
Find(object, Cell)

Finds the cell containing with the input object.

public Cell Find(object what, Cell previousCell)
whatObjectThe object to search for. The type should be int,double,DateTime,string,bool.
previousCellCellPrevious cell with the same object. This parameter can be set to null if searching from the start.

Return Value

Cell object.


Returns null (Nothing) if no cell is found.

See Also

Find(object, Cell, FindOptions)

Finds the cell containing with the input object.

public Cell Find(object what, Cell previousCell, FindOptions findOptions)
whatObjectThe object to search for. The type should be int,double,DateTime,string,bool.
previousCellCellPrevious cell with the same object. This parameter can be set to null if searching from the start.
findOptionsFindOptionsFind options

Return Value

Cell object.


Returns null (Nothing) if no cell is found.

See Also