
FieldDocVariable.VariableName property

Gets or sets the name of the document variable to retrieve.

public string VariableName { get; set; }


Shows how to use DOCPROPERTY fields to display document properties and variables.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// Below are two ways of using DOCPROPERTY fields.
// 1 -  Display a built-in property:
// Set a custom value for the "Category" built-in property, then insert a DOCPROPERTY field that references it.
doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Category = "My category";

FieldDocProperty fieldDocProperty = (FieldDocProperty)builder.InsertField(" DOCPROPERTY Category ");

Assert.AreEqual(" DOCPROPERTY Category ", fieldDocProperty.GetFieldCode());
Assert.AreEqual("My category", fieldDocProperty.Result);


// 2 -  Display a custom document variable:
// Define a custom variable, then reference that variable with a DOCPROPERTY field.
Assert.AreEqual(0, doc.Variables.Count);
doc.Variables.Add("My variable", "My variable's value");

FieldDocVariable fieldDocVariable = (FieldDocVariable)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldDocVariable, true);
fieldDocVariable.VariableName = "My Variable";

Assert.AreEqual(" DOCVARIABLE  \"My Variable\"", fieldDocVariable.GetFieldCode());
Assert.AreEqual("My variable's value", fieldDocVariable.Result);

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Field.DOCPROPERTY.DOCVARIABLE.docx");

See Also