
LoadOptions.DocumentLevelFontSources property

Specifies sources for external fonts to be used by the presentation. These fonts are available to the presentation throughout its lifetime and are not shared with other presentations

public IFontSources DocumentLevelFontSources { get; set; }


The following example shows how to specify custom fonts used with PowerPoint Presentation.

byte[] memoryFont1 = File.ReadAllBytes("customfonts\\CustomFont1.ttf");
byte[] memoryFont2 = File.ReadAllBytes("customfonts\\CustomFont2.ttf");
LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();
loadOptions.DocumentLevelFontSources.FontFolders = new string[] { "assets\\fonts", "global\\fonts" };
loadOptions.DocumentLevelFontSources.MemoryFonts = new byte[][] { memoryFont1, memoryFont2 };
using (IPresentation presentation = new Presentation("MyPresentation.pptx", loadOptions))
    //work with the presentation
    //CustomFont1, CustomFont2 as well as fonts from assets\fonts & global\fonts folders and their subfolders are available to the presentation

See Also