Class ActionCollection

ActionCollection class

Collection of actions

public sealed class ActionCollection : ICollection<PdfAction>


Count { get; }Count of actions on the collection.
IsReadOnly { get; }Returns true if collection is readonly.
IsSynchronized { get; }Returns true if object is synchronized.
Item { get; }Gets action by its index.
SyncRoot { get; }Gets synchronization object.


Add(PdfAction)Adds new action into colleciton.
Clear()Clear collection.
Contains(PdfAction)Returns true if give item presents in the collection.
CopyTo(PdfAction[], int)Copies actions array into collection.
Delete()Delete all actions.
Delete(int)Removes action from collection by index.
GetEnumerator()Returns enumerator for collection.
Remove(PdfAction)Removes item from collection.

See Also