
ExtendedAttribute class

Represents extended attributes.

public class ExtendedAttribute


AttributeDefinition { get; }Gets the attribute definition.
DateValue { get; set; }Gets or sets a value for attributes with date types (Date, Start, Finish).
DurationValue { get; set; }Gets or sets value for attributes with ‘Duration’ type.
FieldId { get; }Gets the id of a field.
FlagValue { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether a flag is set for an attribute with ‘Flag’ type.
IsErrorValue { get; }Gets whether calculation of extended attribute’s value resulted in an error.
NumericValue { get; set; }Gets or sets a value for attributes with numeric types (Cost, Number).
TextValue { get; set; }Gets or sets a value for attributes with ‘Text’ type.
ValueGuid { get; }Gets the guid of a lookup value.
ValueReadOnly { get; }Gets a value indicating whether a value of this ExtendedAttribute instance is read-only. returns true if a formula or rollup is defined in the ExtendedAttributeDefinition for this object.


override ToString()Returns short string representation of an extended attribute.


Currently supported all types of Extended attributes reading from MSP Xml 2003/2007 and mpp 2003. For MSP mpp 2007 all Extended attributes reading supported except durations and flags.


Shows how to add custom field which value is calculated using formula specified by the user.

var project = new Project();

// create new task extended attribute definition
var attribute = ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateTaskDefinition(CustomFieldType.Cost, ExtendedAttributeTask.Cost1, "Cost ratio");

// Add a formula to the attribute.
attribute.Formula = "[Cost] / [Actual Cost]";


var task = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task");

// Create extended attribute
var extendedAttribute = attribute.CreateExtendedAttribute();

// We set the Formula for the extended attribute, so it is read only (the value is calculated using formula).
// Output is "Value is read only"
Console.WriteLine(extendedAttribute.ValueReadOnly ? "Value is read only" : "Value is not read only");

// You can try to set value of read only field, but it will not have effect.
extendedAttribute.NumericValue = -1000000M;

Console.WriteLine("Cost is {0}, Actual Cost is {1}, Custom attribute's value is {2}",
    extendedAttribute.IsErrorValue ? "#Error" : extendedAttribute.NumericValue.ToString());

task.Set(Tsk.Cost, 100m);
task.Set(Tsk.ActualCost, 120m);

Console.WriteLine("Cost is {0}, Actual Cost is {1}, Custom attribute's value is {2}",
    extendedAttribute.IsErrorValue ? "#Error" : extendedAttribute.NumericValue.ToString());

See Also