

PlLdResourceDefines the PlLdResource class that contains information about a placed layer in the PSD file.
PlacedLayerTypeDefines the PlacedLayerType enumeration for the placed layer PlLd resource.
PlacedResourceDefines the PlacedResource class that contains common information about a placed layer or a smart object layer in the PSD file.
SmartObjectResourceDefines the SmartObjectResource class that contains information about a smart object layer in a PSD file.
SmartResourceCreatorDefines the SmartResourceCreator class that can create PlLd, SoLd and SoLe resources.
SoLdResourceDefines the SoLdResource class that contains information about a smart object layer in a PSD file.
SoLeResourceDefines the SoLeResource class that contains information about a smart object layer in a PSD file.


IPlacedLayerResourceDefines the IPlacedLayerResource interface that contains information about a placed layer in the PSD file.
ISmartObjectLayerResourceDefines the ISmartObjectLayerResource interface that contains information about a smart object layer resource in the PSD file.