
FieldSeq.ResetNumber property

Gets or sets an integer number to reset the sequence number to. Returns -1 if the number is absent.

public string ResetNumber { get; set; }


Shows create numbering using SEQ fields.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// SEQ fields display a count that increments at each SEQ field.
// These fields also maintain separate counts for each unique named sequence
// identified by the SEQ field's "SequenceIdentifier" property.
// Insert a SEQ field that will display the current count value of "MySequence",
// after using the "ResetNumber" property to set it to 100.
FieldSeq fieldSeq = (FieldSeq)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldSequence, true);
fieldSeq.SequenceIdentifier = "MySequence";
fieldSeq.ResetNumber = "100";

Assert.AreEqual(" SEQ  MySequence \\r 100", fieldSeq.GetFieldCode());
Assert.AreEqual("100", fieldSeq.Result);

// Display the next number in this sequence with another SEQ field.
builder.Write(", #");
fieldSeq = (FieldSeq)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldSequence, true);
fieldSeq.SequenceIdentifier = "MySequence";

Assert.AreEqual("101", fieldSeq.Result);

// Insert a level 1 heading.
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles["Heading 1"];
builder.Writeln("This level 1 heading will reset MySequence to 1");
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles["Normal"];

// Insert another SEQ field from the same sequence and configure it to reset the count at every heading with 1.
fieldSeq = (FieldSeq)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldSequence, true);
fieldSeq.SequenceIdentifier = "MySequence";
fieldSeq.ResetHeadingLevel = "1";

// The above heading is a level 1 heading, so the count for this sequence is reset to 1.
Assert.AreEqual(" SEQ  MySequence \\s 1", fieldSeq.GetFieldCode());
Assert.AreEqual("1", fieldSeq.Result);

// Move to the next number of this sequence.
builder.Write(", #");
fieldSeq = (FieldSeq)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldSequence, true);
fieldSeq.SequenceIdentifier = "MySequence";
fieldSeq.InsertNextNumber = true;

Assert.AreEqual(" SEQ  MySequence \\n", fieldSeq.GetFieldCode());
Assert.AreEqual("2", fieldSeq.Result);

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Field.SEQ.ResetNumbering.docx");

See Also