
FieldRef.IncludeNoteOrComment property

Gets or sets whether to increment footnote, endnote, and annotation numbers that are marked by the bookmark, and insert the corresponding footnote, endnote, and comment text.

public bool IncludeNoteOrComment { get; set; }


Shows how to insert REF fields to reference bookmarks.

public void FieldRef()
    Document doc = new Document();
    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

    builder.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Footnote, "MyBookmark footnote #1");
    builder.Write("Text that will appear in REF field");
    builder.InsertFootnote(FootnoteType.Footnote, "MyBookmark footnote #2");

    // We will apply a custom list format, where the amount of angle brackets indicates the list level we are currently at.
    builder.ListFormat.ListLevel.NumberFormat = "> \x0000";

    // Insert a REF field that will contain the text within our bookmark, act as a hyperlink, and clone the bookmark's footnotes.
    FieldRef field = InsertFieldRef(builder, "MyBookmark", "", "\n");
    field.IncludeNoteOrComment = true;
    field.InsertHyperlink = true;

    Assert.AreEqual(" REF  MyBookmark \\f \\h", field.GetFieldCode());

    // Insert a REF field, and display whether the referenced bookmark is above or below it.
    field = InsertFieldRef(builder, "MyBookmark", "The referenced paragraph is ", " this field.\n");
    field.InsertRelativePosition = true;

    Assert.AreEqual(" REF  MyBookmark \\p", field.GetFieldCode());

    // Display the list number of the bookmark as it appears in the document.
    field = InsertFieldRef(builder, "MyBookmark", "The bookmark's paragraph number is ", "\n");
    field.InsertParagraphNumber = true;

    Assert.AreEqual(" REF  MyBookmark \\n", field.GetFieldCode());

    // Display the bookmark's list number, but with non-delimiter characters, such as the angle brackets, omitted.
    field = InsertFieldRef(builder, "MyBookmark", "The bookmark's paragraph number, non-delimiters suppressed, is ", "\n");
    field.InsertParagraphNumber = true;
    field.SuppressNonDelimiters = true;

    Assert.AreEqual(" REF  MyBookmark \\n \\t", field.GetFieldCode());

    // Move down one list level.
    builder.ListFormat.ListLevel.NumberFormat = ">> \x0001";

    // Display the list number of the bookmark and the numbers of all the list levels above it.
    field = InsertFieldRef(builder, "MyBookmark", "The bookmark's full context paragraph number is ", "\n");
    field.InsertParagraphNumberInFullContext = true;

    Assert.AreEqual(" REF  MyBookmark \\w", field.GetFieldCode());


    // Display the list level numbers between this REF field, and the bookmark that it is referencing.
    field = InsertFieldRef(builder, "MyBookmark", "The bookmark's relative paragraph number is ", "\n");
    field.InsertParagraphNumberInRelativeContext = true;

    Assert.AreEqual(" REF  MyBookmark \\r", field.GetFieldCode());

    // At the end of the document, the bookmark will show up as a list item here.
    builder.Writeln("List level above bookmark");
    builder.ListFormat.ListLevel.NumberFormat = ">>> \x0002";

    doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Field.REF.docx");

/// <summary>
/// Get the document builder to insert a REF field, reference a bookmark with it, and add text before and after it.
/// </summary>
private static FieldRef InsertFieldRef(DocumentBuilder builder, string bookmarkName, string textBefore, string textAfter)
    FieldRef field = (FieldRef)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldRef, true);
    field.BookmarkName = bookmarkName;
    return field;

See Also