDataType. More...
System::SharedPtr< TimephasedDataCollectionGetTimephasedData (System::DateTime start, System::DateTime end)
 Returns TimephasedDataCollection object with the instances of TimephasedData class within given start and end dates of TimephasedDataType::AssignmentWork. More...
System::TimeSpan GetTimephasedWork (System::DateTime start, System::DateTime end, TimephasedDataType timephasedDataType)
 Gets amount of timephased work for the specified date time interval. More...
System::TimeSpan GetTimephasedWork (System::DateTime start, System::DateTime end)
 Gets amount of timephased work for the specified date time interval. More...
void SetMaterialResourceUnits (double units, RateScaleType rateScaleType)
 Sets units for assignment of a material resource with variable material consumption. The variable material consumption means that as the assignment duration changes, the quantity of materials used changes proportionally. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a resource assignment in a project.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Delete()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::Delete ( )

Deletes resource assignment from project assignments collection.

◆ Equals() [1/2]

bool Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::Equals ( System::SharedPtr< ResourceAssignment other)

Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified instance of the ResourceAssignment class.

otherThe specified instance of the ResourceAssignment class to compare with this instance.
True if the specified instance of the ResourceAssignment class has the same UID value as this instance; otherwise, false.

◆ Equals() [2/2]

bool Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::Equals ( System::SharedPtr< System::Object >  obj)

Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.

objThe object to compare with this instance.
True if o is a ResourceAssignment that assign the same resource and task as this instance; otherwise, false.

◆ Get()

template<typename T >
T Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::Get ( const Key< T, AsnKey > &  key) const

Returns the value to which the property is mapped in this container.

keythe specified property key. Asn for getting the property key.
Template Parameters
Tthe type of the mapped value.
the value to which the property is mapped in this container.

◆ get_ActualCost()

System::Decimal Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ActualCost ( )

Gets a value of ActualCost.

◆ get_ActualFinish()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ActualFinish ( )

Gets a value of ActualFinish.

◆ get_ActualOvertimeCost()

System::Decimal Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ActualOvertimeCost ( )

Gets a value of ActualOvertimeCost.

◆ get_ActualOvertimeWork()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ActualOvertimeWork ( )

Gets a value of ActualOvertimeWork.

◆ get_ActualOvertimeWorkProtected()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ActualOvertimeWorkProtected ( )

Gets a value of ActualOvertimeWorkProtected.

◆ get_ActualStart()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ActualStart ( )

Gets a value of ActualStart.

◆ get_ActualWork()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ActualWork ( )

Gets a value of ActualWork.

◆ get_ActualWorkProtected()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ActualWorkProtected ( )

Gets a value of ActualWorkProtected.

◆ get_ACWP()

double Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ACWP ( )

Gets a value of ACWP.

◆ get_AssignmentOwner()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_AssignmentOwner ( )

Gets a value of AssignmentOwner.

◆ get_AssignmentOwnerGuid()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_AssignmentOwnerGuid ( )

Gets a value of AssignmentOwnerGuid.

◆ get_Baselines()

System::SharedPtr<AssignmentBaselineCollection> Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Baselines ( )

Gets AssignmentBaselineCollection object. The collection of baseline values associated with an assignment.

◆ get_BCWP()

double Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_BCWP ( )

Gets a value of BCWP.

◆ get_BCWS()

double Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_BCWS ( )

Gets a value of BCWS.

◆ get_BookingType()

Aspose::Tasks::BookingType Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_BookingType ( )

Gets a value of BookingType.

◆ get_BudgetCost()

System::Decimal Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_BudgetCost ( )

Gets a value of BudgetCost.

◆ get_BudgetWork()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_BudgetWork ( )

Gets a value of BudgetWork.

◆ get_Confirmed()

bool Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Confirmed ( )

Gets a value indicating whether Confirmed is set or not.

◆ get_Cost()

System::Decimal Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Cost ( )

Gets a value of Cost.

◆ get_CostRateTableType()

RateType Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_CostRateTableType ( )

Gets a value of CostRateTableType.

◆ get_CostVariance()

double Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_CostVariance ( )

Gets a value of CostVariance.

◆ get_Created()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Created ( )

Gets a value of Created.

◆ get_CV()

double Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_CV ( )

Gets a value of CV.

◆ get_Delay()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Delay ( )

Gets a value of Delay.

◆ get_ExtendedAttributes()

System::SharedPtr<ExtendedAttributeCollection> Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ExtendedAttributes ( )

Gets an instance of the ExtendedAttributeCollection class for this object.

Reading supported for XML format only.

◆ get_Finish()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Finish ( )

Gets a value of Finish.

◆ get_FinishVariance()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_FinishVariance ( )

Gets a value of FinishVariance.

◆ get_FixedMaterial()

bool Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_FixedMaterial ( )

Gets a value indicating whether FixedMaterial is set or not.

◆ get_Guid()

System::Nullable<System::Guid> Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Guid ( ) const

Gets unique identifier for this assignment.

◆ get_HasFixedRateUnits()

bool Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_HasFixedRateUnits ( )

Gets a value indicating whether HasFixedRateUnits is set or not.

◆ get_Hyperlink()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Hyperlink ( )

Gets a value of Hyperlink.

◆ get_HyperlinkAddress()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_HyperlinkAddress ( )

Gets a value of HyperlinkAddress.

◆ get_HyperlinkSubAddress()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_HyperlinkSubAddress ( )

Gets a value of HyperlinkSubAddress.

◆ get_LevelingDelay()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_LevelingDelay ( )

Gets a value of LevelingDelay.

◆ get_LinkedFields()

bool Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_LinkedFields ( )

Gets a value indicating whether LinkedFields is set or not.

◆ get_Milestone()

bool Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Milestone ( )

Gets a value indicating whether Milestone is set or not.

◆ get_NotesRTF()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_NotesRTF ( )

Gets the text notes in RTF format.

Supported for MPP formats only.

◆ get_NotesText()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_NotesText ( )

Gets notes' plain text extracted from RTF data.

◆ get_Overallocated()

bool Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Overallocated ( )

Gets a value indicating whether Overallocated is set or not.

◆ get_OvertimeCost()

System::Decimal Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_OvertimeCost ( )

Gets a value of OvertimeCost.

◆ get_OvertimeWork()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_OvertimeWork ( )

Gets a value of OvertimeWork.

◆ get_ParentProject()

const System::SharedPtr<Project>& Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ParentProject ( ) const

Gets parent project for this assignment.

◆ get_PeakUnits()

double Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_PeakUnits ( )

Gets a value of PeakUnits.

◆ get_PercentWorkComplete()

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_PercentWorkComplete ( )

Gets a value of PercentWorkComplete.

◆ get_RateScale()

RateScaleType Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_RateScale ( )

Gets a value of RateScale.

◆ get_RegularWork()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_RegularWork ( )

Gets a value of RegularWork.

◆ get_RemainingCost()

System::Decimal Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_RemainingCost ( )

Gets a value of RemainingCost.

◆ get_RemainingOvertimeCost()

System::Decimal Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_RemainingOvertimeCost ( )

Gets a value of RemainingOvertimeCost.

◆ get_RemainingOvertimeWork()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_RemainingOvertimeWork ( )

Gets a value of RemainingOvertimeWork.

◆ get_RemainingWork()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_RemainingWork ( )

Gets a value of RemainingWork.

◆ get_Resource()

const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Resource>& Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Resource ( ) const

The resource assigned to a task.

◆ get_ResponsePending()

bool Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_ResponsePending ( )

Gets a value indicating whether ResponsePending is set or not.

◆ get_Resume()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Resume ( )

Gets a value of Resume.

◆ get_Start()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Start ( )

Gets a value of Start.

◆ get_StartVariance()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_StartVariance ( )

Gets a value of StartVariance.

◆ get_Stop()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Stop ( )

Gets a value of Stop.

◆ get_Summary()

bool Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Summary ( )

Gets a value indicating whether Summary is set or not.

◆ get_SV()

double Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_SV ( )

Gets a value of SV.

◆ get_Task()

const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Task>& Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Task ( ) const

The task to which a resource is assigned.

◆ get_TimephasedData()

System::SharedPtr<TimephasedDataCollection> Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_TimephasedData ( )

Gets the instance of TimephasedDataCollection class containing elements of TimephasedData class.

◆ get_Uid()

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Uid ( )

Gets a value of Uid.

◆ get_Units()

double Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Units ( )

Gets a value of Units.

◆ get_UpdateNeeded()

bool Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_UpdateNeeded ( )

Gets a value indicating whether UpdateNeeded is set or not.

◆ get_VAC()

double Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_VAC ( )

Gets a value of VAC.

◆ get_Work()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_Work ( )

Gets a value of Work.

◆ get_WorkContour()

WorkContourType Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_WorkContour ( )

Gets a value of WorkContour.

◆ get_WorkVariance()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::get_WorkVariance ( )

Gets a value of WorkVariance.

◆ GetHashCode()

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::GetHashCode ( ) const

Returns a hash code value for the instance of the ResourceAssignment class.

returns a hash code value for this object.

◆ GetTimephasedData() [1/2]

System::SharedPtr<TimephasedDataCollection> Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::GetTimephasedData ( System::DateTime  start,
System::DateTime  end 

Returns TimephasedDataCollection object with the instances of TimephasedData class within given start and end dates of TimephasedDataType::AssignmentWork.

startThe start date for the time phased data.
endThe end date for the time phased data.
returns a list containing instances of Aspose::Tasks::TimephasedData class.

◆ GetTimephasedData() [2/2]

System::SharedPtr<TimephasedDataCollection> Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::GetTimephasedData ( System::DateTime  start,
System::DateTime  end,
TimephasedDataType  timephasedType 

Returns the instance TimephasedDataCollection class containing instances of TimephasedData class within given start and end dates of specified TimephasedDataType.

startThe start date for the time phased data.
endThe end date for the time phased data.
timephasedTypeThe type of time phased data (Aspose::Tasks::TimephasedDataType).
returns a list which contains instances of Aspose::Tasks::TimephasedData class.

◆ GetTimephasedWork() [1/2]

System::TimeSpan Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::GetTimephasedWork ( System::DateTime  start,
System::DateTime  end 

Gets amount of timephased work for the specified date time interval.

startStart of the date time interval.
endEnd of the date time interval.

◆ GetTimephasedWork() [2/2]

System::TimeSpan Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::GetTimephasedWork ( System::DateTime  start,
System::DateTime  end,
TimephasedDataType  timephasedDataType 

Gets amount of timephased work for the specified date time interval.

startStart of the date time interval.
endEnd of the date time interval.
timephasedDataTypeType of the timephased data to use.

◆ MakeTPs()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::MakeTPs ( System::DateTime  start,
System::TimeSpan  time,
const System::SharedPtr< Calendar > &  calendar,
const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::TimephasedData >>> &  list,
bool  isWorking,
int32_t  type 

Generates a list of time phased data.

startThe specified start date.
timeThe specified working time.
calendarThe specified working calendar.
listThe list of time phased data.
isWorkingThe specified flag which specifies whether time-phased data is working or not.
typeThe specified time-phased data type.
A maximum date from list or start date if list is empty.

◆ Set()

template<typename T >
void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::Set ( const Key< T, AsnKey > &  key,
const T &  val 

Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container.

keythe specified property key. Asn for getting the property key.
valthe value.
Template Parameters
Tthe type of the mapped value.

◆ set_ActualCost()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_ActualCost ( System::Decimal  value)

Sets a value of ActualCost.

◆ set_ActualFinish()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_ActualFinish ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of ActualFinish.

◆ set_ActualOvertimeCost()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_ActualOvertimeCost ( System::Decimal  value)

Sets a value of ActualOvertimeCost.

◆ set_ActualOvertimeWork()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_ActualOvertimeWork ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of ActualOvertimeWork.

◆ set_ActualOvertimeWorkProtected()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_ActualOvertimeWorkProtected ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of ActualOvertimeWorkProtected.

◆ set_ActualStart()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_ActualStart ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of ActualStart.

◆ set_ActualWork()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_ActualWork ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of ActualWork.

◆ set_ActualWorkProtected()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_ActualWorkProtected ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of ActualWorkProtected.

◆ set_ACWP()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_ACWP ( double  value)

Sets a value of ACWP.

◆ set_AssignmentOwner()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_AssignmentOwner ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of AssignmentOwner.

◆ set_AssignmentOwnerGuid()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_AssignmentOwnerGuid ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of AssignmentOwnerGuid.

◆ set_BCWP()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_BCWP ( double  value)

Sets a value of BCWP.

◆ set_BCWS()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_BCWS ( double  value)

Sets a value of BCWS.

◆ set_BookingType()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_BookingType ( Aspose::Tasks::BookingType  value)

Sets a value of BookingType.

◆ set_BudgetCost()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_BudgetCost ( System::Decimal  value)

Sets a value of BudgetCost.

◆ set_BudgetWork()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_BudgetWork ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of BudgetWork.

◆ set_Confirmed()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Confirmed ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether Confirmed is set or not.

◆ set_Cost()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Cost ( System::Decimal  value)

Sets a value of Cost.

◆ set_CostRateTableType()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_CostRateTableType ( RateType  value)

Sets a value of CostRateTableType.

◆ set_CostVariance()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_CostVariance ( double  value)

Sets a value of CostVariance.

◆ set_Created()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Created ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of Created.

◆ set_CV()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_CV ( double  value)

Sets a value of CV.

◆ set_Delay()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Delay ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of Delay.

◆ set_ExtendedAttributes()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_ExtendedAttributes ( const System::SharedPtr< ExtendedAttributeCollection > &  value)

Sets an instance of the ExtendedAttributeCollection class for this object.

Reading supported for XML format only.

◆ set_Finish()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Finish ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of Finish.

◆ set_FinishVariance()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_FinishVariance ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of FinishVariance.

◆ set_FixedMaterial()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_FixedMaterial ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether FixedMaterial is set or not.

◆ set_Guid()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Guid ( System::Nullable< System::Guid >  value)

Sets unique identifier for this assignment.

◆ set_HasFixedRateUnits()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_HasFixedRateUnits ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether HasFixedRateUnits is set or not.

◆ set_Hyperlink()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Hyperlink ( System::String  value)

Sets a value of Hyperlink.

◆ set_HyperlinkAddress()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_HyperlinkAddress ( System::String  value)

Sets a value of HyperlinkAddress.

◆ set_HyperlinkSubAddress()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_HyperlinkSubAddress ( System::String  value)

Sets a value of HyperlinkSubAddress.

◆ set_LevelingDelay()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_LevelingDelay ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of LevelingDelay.

◆ set_LinkedFields()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_LinkedFields ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether LinkedFields is set or not.

◆ set_Milestone()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Milestone ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether Milestone is set or not.

◆ set_NotesRTF()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_NotesRTF ( System::String  value)

Sets the text notes in RTF format.

Supported for MPP formats only.

◆ set_NotesText()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_NotesText ( System::String  value)

Sets notes' plain text extracted from RTF data.

◆ set_Overallocated()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Overallocated ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether Overallocated is set or not.

◆ set_OvertimeCost()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_OvertimeCost ( System::Decimal  value)

Sets a value of OvertimeCost.

◆ set_OvertimeWork()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_OvertimeWork ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of OvertimeWork.

◆ set_PeakUnits()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_PeakUnits ( double  value)

Sets a value of PeakUnits.

◆ set_PercentWorkComplete()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_PercentWorkComplete ( int32_t  value)

Sets a value of PercentWorkComplete.

◆ set_RateScale()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_RateScale ( RateScaleType  value)

Sets a value of RateScale.

◆ set_RegularWork()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_RegularWork ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of RegularWork.

◆ set_RemainingCost()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_RemainingCost ( System::Decimal  value)

Sets a value of RemainingCost.

◆ set_RemainingOvertimeCost()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_RemainingOvertimeCost ( System::Decimal  value)

Sets a value of RemainingOvertimeCost.

◆ set_RemainingOvertimeWork()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_RemainingOvertimeWork ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of RemainingOvertimeWork.

◆ set_RemainingWork()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_RemainingWork ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of RemainingWork.

◆ set_Resource()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Resource ( const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Resource > &  value)

The resource assigned to a task.

◆ set_ResponsePending()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_ResponsePending ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether ResponsePending is set or not.

◆ set_Resume()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Resume ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of Resume.

◆ set_Start()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Start ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of Start.

◆ set_StartVariance()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_StartVariance ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of StartVariance.

◆ set_Stop()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Stop ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of Stop.

◆ set_Summary()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Summary ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether Summary is set or not.

◆ set_SV()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_SV ( double  value)

Sets a value of SV.

◆ set_Task()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Task ( const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Task > &  value)

The task to which a resource is assigned.

◆ set_TimephasedData()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_TimephasedData ( const System::SharedPtr< TimephasedDataCollection > &  value)

Sets the instance of TimephasedDataCollection class containing elements of TimephasedData class.

◆ set_Uid()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Uid ( int32_t  value)

Sets a value of Uid.

◆ set_Units()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Units ( double  value)

Sets a value of Units.

◆ set_UpdateNeeded()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_UpdateNeeded ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether UpdateNeeded is set or not.

◆ set_VAC()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_VAC ( double  value)

Sets a value of VAC.

◆ set_Work()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_Work ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of Work.

◆ set_WorkContour()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_WorkContour ( WorkContourType  value)

Sets a value of WorkContour.

◆ set_WorkVariance()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::set_WorkVariance ( Duration  value)

Sets a value of WorkVariance.

◆ SetMaterialResourceUnits()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::SetMaterialResourceUnits ( double  units,
RateScaleType  rateScaleType 

Sets units for assignment of a material resource with variable material consumption. The variable material consumption means that as the assignment duration changes, the quantity of materials used changes proportionally.

unitsNumber of units accrued at the time period.
rateScaleTypeTime period at which the unit value is accrued.

For example, to set '123/month', SetUnitsScaled(123D, RateScaleType.Month) should be called.

InvalidOperationExceptionIf the method is called for assignment of non-material resource.

◆ SplitTask()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::SplitTask ( System::DateTime  start,
System::DateTime  finish,
const System::SharedPtr< Calendar > &  calendar 

Splits task into two parts.

startThe beginning of work interruption to split based on.
finishThe end of work interruption to split based on.
calendarThe calendar to split based on.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionThrows when start date is less than the assignment start date.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionThrows when finish date is greater than the assignment finish date.

◆ TimephasedDataFromTaskDuration()

void Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::TimephasedDataFromTaskDuration ( const System::SharedPtr< Calendar > &  calendar)

Generates list of time phased data based on the task duration and the scheduled start date.

calendarThe calendar to generate time phased data from.

◆ ToString()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment::ToString ( ) const

Returns short string representation of the instance of the ResourceAssignment class. The exact details of the representation are unspecified and subject to change.

short string which represents assignment object.