Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsModel Namespace Reference


class  ITransformableProperty
class  NamespaceDoc
 The Aspose.Page.Xps.XpsModel namespace provides classes that describe elements of XPS document. More...
class  XpsArcSegment
 Class incapsulating ArcSegment element features. This element describes an elliptical arc. More...
class  XpsArray
 Class incapsulating common XPS model array object features. More...
class  XpsBrush
 Class incapsulating common features of all brush elements. More...
class  XpsCanvas
 Class incapsulating Canvas element features. This element groups elements together. For example, Glyphs and Path elements can be grouped in a canvas in order to be identified as a unit (as a hyperlink destination) or to apply a composed property value to each child and ancestor element. More...
class  XpsColor
 The base class incapsulating common color features. More...
class  XpsContentElement
 Incapsulates features of XPS content elements: Canvas, Path and Glyphs. More...
class  XpsContext
class  XpsElement
 Class incapsulating common XPS element features. More...
class  XpsElementLinkTarget
 Class incapsulating the relative named-address hyperlink target. More...
class  XpsExternalLinkTarget
 Class incapsulating the external hyperlink target. More...
class  XpsFileResource
 Class incapsulating common features of all file resources. More...
class  XpsFont
 Class incapsulating a TrueType font resource. More...
class  XpsGlyphMapping
class  XpsGlyphs
 Class incapsulating Glyphs element features. This element represents a run of uniformly-formatted text from a single font. It provides information necessary for accurate rendering and supports search and selection features in viewing consumers. More...
class  XpsGlyphsClusterMap
class  XpsGradientBrush
 Class incapsulating common features of LinerGradientBrush and RadialGradientBrush elements. More...
class  XpsGradientStop
 Class incapsulating GradientStop element features. This element is used by both the LinearGradientBrush and RadialGradientBrush elements to define the location and range of color progression for rendering a gradient. More...
class  XpsHyperlinkElement
 Incapsulates common features of XPS elements that can be a hyperlink. More...
class  XpsHyperlinkTarget
 Base class for a hyperlink target. More...
class  XpsIccBasedColor
 Incapsulates ICC based color. More...
class  XpsIccProfile
 Class incapsulating an ICC profile resource. More...
class  XpsImage
 Class incapsulating an image resource. More...
class  XpsImageBrush
 Class incapsulating ImageBrush property element features. This element is used to fill a region with an image. More...
class  XpsLinearGradientBrush
 Class incapsulating LinearGradientBrush property element features. This element is used to specify a linear gradient brush along a vector. More...
class  XpsMatrix
 Class incapsulating MatrixTransform property element features. This element defines an arbitrary affine matrix transformation used to manipulate the coordinate systems of elements. More...
class  XpsObject
 Class incapsulating common XPS model object features. More...
class  XpsPage
 Class incapsulating FixedPage element features. This element contains the contents of a page and is the root element of a FixedPage part. More...
class  XpsPageLinkTarget
 Class incapsulating the page hyperlink target. More...
class  XpsPath
 Class incapsulating Path element features. This element is the sole means of adding vector graphics and images to a fixed page. It defines a single vector graphic to be rendered on a page. More...
class  XpsPathFigure
 Class incapsulating PathFigure element features. This element is composed of a set of one or more line or curve segments. More...
class  XpsPathGeometry
 Class incapsulating PathGeometry property element features. This element contains a set of path figures specified either with the Figures attribute or with a child PathFigure element. More...
class  XpsPathPolySegment
 Class incapsulating common features of PolyLineSegment, PolyBézierSegment and PolyQuadraticBézierSegment elements. More...
class  XpsPathSegment
 Class incapsulating common features of all path segment elements. More...
class  XpsPolyBezierSegment
 Class incapsulating PolyBezierSegment element features. This element describes a set of cubic Bézier curves. More...
class  XpsPolyLineSegment
 Class incapsulating PolyLineSegment element features. This element describes a polygonal drawing containing an arbitrary number of individual vertices. More...
class  XpsPolyQuadraticBezierSegment
 Class incapsulating PolyQuadraticBezierSegment element features. This element describes a set of quadratic Bézier curves from the previous point in the path figure through a set of vertices, using specified control points. More...
class  XpsProperty
class  XpsRadialGradientBrush
 Class incapsulating RadialGradientBrush property element features. This element is used to specify a radial gradient brush. More...
class  XpsRgbColor
 Incapsulates RGB color of any color space (sRGB or scRGB). More...
class  XpsSolidColorBrush
 Class incapsulating SolidColorBrush property element features. This element is used to fill defined geometric regions with a solid color. More...
class  XpsTilingBrush
 Class incapsulating common features of tiling brushes elements (VisualBrush and ImageBrush). More...
class  XpsTransformableBrush
 Class incapsulating common features of transformable brushes elements (all except SolidColorBrush). More...
class  XpsVisualBrush
 Class incapsulating VisualBrush property element features. This element is used to fill a region with a drawing. More...


enum  XpsElementType { XpsElementType::SimpleElement, XpsElementType::CompositeElement }
enum  XpsDashCap { XpsDashCap::Flat, XpsDashCap::Round, XpsDashCap::Square, XpsDashCap::Triangle }
 Valid values of Path element's StrokeDashCap property. More...
enum  XpsLineCap { XpsLineCap::Flat, XpsLineCap::Round, XpsLineCap::Square, XpsLineCap::Triangle }
 Valid values of Path element's StrokeStartLineCap and StrokeEndLineCap properties. More...
enum  XpsLineJoin { XpsLineJoin::Miter, XpsLineJoin::Bevel, XpsLineJoin::Round }
 Valid values of Path element's StrokeLineJoin property. More...
enum  XpsStyleSimulations { XpsStyleSimulations::None, XpsStyleSimulations::ItalicSimulation, XpsStyleSimulations::BoldSimulation, XpsStyleSimulations::BoldItalicSimulation }
 Valid values of Glyphs element's StyleSimulations property. More...
enum  XpsFillRule { XpsFillRule::EvenOdd, XpsFillRule::NonZero }
 Valid values of PathGeometry element's FillRule property. More...
enum  XpsSweepDirection { XpsSweepDirection::Counterclockwise, XpsSweepDirection::Clockwise }
 Valid values of ArcSegment element's SweepDirection property. More...
enum  XpsTileMode {
  XpsTileMode::None, XpsTileMode::Tile, XpsTileMode::FlipX, XpsTileMode::FlipY,
 Valid values of tiling brushes' TileMode property. More...
enum  XpsColorInterpolationMode { XpsColorInterpolationMode::SRgbLinearInterpolation, XpsColorInterpolationMode::ScRgbLinearInterpolation }
 Valid values of gradient brushes' ColorInterpolationMode property. More...
enum  XpsSpreadMethod { XpsSpreadMethod::Pad, XpsSpreadMethod::Reflect, XpsSpreadMethod::Repeat }
 Valid values of gradient brushes' SpreadMethod property. More...
enum  XpsEdgeMode { XpsEdgeMode::None, XpsEdgeMode::Aliased }
 Valid values of Canvas element's RenderOptions.EdgeMode property. More...


ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API bool operator== (const System::SharedPtr< XpsMatrix > &a, const System::SharedPtr< XpsMatrix > &b)
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API bool operator!= (const System::SharedPtr< XpsMatrix > &a, const System::SharedPtr< XpsMatrix > &b)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ XpsColorInterpolationMode

Valid values of gradient brushes' ColorInterpolationMode property.


SRgbLinearInterpolation mode.


ScRgbLinearInterpolation mode.

◆ XpsDashCap

Valid values of Path element's StrokeDashCap property.


Flat dash cap.


Roud dash cap.


Square dash cap.


Triangle dash cap.

◆ XpsEdgeMode

Valid values of Canvas element's RenderOptions.EdgeMode property.


The edges are to be rendered in the consumer's default manner.


The edges are to be aliased.

◆ XpsElementType


◆ XpsFillRule

Valid values of PathGeometry element's FillRule property.


This rule determines the “insideness” of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from the point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if it is even, the point is outside.


This rule determines the “insideness” of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from the point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, add one each time a segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtract one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After counting the crossings, if the result is zero then the point is outside the path; otherwise, it is inside.

◆ XpsLineCap

Valid values of Path element's StrokeStartLineCap and StrokeEndLineCap properties.


Flat line cap.


Round line cap.


Square line cap.


Triangle line cap.

◆ XpsLineJoin

Valid values of Path element's StrokeLineJoin property.


Miter line join.


Bevel line join.


Round line join.

◆ XpsSpreadMethod

Valid values of gradient brushes' SpreadMethod property.


In this method, the first color and the last color are used to fill the remaining fill area at the beginning and end.


In this method, the gradient stops are replayed in reverse order repeatedly to cover the fill area.


In this method, the gradient stops are repeated in order until the fill area is covered.

◆ XpsStyleSimulations

Valid values of Glyphs element's StyleSimulations property.


No style simulation


Italic simulation


Bold simulation


Bold italic simulation

◆ XpsSweepDirection

Valid values of ArcSegment element's SweepDirection property.


Counterclockwise direction.


Clockwise direction.

◆ XpsTileMode

Valid values of tiling brushes' TileMode property.


In this mode, only the single base tile is drawn. The remaining area is left transparent.


In this mode, the base tile is drawn and the remaining area is filled by repeating the base tile such that the right edge of each tile abuts the left edge of the next, and the bottom edge of each tile abuts the top edge of the next.


The tile arrangement is similar to the Tile tile mode, but alternate columns of tiles are flipped horizontally. The base tile is positioned as specified by the viewport. Tiles in the columns to the left and right of this tile are flipped horizontally.


The tile arrangement is similar to the Tile tile mode, but alternate rows of tiles are flipped vertically. The base tile is positioned as specified by the viewport. Rows above and below are flipped vertically.


The tile arrangement is similar to the Tile tile mode, but alternate columns of tiles are flipped horizontally and alternate rows of tiles are flipped vertically. The base tile is positioned as specified by the viewport.

Function Documentation

◆ operator!=()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsModel::operator!= ( const System::SharedPtr< XpsMatrix > &  a,
const System::SharedPtr< XpsMatrix > &  b 

◆ operator==()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsModel::operator== ( const System::SharedPtr< XpsMatrix > &  a,
const System::SharedPtr< XpsMatrix > &  b 