
FormEditor.AddSubmitBtn method

Add submit button on the form.

public void AddSubmitBtn(string fieldName, int page, string label, string url, float llx, 
    float lly, float urx, float ury)
fieldNameStringName of new button.
pageInt32Page where button will be placed.
labelStringButton caption.
urlStringURL of the submit button.
llxSingleAbscissa of the lower-left corner.
llySingleOrdinate of the lower-left corner.
urxSingleAbscissa of the upper-right corner.
urySingleOrdinate of the upper-right corner.


FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddSubmitBtn.pdf");
formEditor.AddSubmitBtn("submit", 1, "Submit", "", 10, 200, 70, 270);

See Also