
TiffTags enumeration

The tiff tag enum.

public enum TiffTags


SubFileType254Subfile data descriptor.
OsubfileType255[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Kind of data in subfile.
ImageWidth256Image width in pixels.
ImageLength257Image height in pixels.
BitsPerSample258Bits per channel (sample).
Compression259Data compression technique.
Photometric262Photometric interpretation.
Thresholding263[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Thresholding used on data.
CellWidth264[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Dithering matrix width.
CellLength265[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Dithering matrix height.
FillOrder266Data order within a byte.
DocumentName269Name of document which holds for image.
ImageDescription270Information about image.
Make271Scanner manufacturer name.
Model272Scanner model name/number.
StripOffsets273Offsets to data strips.
Orientation274[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Image orientation.
SamplesPerPixel277Samples per pixel.
RowsPerStrip278Rows per strip of data.
StripByteCounts279Bytes counts for strips.
MinSampleValue280[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Minimum sample value.
MaxSampleValue281[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Maximum sample value.
Xresolution282Pixels/resolution in x.
Yresolution283Pixels/resolution in y.
PlanarConfig284Storage organization.
PageName285Page name image is from.
Xposition286X page offset of image lhs.
Yposition287Y page offset of image lhs.
FreeOffsets288[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Byte offset to free block.
FreeByteCounts289[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0] Sizes of free blocks.
GrayResponseUnit290[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0] Gray scale curve accuracy.
GrayResponseCurve291[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0] Gray scale response curve.
T4Options292TIFF 6.0 proper name alias for GROUP3OPTIONS. Options for CCITT Group 3 fax encoding. 32 flag bits.
T6Options293Options for CCITT Group 4 fax encoding. 32 flag bits. TIFF 6.0 proper name alias for GROUP4OPTIONS.
ResolutionUnit296Units of resolutions.
PageNumber297Page numbers of multi-page.
ColorResponseUnit300[obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0] Color curve accuracy.
TransferFunction301Colorimetry info.
Software305Name & release.
DateTime306Creation date and time.
Artist315Creator of image.
HostComputer316Machine where created.
Predictor317Prediction scheme w/ LZW.
WhitePoint318Image white point.
PrimaryChromaticities319Primary chromaticities.
ColorMap320RGB map for pallette image.
HalftoneHints321Highlight + shadow info.
TileWidth322Tile width in pixels.
TileLength323Tile height in pixels.
TileOffsets324Offsets to data tiles.
TileByteCounts325Byte counts for tiles.
BadFaxLines326Lines with wrong pixel count.
CleanFaxData327Regenerated line info.
ConsecutiveBadFaxLines328Max consecutive bad lines.
SubIfd330Subimage descriptors.
InkSet332Inks in separated image.
InkNames333ASCII names of inks.
NumberOfInks334Number of inks.
DotRange3360% and 100% dot codes.
TargetPrinter337Separation target.
ExtraSamples338Information about extra samples.
SampleFormat339Data sample format.
SminSampleValue340Variable MinSampleValue.
SmaxSampleValue341Variable MaxSampleValue.
TransferRange342Variable TransferRange
ClipPath343ClipPath. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2.
Xclippathunits344XClipPathUnits. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2.
Yclippathunits345YClipPathUnits. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2.
Indexed346Indexed. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF Technote 3.
JpegTables347JPEG table stream. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0.
OpiProxy351OPI Proxy. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote.
JpegProc512[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] JPEG processing algorithm.
JpegInerchangeFormat513[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] Pointer to SOI marker.
JpegInterchangeFormatLength514[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] JFIF stream length
JpegRestartInterval515[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] Restart interval length.
JpegLosslessPredictors517[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] Lossless proc predictor.
JpegPointTransform518[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] Lossless point transform.
JpegQTables519[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] Q matrice offsets.
JpegDCtables520[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] DCT table offsets.
JpegACtables521[obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme] AC coefficient offsets.
YcbcrCoefficients529RGB -> YCbCr transform.
YcbcrSubSampling530YCbCr subsampling factors.
YcbcrPositioning531Subsample positioning.
ReferenceBlackWhite532Colorimetry info.
XmlPacket700XML packet. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe XMP Specification, January 2004.
OpiImageid32781OPI ImageID. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote.
Refpts32953Image reference points. Private tag registered to Island Graphics.
Copyright33432Copyright string. This tag is listed in the TIFF rev. 6.0 w/ unknown ownership.
PhotoshopResources34377Photoshop image resources.
IccProfile34675The embedded ICC device profile
ExifIfdPointer34665A pointer to the Exif IFD.
XPTitle40091Information about image, used by Windows Explorer. The XPTitle is ignored by Windows Explorer if the ImageDescription tag exists.
XPComment40092Comment on image, used by Windows Explorer.
XPAuthor40093Image Author, used by Windows Explorer. The XPAuthor is ignored by Windows Explorer if the Artist tag exists.
XPKeywords40094Image Keywords, used by Windows Explorer.
XPSubject40095Subject image, used by Windows Explorer.

See Also