Class XFormCollection

XFormCollection class

Class represents collection of XFormCollection.

public sealed class XFormCollection : ICollection<XForm>


Count { get; }Gets count of XForms in collection.
IsReadOnly { get; }Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only.
IsSynchronized { get; }Returns true if object is synchronized.
Item { get; }Returns XForm by index. (2 indexers)
SyncRoot { get; }Synchronization object.


Add(XForm)Adds new XForm into collection.
Clear()Clears all items from the collection.
Contains(XForm)Determines whether the collection contains a specific value.
CopyTo(XForm[], int)Copies XFormCollection into collection.
Delete()Deletes all XForms from the collection.
Delete(int)Delete XForm from collection
Delete(string)Deletes XForm from collection by form name.
FreeMemory()Clears cached data, frees memory etc.
GetEnumerator()Returns collection enumerator.
GetFormName(XForm)Returns name of the form in this form collection.
Remove(XForm)Deletes specified item from collection.

See Also