Class RendererVariableManager

RendererVariableManager class

This class manages variables used in rendering

public abstract class RendererVariableManager


CameraPosition { get; set; }Camera’s position in world coordinate system
DepthBias { get; set; }Depth bias for shadow mapping, default value is 0.001
MatrixLightSpace { get; set; }Matrix for light space transformation
MatrixProjection { get; set; }Matrix for projection transformation
MatrixView { get; set; }Matrix for view transformation
MatrixViewProjection { get; }Matrix for view and projection transformation.
MatrixWorld { get; }Matrix for world transformation
MatrixWorldNormal { get; }Matrix for converting normal from object to world space.
MatrixWorldViewProjection { get; }Matrix for world view and projection transformation
ShadowCaster { get; set; }Position of shadow caster in world coordinate system
Shadowmap { get; set; }The depth texture used for shadow mapping
ViewportSize { get; }Size of viewport, measured in pixel
WorldAmbient { get; }Ambient color defined in viewport.
WorldTime { get; }Time in seconds

See Also