
Style.Name property

Gets or sets the name of the style.

public string Name { get; set; }


Can not be empty string.

If there already is a style with such name in the collection, then this style will override it. All affected nodes will reference new style.


Shows how to access a document’s style collection.

Document doc = new Document();

Assert.AreEqual(4, doc.Styles.Count);

// Enumerate and list all the styles that a document created using Aspose.Words contains by default.
using (IEnumerator<Style> stylesEnum = doc.Styles.GetEnumerator())
    while (stylesEnum.MoveNext())
        Style curStyle = stylesEnum.Current;
        Console.WriteLine($"Style name:\t\"{curStyle.Name}\", of type \"{curStyle.Type}\"");
        Console.WriteLine($"\tSubsequent style:\t{curStyle.NextParagraphStyleName}");
        Console.WriteLine($"\tIs heading:\t\t\t{curStyle.IsHeading}");
        Console.WriteLine($"\tIs QuickStyle:\t\t{curStyle.IsQuickStyle}");

        Assert.AreEqual(doc, curStyle.Document);

Shows how to clone a document’s style.

Document doc = new Document();

// The AddCopy method creates a copy of the specified style and
// automatically generates a new name for the style, such as "Heading 1_0".
Style newStyle = doc.Styles.AddCopy(doc.Styles["Heading 1"]);

// Use the style's "Name" property to change the style's identifying name.
newStyle.Name = "My Heading 1";

// Our document now has two identical looking styles with different names.
// Changing settings of one of the styles do not affect the other.
newStyle.Font.Color = Color.Red;

Assert.AreEqual("My Heading 1", newStyle.Name);
Assert.AreEqual("Heading 1", doc.Styles["Heading 1"].Name);

Assert.AreEqual(doc.Styles["Heading 1"].Type, newStyle.Type);
Assert.AreEqual(doc.Styles["Heading 1"].Font.Name, newStyle.Font.Name);
Assert.AreEqual(doc.Styles["Heading 1"].Font.Size, newStyle.Font.Size);
Assert.AreNotEqual(doc.Styles["Heading 1"].Font.Color, newStyle.Font.Color);

See Also