
GetFormula1(bool, bool)

Gets the value or expression associated with this validation.

public string GetFormula1(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal)
isR1C1BooleanWhether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.
isLocalBooleanWhether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.

Return Value

The value or expression associated with this validation.

See Also

GetFormula1(bool, bool, int, int)

Gets the value or expression associated with this validation for specific cell.

public string GetFormula1(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal, int row, int column)
isR1C1BooleanWhether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.
isLocalBooleanWhether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.
rowInt32The row index.
columnInt32The column index.

Return Value

The value or expression associated with this validation.

See Also