The contains interfaces and classes common for all Aspose.Page plugins.


ByteArrayResultRepresents operation result in the form of the bytes array.
DataTypeRepresents possible types of data for plugin processing.
FileDataSourceRepresents file data source for load and save operations of a plugin.
FileResultRepresents operation result in the form of string path to file.
PluginExceptionMessagesThis class represents a storage for messages used in thrown exceptions from plugins.
ResultContainerRepresents container that contains the result collection of processing the plugin.
StreamDataSourceRepresents stream data source for load and save operations of a plugin.
StreamResultRepresents operation result in the form of Stream.
StringResultRepresents operation result in the form of string.


IDataContainerGeneral data container interface that defines common methods that concrete data container (plugin options) should implement.
IDataSourceGeneral data source interface that defines common members that concrete data sources should implement.
IOperationResultGeneral operation result interface that defines common methods that concrete plugin operation result should implement.
IPluginGeneral plugin interface that defines common methods that concrete plugin should implement.
IPluginOptionsGeneral plugin option interface that defines common methods that concrete plugin option should implement.
ISaveInstructionGeneral save instruction interface that defines common members that concrete plugin option should implement.


PluginRepresents possible plugins.