
Double::Parse(const String&) method

Converts the specified string containing the string representation of a number to the equivalent double-precision floating-point value.

static double System::Double::Parse(const String &value)


valueconst String&The string to convert.

Return Value

The double-precision floating-point value equal to the number represented by the specified string.

Double::Parse(const String&, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&) method

Converts the specified string containing the string representation of a number to the equivalent double-precision floating-point value using the provided formatting information.

static double System::Double::Parse(const String &value, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider> &provider)


valueconst String&The string to convert.
providerconst SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&A pointer to an object that contains the string format information.

Return Value

The double-precision floating-point value equal to the number represented by the specified string.

Double::Parse(const String&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&) method

static double System::Double::Parse(const String &value, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo> &culture)

Double::Parse(const String&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::NumberFormatInfo>&) method

static double System::Double::Parse(const String &value, const SharedPtr<Globalization::NumberFormatInfo> &nfi)

Double::Parse(const String&, std::nullptr_t) method

static double System::Double::Parse(const String &value, std::nullptr_t)

Double::Parse(const String&, Globalization::NumberStyles, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&) method

Converts the specified string containing the string representation of a number to the equivalent double-precision floating-point value using the provided formatting information and number style.

static double System::Double::Parse(const String &value, Globalization::NumberStyles styles, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider> &provider)


valueconst String&The string to convert.
stylesGlobalization::NumberStylesA bitwise combination of values of NumberStyles enum that specifies the permitted style of the string representation of a number.
providerconst SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&A pointer to an object that contains the string format information.

Return Value

The double-precision floating-point value equal to the number represented by the specified string.

Double::Parse(const String&, Globalization::NumberStyles, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&) method

static double System::Double::Parse(const String &value, Globalization::NumberStyles styles, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo> &culture)

Double::Parse(const String&, Globalization::NumberStyles, const SharedPtr<Globalization::NumberFormatInfo>&) method

static double System::Double::Parse(const String &value, Globalization::NumberStyles styles, const SharedPtr<Globalization::NumberFormatInfo> &nfi)

Double::Parse(const String&, Globalization::NumberStyles, std::nullptr_t) method

static double System::Double::Parse(const String &value, Globalization::NumberStyles styles, std::nullptr_t=nullptr)

See Also