
Table.ImportDataView method

Imports a DataView object’s data into the table.

public void ImportDataView(DataView sourceDataView, bool isColumnNamesImported, int firstFilledRow, 
    int firstFilledColumn, int maxRows, int maxColumns)
sourceDataViewDataViewThe DataView object to be imported.
isColumnNamesImportedBooleanIndicates whether the column names will be imported as first row.
firstFilledRowInt32The zero based row number of the first cell in targer table from which import will start. If target table does not contain that row, it (and all previous if necessary) will be created
firstFilledColumnInt32The zero based column number of the first cell in targer table from which import will start. The target table must contain that column before import starts, otherwise exception will be thrown.
maxRowsInt32Maximum amount of rows to be imported from source dataview.
maxColumnsInt32Maximum columns to be imported from source dataview.

See Also