
XmlNode::get_ParentNode() method

Returns the parent of this node (for nodes that can have parents).

virtual SharedPtr<XmlNode> System::Xml::XmlNode::get_ParentNode() final

Return Value

The XmlNode that is the parent of the current node.


If a node has just been created and not yet added to the tree, or if it has been removed from the tree, the parent is nullptr. For all other nodes, the value returned depends on the XmlNode::get_NodeType of the node. The following table describes the possible return values for the get_NodeType method.

NodeTypeReturn Value of ParentNode
Attribute, Document, DocumentFragment, Entity, NotationReturns nullptr; these nodes do not have parents.
CDATAReturns the element or entity reference containing the CDATA section.
CommentReturns the element, entity reference, document type, or document containing the comment.
DocumentTypeReturns the document node.
ElementReturns the parent node of the element. If the element is the root node in the tree, the parent is the document node.
EntityReferenceReturns the element, attribute, or entity reference containing the entity reference.
ProcessingInstructionReturns the document, element, document type, or entity reference containing the processing instruction.
TextReturns the parent element, attribute, or entity reference containing the text node.

See Also