
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public final class Font

Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes. This class cannot be inherited.


Font(Font prototype, int newStyle)Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font that uses the specified existing com.aspose.psd.Font and com.aspose.psd.FontStyle enumeration.
Font(String fontName, float emSize)Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font using a specified size.
Font(String fontName, float emSize, int style)Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font using a specified size and style.
Font(String fontName, float emSize, int style, int unit, int characterSet)Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font using a specified size, style, unit, and character set.
Font(String fontName, float emSize, int style, int unit)Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font using a specified size, style, and unit.


deepClone()Creates an exact deep copy of this Font .
equals(Object obj)Indicates whether the specified object is a com.aspose.psd.Font and has the same property values as this com.aspose.psd.Font .
getBold()Gets a value indicating whether this Font is bold.
getCharacterSet()Gets a byte value that specifies the character set that this Font uses.
getItalic()Gets a value indicating whether this Font is italic.
getName()Gets the face name of this Font .
getSize()Gets the em-size of this Font measured in the units specified by the P:Aspose.Imaging.Font.Unit property.
getStrikeout()Gets a value indicating whether this Font specifies a horizontal line through the font.
getStyle()Gets style information for this Font .
getUnderline()Gets a value indicating whether this Font is underlined.
getUnit()Gets the unit of measure for this Font .
hashCode()Gets the hash code for this com.aspose.psd.Font .
makeFontWithGraphUnit(String fontName, float emSize, int unit)Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font using a specified size and unit.
toString()Returns a human-readable string representation of this com.aspose.psd.Font .
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)

Font(Font prototype, int newStyle)

public Font(Font prototype, int newStyle)

Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font that uses the specified existing com.aspose.psd.Font and com.aspose.psd.FontStyle enumeration.


prototypeFontThe existing com.aspose.psd.Font from which to create the new com.aspose.psd.Font .
newStyleintThe com.aspose.psd.FontStyle to apply to the new com.aspose.psd.Font . Multiple values of the com.aspose.psd.FontStyle enumeration can be combined with the OR operator.

Font(String fontName, float emSize)

public Font(String fontName, float emSize)

Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font using a specified size. The character set is set to F:Aspose.Imaging.CharacterSet.Default , the graphics unit to F:Aspose.Imaging.GraphicsUnit.Point , the font style to F:Aspose.Imaging.FontStyle.Regular .


fontNamejava.lang.StringA string representation of the com.aspose.psd.Font name.
emSizefloatThe em-size, in points, of the new font.

Font(String fontName, float emSize, int style)

public Font(String fontName, float emSize, int style)

Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font using a specified size and style. The character set is set to F:Aspose.Imaging.CharacterSet.Default , the graphics unit to F:Aspose.Imaging.GraphicsUnit.Point .


fontNamejava.lang.StringA string representation of the com.aspose.psd.Font name.
emSizefloatThe em-size, in points, of the new font.
styleintThe com.aspose.psd.FontStyle of the new font.

Font(String fontName, float emSize, int style, int unit, int characterSet)

public Font(String fontName, float emSize, int style, int unit, int characterSet)

Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font using a specified size, style, unit, and character set.


fontNamejava.lang.StringA string representation of the com.aspose.psd.Font name.
emSizefloatThe em-size of the new font in the units specified by the unit parameter.
styleintThe com.aspose.psd.FontStyle of the new font.
unitintThe com.aspose.psd.GraphicsUnit of the new font.
characterSetintA character set to use for this font.

Font(String fontName, float emSize, int style, int unit)

public Font(String fontName, float emSize, int style, int unit)

Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font using a specified size, style, and unit.


fontNamejava.lang.StringA string representation of the com.aspose.psd.Font name.
emSizefloatThe em-size of the new font in the units specified by the unit parameter.
styleintThe com.aspose.psd.FontStyle of the new font.
unitintThe com.aspose.psd.GraphicsUnit of the new font.


public Font deepClone()

Creates an exact deep copy of this Font .

Returns: Font - The Font this method creates.

equals(Object obj)

public boolean equals(Object obj)

Indicates whether the specified object is a com.aspose.psd.Font and has the same property values as this com.aspose.psd.Font .


objjava.lang.ObjectThe object to test.

Returns: boolean - True if the obj parameter is a com.aspose.psd.Font and has the same property values as this com.aspose.psd.Font ; otherwise, false.


public boolean getBold()

Gets a value indicating whether this Font is bold.

Returns: boolean - True if this Font is bold; otherwise, false.


public int getCharacterSet()

Gets a byte value that specifies the character set that this Font uses.

Returns: int - A character set that this Font uses.


public final native Class<?> getClass()

Returns: java.lang.Class


public boolean getItalic()

Gets a value indicating whether this Font is italic.

Returns: boolean - True if this Font is italic; otherwise, false.


public String getName()

Gets the face name of this Font .

Returns: java.lang.String - A string representation of the face name of this Font .


public float getSize()

Gets the em-size of this Font measured in the units specified by the P:Aspose.Imaging.Font.Unit property.

Returns: float - The em-size of this Font .


public boolean getStrikeout()

Gets a value indicating whether this Font specifies a horizontal line through the font.

Returns: boolean - True if this Font has a horizontal line through it; otherwise, false.


public int getStyle()

Gets style information for this Font .

Returns: int - A FontStyle enumeration that contains style information for this Font .


public boolean getUnderline()

Gets a value indicating whether this Font is underlined.

Returns: boolean - True if this Font is underlined; otherwise, false.


public int getUnit()

Gets the unit of measure for this Font .

Returns: int - A GraphicsUnit that represents the unit of measure for this Font .


public int hashCode()

Gets the hash code for this com.aspose.psd.Font .

Returns: int - The hash code for this com.aspose.psd.Font .

makeFontWithGraphUnit(String fontName, float emSize, int unit)

public static Font makeFontWithGraphUnit(String fontName, float emSize, int unit)

Initializes a new com.aspose.psd.Font using a specified size and unit. The character set is set to F:Aspose.Imaging.CharacterSet.Default , the style is set to F:Aspose.Imaging.FontStyle.Regular .


fontNamejava.lang.StringA string representation of the com.aspose.psd.Font name.
emSizefloatThe em-size of the new font in the units specified by the unit parameter.
unitintThe com.aspose.psd.GraphicsUnit of the new font.

Returns: Font


public final native void notify()


public final native void notifyAll()


public String toString()

Returns a human-readable string representation of this com.aspose.psd.Font .

Returns: java.lang.String - A string that represents this com.aspose.psd.Font .


public final void wait()

wait(long arg0)

public final void wait(long arg0)



wait(long arg0, int arg1)

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)

