
PsdOptions.UpdateMetadata property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether [update metadata]. If the value is true, the metadata will be updated while saving an image.

public bool UpdateMetadata { get; set; }

Property Value

true if [update metadata]; otherwise, false.


The following code demonstrates the using UpdateMetadata option to update CreatorTool value in xmp data.


string path = "output.psd";

using (var image = new PsdImage(100, 100))
    // If you want the creator tool to change, make sure that the "UpdateMetadata" property is set to true. It's set to true by default.
    var psdOptions = new PsdOptions();
    psdOptions.UpdateMetadata = true;

    // Saving the image. 
    image.Save(path, psdOptions);

    // Checking creator tool in code.
    var xmpData = image.XmpData;
    var basicPackage = image.XmpData.GetPackage(Namespaces.XmpBasic);

    // Here will be updated creator tool info.
    var currentCreatorTool = (string)basicPackage[":CreatorTool"];

See Also