Cursor Enum

Cursor enumeration

Defines cursor types for SVG elements, allowing customization of the cursor appearance when hovering over these elements.

public enum Cursor


Auto0The browser determines the cursor to display based on the current context.
Default1Default cursor, typically an arrow.
None2No cursor is displayed.
ContextMenu3Cursor indicating a context menu is available.
Help4Cursor indicating help information is available.
Pointer5Cursor indicating a clickable element, typically a hand pointer.
Progress6Cursor indicating an ongoing operation or task.
Wait7Cursor indicating that the system is busy and the user should wait.
Cell8Cursor indicating a cell or table element.
Crosshair9Cursor indicating precision selection, typically a crosshair.
Text10Cursor indicating text selection.
VerticalText11Cursor indicating vertical text selection.
Alias12Cursor indicating an alias or shortcut is being created.
Copy13Cursor indicating copy operation.
Move14Cursor indicating a movable item or area.
NoDrop15Cursor indicating that dropping is not allowed.
NotAllowed16Cursor indicating an action is not allowed.
Grab17Cursor indicating an item can be grabbed.
Grabbing18Cursor indicating an item is currently being grabbed.
EResize19Cursor indicating eastward resize.
NResize20Cursor indicating northward resize.
NEResize21Cursor indicating northeastward resize.
NWResize22Cursor indicating northwestward resize.
SResize23Cursor indicating southward resize.
SEResize24Cursor indicating southeastward resize.
SWResize25Cursor indicating southwestward resize.
WResize26Cursor indicating westward resize.
EWResize27Cursor indicating east-west resize.
NSResize28Cursor indicating north-south resize.
NESWResize29Cursor indicating northeast-southwest resize.
NWSeResize30Cursor indicating northwest-southeast resize.
ColResize31Cursor indicating column resize.
RowResize32Cursor indicating row resize.
AllScroll33Cursor indicating scrolling in all directions.
ZoomIn34Cursor indicating zoom-in capability.
ZoomOut35Cursor indicating zoom-out capability.


This enumeration provides a range of cursor styles that can be applied to SVG elements. These styles help indicate the type of interaction available or the status of the element under the cursor.

See Also