
GeometryPath::CubicBezierTo(System::Drawing::PointF, System::Drawing::PointF, System::Drawing::PointF) method

Adds cubic Bezier curve at the end the path

void Aspose::Slides::GeometryPath::CubicBezierTo(System::Drawing::PointF point1, System::Drawing::PointF point2, System::Drawing::PointF point3) override


point1System::Drawing::PointFFirst direction point
point2System::Drawing::PointFSecond direction point
point3System::Drawing::PointFEnd point

GeometryPath::CubicBezierTo(float, float, float, float, float, float) method

Adds cubic Bezier curve at the end the path

void Aspose::Slides::GeometryPath::CubicBezierTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) override


x1floatX coordinate of first direction point
y1floatY coordinate of first direction point
x2floatX coordinate of second direction point
y2floatY coordinate of second direction point
x3floatX coordinate of end point
y3floatY coordinate of end point

GeometryPath::CubicBezierTo(System::Drawing::PointF, System::Drawing::PointF, System::Drawing::PointF, uint32_t) method

Adds cubic Bezier curve to the specified place of the path

void Aspose::Slides::GeometryPath::CubicBezierTo(System::Drawing::PointF point1, System::Drawing::PointF point2, System::Drawing::PointF point3, uint32_t index) override


point1System::Drawing::PointFFirst direction point
point2System::Drawing::PointFSecond direction point
point3System::Drawing::PointFEnd point
indexuint32_tIndex of segment in PathData

GeometryPath::CubicBezierTo(float, float, float, float, float, float, uint32_t) method

Adds cubic Bezier curve to the specified place of the path

void Aspose::Slides::GeometryPath::CubicBezierTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, uint32_t index) override


x1floatX coordinate of first direction point
y1floatY coordinate of first direction point
x2floatX coordinate of second direction point
y2floatY coordinate of second direction point
x3floatX coordinate of end point
y3floatY coordinate of end point
indexuint32_tIndex of segment in PathData

See Also