Aspose.PSD for Python via .NET - API Reference


aspose.psdThe module is the core for nested modules and the most basic objects used for Aspose.PSD processing.
aspose.psd.asynctaskThe module handles AsyncTask processing.
aspose.psd.brushesThe module provides helper classes and methods to work with different brush types.
aspose.psd.ditheringThe module provides different helper classes for color dithering.
aspose.psd.evaluteThe module DIB header processing.
aspose.psd.exifThe module contains EXIF related helper classes and methods.
aspose.psd.exif.enumsThe module contains EXIF enumerations.
aspose.psd.extensionsThe module contains extension methods.
aspose.psd.fileformats.bmpThe module handles Bmp file format processing.
aspose.psd.fileformats.core.vectorpathsThe module contains PSD Vector Paths.
aspose.psd.fileformats.jpegThe module handles Jpeg file format processing.
aspose.psd.fileformats.jpeg2000The module handles Jpeg2000 file format processing.
aspose.psd.fileformats.pdfThe module contains classes for PDF file format integration.
aspose.psd.fileformats.pngThe module handles Png file format processing.
aspose.psd.fileformats.psdThe module handles Psd file format processing.
aspose.psd.fileformats.tiffThe module handles Tiff file format processing.
aspose.psd.fileformats.tiff.enumsThe module contains Tiff file format enumerations.
aspose.psd.fileformats.tiff.filemanagementThe module contains Tiff file format stream handling classes.
aspose.psd.imagefilters.filteroptionsThe module handles Filter options.
aspose.psd.imageloadoptionsThe module contains different file format load options.
aspose.psd.imageoptionsThe module contains classes suitable for export, save or creation of different file formats.
aspose.psd.interfacesThe module handles Tiff file format processing.
aspose.psd.memorymanagementThe module contains memory management routines.
aspose.psd.multithreadingThe module contains multi-threading classes.
aspose.psd.palettehelperThe module contains classes for adjustment of color palette to the image colors and visa versa.
aspose.psd.progressmanagementThe module contains progress handler classes
aspose.psd.shapesThe module contains different shapes combined from shape segments.
aspose.psd.shapesegmentsThe module contains different shape segments which combine shapes.
aspose.psd.sourcesModule contains different stream sources which are suitable for input or output data flow.
aspose.psd.xmpThe module contains XMP related helper classes and methods.
aspose.psd.xmp.schemas.dublincoreThe module contains Dublin Core metadata related helper classes, constants and methods.
aspose.psd.xmp.schemas.pdfThe module contains related helper classes, constants and methods used with Adobe PDF documents.
aspose.psd.xmp.schemas.photoshopThe module contains related helper classes, constants and methods used by Adobe Photoshop.
aspose.psd.xmp.schemas.xmpbaseschemaThe module contains the XMP Basic Schema related helper classes, constants and methods that provide basic descriptive information.
aspose.psd.xmp.schemas.xmpdmThe module contains XMP related helper classes, constants and methods used by the Adobe dynamic media group.
aspose.psd.xmp.schemas.xmpmmThe module contains related helper classes, constants and methods that is primarily used by digital asset management (DAM) systems.
aspose.psd.xmp.schemas.xmprmThe module contains related to rights management helper classes, constants and methods. These properties specify information regarding the legal restrictions associated with a resource.
aspose.psd.xmp.typesThe module contains classes that represent the values of XMP properties in three basic categories: basic types, complex and derived types.
aspose.psd.xmp.types.basicThe module contains classes that represent the basic type values of XMP properties.
aspose.psd.xmp.types.complexThe module contains classes that represent the complex type values of XMP properties.
aspose.psd.xmp.types.complex.colorantThe module contains classes that represent the structures containing the characteristics of a colorant (swatch) used in a document.
aspose.psd.xmp.types.complex.dimensionsThe module contains classes that represent the structure containing dimensions for a drawn object.
aspose.psd.xmp.types.complex.fontThe module contains classes that represent the structure containing the characteristics of a font used in a document.
aspose.psd.xmp.types.complex.resourceeventThe module contains class that is a high level event that occurred in the processing of this document.
aspose.psd.xmp.types.complex.resourcerefThe module contains class that is a multiple part reference to a resource. Used to indicate prior versions, originals of renditions, originals for derived documents, and so on.
aspose.psd.xmp.types.complex.thumbnailThe module contains class that is a thumbnail image for a file.
aspose.psd.xmp.types.complex.versionThe module contains classes that describe one version of a document.
aspose.psd.xmp.types.derivedThe module contains classes that represent the derived type values of XMP properties.