
Class DisplayUnitType

Utility class containing constants. Represents the type of display unit of chart's axis.

Field Summary
const  intNONE
Display unit is None.
const  intHUNDREDS
Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100.
const  intTHOUSANDS
Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000.
Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000.
Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000.
const  intMILLIONS
Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000.
const  intTEN_MILLIONS
Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000,000.
Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000,000.
const  intBILLIONS
Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000.
const  intTRILLIONS
Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000,000.
const  intPERCENTAGE
The values on the chart shall be divided by 0.01.
const  intCUST
specifies a custom value for the display unit.
const  intCUSTOM
specifies a custom value for the display unit.

    • Field Detail

      • NONE

        const int NONE
        Display unit is None.
      • HUNDREDS

        const int HUNDREDS
        Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100.

        const int THOUSANDS
        Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000.

        const int TEN_THOUSANDS
        Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000.

        const int HUNDRED_THOUSANDS
        Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000.
      • MILLIONS

        const int MILLIONS
        Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000.

        const int TEN_MILLIONS
        Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000,000.

        const int HUNDRED_MILLIONS
        Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000,000.
      • BILLIONS

        const int BILLIONS
        Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000.

        const int TRILLIONS
        Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000,000.

        const int PERCENTAGE
        The values on the chart shall be divided by 0.01.
      • CUST

        const int CUST
        specifies a custom value for the display unit. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use DisplayUnitType.Custom. This property will be removed 12 months later since January 2023. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
      • CUSTOM

        const int CUSTOM
        specifies a custom value for the display unit.