
HtmlSaveOptions.IncludeProjectNameInTitle property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to include project name in HTML title.

public bool IncludeProjectNameInTitle { get; set; }


Shows how to set page HTML header/title by using <see cref=“P:Aspose.Tasks.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions” /> options.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "CreateProject2.mpp");
var options = new HtmlSaveOptions
    // Determines whether to include project name in HTML title (true by default)
    IncludeProjectNameInTitle = false,

    // Determines whether to include project name in HTML page header  (true by default)
    IncludeProjectNameInPageHeader = false,

    // set pages that will be exported
    Pages = new List<int>
project.Save(OutDir + "ControlHeaderNameDuringHTMLExport_out.html", options);

See Also