
XmlParserContext::XmlParserContext(const SharedPtr<XmlNameTable>&, const SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager>&, const String&, System::Xml::XmlSpace) constructor

Initializes a new instance of the XmlParserContext class with the specified XmlNameTable, XmlNamespaceManager, xml:lang, and xml:space values.

System::Xml::XmlParserContext::XmlParserContext(const SharedPtr<XmlNameTable> &nt, const SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager> &nsMgr, const String &xmlLang, System::Xml::XmlSpace xmlSpace)


ntconst SharedPtr<XmlNameTable>&The XmlNameTable to use to atomize strings. If this is nullptr, the name table used to construct the nsMgr is used instead. For more information about atomized strings, see XmlNameTable.
nsMgrconst SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager>&The XmlNamespaceManager to use for looking up namespace information, or nullptr.
xmlLangconst String&The xml:lang scope.
xmlSpaceSystem::Xml::XmlSpaceAn XmlSpace value indicating the xml:space scope.

XmlParserContext::XmlParserContext(const SharedPtr<XmlNameTable>&, const SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager>&, const String&, System::Xml::XmlSpace, const SharedPtr<System::Text::Encoding>&) constructor

Initializes a new instance of the XmlParserContext class with the specified XmlNameTable, XmlNamespaceManager, xml:lang, xml:space, and encoding.

System::Xml::XmlParserContext::XmlParserContext(const SharedPtr<XmlNameTable> &nt, const SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager> &nsMgr, const String &xmlLang, System::Xml::XmlSpace xmlSpace, const SharedPtr<System::Text::Encoding> &enc)


ntconst SharedPtr<XmlNameTable>&The XmlNameTable to use to atomize strings. If this is nullptr, the name table used to construct the nsMgr is used instead. For more information on atomized strings, see XmlNameTable.
nsMgrconst SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager>&The XmlNamespaceManager to use for looking up namespace information, or nullptr.
xmlLangconst String&The xml:lang scope.
xmlSpaceSystem::Xml::XmlSpaceAn XmlSpace value indicating the xml:space scope.
encconst SharedPtr<System::Text::Encoding>&An Encoding object indicating the encoding setting.

XmlParserContext::XmlParserContext(const SharedPtr<XmlNameTable>&, const SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager>&, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&, System::Xml::XmlSpace) constructor

Initializes a new instance of the XmlParserContext class with the specified XmlNameTable, XmlNamespaceManager, base URI, xml:lang, xml:space, and document type values.

System::Xml::XmlParserContext::XmlParserContext(const SharedPtr<XmlNameTable> &nt, const SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager> &nsMgr, const String &docTypeName, const String &pubId, const String &sysId, const String &internalSubset, const String &baseURI, const String &xmlLang, System::Xml::XmlSpace xmlSpace)


ntconst SharedPtr<XmlNameTable>&The XmlNameTable to use to atomize strings. If this is nullptr, the name table used to construct the nsMgr is used instead. For more information about atomized strings, see XmlNameTable.
nsMgrconst SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager>&The XmlNamespaceManager to use for looking up namespace information, or nullptr.
docTypeNameconst String&The name of the document type declaration.
pubIdconst String&The public identifier.
sysIdconst String&The system identifier.
internalSubsetconst String&The internal DTD subset. The DTD subset is used for entity resolution, not for document validation.
baseURIconst String&The base URI for the XML fragment (the location from which the fragment was loaded).
xmlLangconst String&The xml:lang scope.
xmlSpaceSystem::Xml::XmlSpaceAn XmlSpace value indicating the xml:space scope.

XmlParserContext::XmlParserContext(const SharedPtr<XmlNameTable>&, const SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager>&, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&, System::Xml::XmlSpace, const SharedPtr<System::Text::Encoding>&) constructor

Initializes a new instance of the XmlParserContext class with the specified XmlNameTable, XmlNamespaceManager, base URI, xml:lang, xml:space, encoding, and document type values.

System::Xml::XmlParserContext::XmlParserContext(const SharedPtr<XmlNameTable> &nt, const SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager> &nsMgr, const String &docTypeName, const String &pubId, const String &sysId, const String &internalSubset, const String &baseURI, const String &xmlLang, System::Xml::XmlSpace xmlSpace, const SharedPtr<System::Text::Encoding> &enc)


ntconst SharedPtr<XmlNameTable>&The XmlNameTable to use to atomize strings. If this is nullptr, the name table used to construct the nsMgr is used instead. For more information about atomized strings, see XmlNameTable.
nsMgrconst SharedPtr<XmlNamespaceManager>&The XmlNamespaceManager to use for looking up namespace information, or nullptr.
docTypeNameconst String&The name of the document type declaration.
pubIdconst String&The public identifier.
sysIdconst String&The system identifier.
internalSubsetconst String&The internal DTD subset. The DTD is used for entity resolution, not for document validation.
baseURIconst String&The base URI for the XML fragment (the location from which the fragment was loaded).
xmlLangconst String&The xml:lang scope.
xmlSpaceSystem::Xml::XmlSpaceAn XmlSpace value indicating the xml:space scope.
encconst SharedPtr<System::Text::Encoding>&An Encoding object indicating the encoding setting.

See Also