Class Region

Region class

Describes the interior of a graphics shape composed of rectangles and paths. This class cannot be inherited.

public sealed class Region


Region()Initializes a new Region.
Region(GraphicsPath)Initializes a new Region with the specified GraphicsPath.
Region(Rectangle)Initializes a new Region from the specified Rectangle structure.
Region(RectangleF)Initializes a new Region from the specified RectangleF structure.


Complement(GraphicsPath)Updates this Region to contain the portion of the specified GraphicsPath that does not intersect with this Region.
Complement(Rectangle)Updates this Region to contain the portion of the specified Rectangle structure that does not intersect with this Region.
Complement(RectangleF)Updates this Region to contain the portion of the specified RectangleF structure that does not intersect with this Region.
Complement(Region)Updates this Region to contain the portion of the specified Region that does not intersect with this Region.
DeepClone()Creates an exact deep copy of this Region.
override Equals(object)Check if objects are equal.
Equals(Region, Graphics)Tests whether the specified Region is identical to this Region on the specified drawing surface.
Exclude(GraphicsPath)Updates this Region to contain only the portion of its interior that does not intersect with the specified GraphicsPath.
Exclude(Rectangle)Updates this Region to contain only the portion of its interior that does not intersect with the specified Rectangle structure.
Exclude(RectangleF)Updates this Region to contain only the portion of its interior that does not intersect with the specified RectangleF structure.
Exclude(Region)Updates this Region to contain only the portion of its interior that does not intersect with the specified Region.
override GetHashCode()Get hash code of the current object.
Intersect(GraphicsPath)Updates this Region to the intersection of itself with the specified GraphicsPath.
Intersect(Rectangle)Updates this Region to the intersection of itself with the specified Rectangle structure.
Intersect(RectangleF)Updates this Region to the intersection of itself with the specified RectangleF structure.
Intersect(Region)Updates this Region to the intersection of itself with the specified Region.
IsEmpty(Graphics)Tests whether this Region has an empty interior on the specified drawing surface.
IsInfinite(Graphics)Tests whether this Region has an infinite interior on the specified drawing surface.
IsVisible(Point)Tests whether the specified Point structure is contained within this Region.
IsVisible(PointF)Tests whether the specified PointF structure is contained within this Region.
IsVisible(Rectangle)Tests whether any portion of the specified Rectangle structure is contained within this Region.
IsVisible(RectangleF)Tests whether any portion of the specified RectangleF structure is contained within this Region.
IsVisible(float, float)Tests whether the specified point is contained within this Region.
IsVisible(Point, Graphics)Tests whether the specified Point structure is contained within this Region when drawn using the specified Graphics.
IsVisible(PointF, Graphics)Tests whether the specified PointF structure is contained within this Region when drawn using the specified Graphics.
IsVisible(Rectangle, Graphics)Tests whether any portion of the specified Rectangle structure is contained within this Region when drawn using the specified Graphics.
IsVisible(RectangleF, Graphics)Tests whether any portion of the specified RectangleF structure is contained within this Region when drawn using the specified Graphics.
IsVisible(float, float, Graphics)Tests whether the specified point is contained within this Region when drawn using the specified Graphics.
IsVisible(int, int, Graphics)Tests whether the specified point is contained within this Region object when drawn using the specified Graphics object.
IsVisible(float, float, float, float)Tests whether any portion of the specified rectangle is contained within this Region.
IsVisible(int, int, int, int)Tests whether any portion of the specified rectangle is contained within this Region.
IsVisible(float, float, float, float, Graphics)Tests whether any portion of the specified rectangle is contained within this Region when drawn using the specified Graphics.
IsVisible(int, int, int, int, Graphics)Tests whether any portion of the specified rectangle is contained within this Region when drawn using the specified Graphics.
MakeEmpty()Initializes this Region to an empty interior.
MakeInfinite()Initializes this Region object to an infinite interior.
Transform(Matrix)Transforms this Region by the specified Matrix.
Translate(float, float)Offsets the coordinates of this Region by the specified amount.
Translate(int, int)Offsets the coordinates of this Region by the specified amount.
Union(GraphicsPath)Updates this Region to the union of itself and the specified GraphicsPath.
Union(Rectangle)Updates this Region to the union of itself and the specified Rectangle structure.
Union(RectangleF)Updates this Region to the union of itself and the specified RectangleF structure.
Union(Region)Updates this Region to the union of itself and the specified Region.
Xor(GraphicsPath)Updates this Region to the union minus the intersection of itself with the specified GraphicsPath.
Xor(Rectangle)Updates this Region to the union minus the intersection of itself with the specified Rectangle structure.
Xor(RectangleF)Updates this Region to the union minus the intersection of itself with the specified RectangleF structure.
Xor(Region)Updates this Region to the union minus the intersection of itself with the specified Region.

See Also