
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.pdf.drawing.Shape

public final class Arc extends Shape

Represents arc.


Arc()For Internal usage only
Arc(double posX, double posY, double radius, double alpha, double beta)Initializes a new instance of the Arc class.


getPosX()Gets float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the arc.
setPosX(double value)Sets float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the arc.
getPosY()Gets float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the arc.
setPosY(double value)Sets float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the arc.
getRadius()Gets float value that indicates the radius of the arc.
setRadius(double value)Sets float value that indicates the radius of the arc.
getAlpha()Gets float value that indicates the beginning angle degree of the arc.
setAlpha(double value)Sets float value that indicates the beginning angle degree of the arc.
getBeta()Gets float value that indicates the ending angle degree of the arc.
setBeta(double value)Sets float value that indicates the ending angle degree of the arc.


public Arc()

For Internal usage only

Arc(double posX, double posY, double radius, double alpha, double beta)

public Arc(double posX, double posY, double radius, double alpha, double beta)

Initializes a new instance of the Arc class.


posXdoubleThe x-coordinate of the center point of the arc.
posYdoubleThe y-coordinate of the center point of the arc.
radiusdoubleThe radius value of the arc.
alphadoubleThe beginning angle value of the arc.
betadoubleThe end angle value of the arc.


public double getPosX()

Gets float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the arc.

Returns: double - x-coordinate of the center of the arc.

setPosX(double value)

public void setPosX(double value)

Sets float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the arc.


valuedoublex-coordinate of the center of the arc.


public double getPosY()

Gets float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the arc.

Returns: double - y-coordinate of the center of the arc.

setPosY(double value)

public void setPosY(double value)

Sets float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the arc.


valuedoubley-coordinate of the center of the arc.


public double getRadius()

Gets float value that indicates the radius of the arc.

Returns: double - value that indicates the radius of the arc.

setRadius(double value)

public void setRadius(double value)

Sets float value that indicates the radius of the arc.


valuedoublethat indicates the radius of the arc.


public double getAlpha()

Gets float value that indicates the beginning angle degree of the arc.

Returns: double - alpha value.

setAlpha(double value)

public void setAlpha(double value)

Sets float value that indicates the beginning angle degree of the arc.


valuedoublealpha value.


public double getBeta()

Gets float value that indicates the ending angle degree of the arc.

Returns: double - beta value

setBeta(double value)

public void setBeta(double value)

Sets float value that indicates the ending angle degree of the arc.


valuedoublebeta value