Class RulerGrid

RulerGrid class

Contains elements that specify the settings of the page’s rulers and grid.

public class RulerGrid


Del { get; set; }A flag indicating whether the element has been deleted locally. A value of 1 indicates that the element was deleted locally.
XGridDensity { get; }Specifies the zero point on the y-axis (vertical) ruler for the page.
XGridOrigin { get; }Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the grid origin for a page.
XGridSpacing { get; }Specifies the distance between horizontal lines in a fixed grid (that is, a RulerGrid element where the XGridDensity element is set to 0).
XRulerDensity { get; }Specifies the horizontal subdivisions on the ruler for the page.
XRulerOrigin { get; }Specifies the zero point on the x-axis (horizontal) ruler for the page.
YGridDensity { get; }Specifies the type of vertical grid to use for a page.
YGridOrigin { get; }Specifies the vertical origin of the grid on the page.
YGridSpacing { get; }Specifies the distance between vertical lines in a fixed grid (that is, a RulerGrid element where the YGridDensity element is set to 0).
YRulerDensity { get; }Specifies the vertical subdivisions on the ruler for the page.
YRulerOrigin { get; }Specifies the zero point on the y-axis (vertical) ruler for the page.

See Also