Struct Vector3F

Vector3F structure

Vector with 3 float parameters

public struct Vector3F : IEquatable<Vector3F>


Vector3F(float)Initializes a new instance of the Vector3F struct.
Vector3F(Vector3F)Initializes a new instance of the Vector3F struct.
Vector3F(float, float, float)Initializes a new instance of the Vector3F struct.


B { get; set; }Blue component
G { get; set; }Green component
Item { get; }Gets a coordinate at the specified index.
Length { get; }Length
R { get; set; }Red component
SquareLength { get; }Square length


static CrossProduct(Vector3F, Vector3F)Returns the cross product of two vectors.
static NewellFaceNormal(List<Vector3F>, List<int>)Calculates normal of face by newell’s method.
static Reflect(Vector3F, Vector3F)Calculates a reflected vector.
static XAxis()Creates x-axis.
static YAxis()Creates y-axis.
static ZAxis()Creates z-axis.
static Zero()Creates vector with (0, 0, 0).
override Equals(object)Returns a boolean indicating whether the given Object is equal to this Vector3F instance.
Equals(Vector3F)Returns a boolean indicating whether the given Vector3F is equal to this Vector3F instance.
override GetHashCode()Returns the hash code for this instance.
Normalized()Creates normilized vector.
SafeNormalized()Creates normilized vector safely(returns self if length is zero).
To2F()Creates Vector2F.
ToVector4F(float)Creates Vector4F.
static DotProduct(Vector3F, Vector3F)Returns the dot product of two vectors.
operator +Adds two vectors together.
operator ==Returns a boolean indicating whether the two given vectors are equal.
operator !=Returns a boolean indicating whether the two given vectors are not equal.
operator *Multiplies vector by scalar value. (3 operators)
operator -Negates a given vector. (2 operators)


XX coordinate
YY coordinate
ZZ coordinate

See Also