
MetaImage.Records property

Gets or sets the records.

public virtual MetaObjectList Records { get; set; }

Property Value

The records.


This example shows how to load a WMF image from a file and list all of its records.


string dir = "c:\\temp\\";

// Using Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load is a unified way to load all types of images including WMF.
using (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Wmf.WmfImage wmfImage = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Wmf.WmfImage)Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(dir + "test.wmf"))
    // Cache data to load all records.
    System.Console.WriteLine("The total number of records: {0}", wmfImage.Records.Count);

    // The key is a record type, the value is number of records of that type in the WMF image.
    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type, int> types =
        new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type, int>();

    // Gather statistics 
    foreach (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Wmf.Objects.WmfObject obj in wmfImage.Records)
        System.Type objType = obj.GetType();
        if (!types.ContainsKey(objType))
            types.Add(objType, 1);

    // Print statistics
    System.Console.WriteLine("Record Type                              Count");
    foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<System.Type, int> entry in types)
        string objectType = entry.Key.Name;
        string alignmentGap = new string(' ', 40 - objectType.Length);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}{2}", entry.Key.Name, alignmentGap, entry.Value);

//The output may look like this:
//The total number of records: 613
//Record Type                              Count
//WmfSetBkMode:                            1
//WmfSetTextAlign:                         1
//WmfSetRop2:                              1
//WmfSetWindowOrg:                         1
//WmfSetWindowExt:                         1
//WmfCreateBrushInDirect:                  119
//WmfSelectObject:                         240
//WmfCreatePenInDirect:                    119
//WmfSetPolyFillMode:                      1
//WmfPolyPolygon:                          114
//WmfPolyLine:                             7
//WmfSetTextColor:                         2
//WmfCreateFontInDirect:                   2
//WmfExtTextOut:                           2
//WmfDibStrechBlt:                         1
//WmfEof:                                  1

This example shows how to load a EMF image from a file and list all of its records.


string dir = "c:\\temp\\";

// Using Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load is a unified way to load all types of images including WMF.
using (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.EmfImage emfImage = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.EmfImage)Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(dir + "test.emf"))
    // Cache data to load all records.
    System.Console.WriteLine("The total number of records: {0}", emfImage.Records.Count);

    // The key is a record type, the value is number of records of that type in the WMF image.
    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type, int> types =
        new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Type, int>();

    // Gather statistics 
    foreach (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.Emf.Records.EmfRecord obj in emfImage.Records)
        System.Type objType = obj.GetType();
        if (!types.ContainsKey(objType))
            types.Add(objType, 1);

    // Print statistics
    System.Console.WriteLine("Record Type                              Count");
    foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<System.Type, int> entry in types)
        string objectType = entry.Key.Name;
        string alignmentGap = new string(' ', 40 - objectType.Length);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}{2}", entry.Key.Name, alignmentGap, entry.Value);

//The output may look like this:
//The total number of records: 1188
//Record Type                              Count
//EmfMetafileHeader:                       1
//EmfSetBkMode:                            1
//EmfSetTextAlign:                         1
//EmfSetRop2:                              1
//EmfSetWorldTransform:                    1
//EmfExtSelectClipRgn:                     1
//EmfCreateBrushIndirect:                  113
//EmfSelectObject:                         240
//EmfCreatePen:                            116
//EmfSetPolyFillMode:                      1
//EmfBeginPath:                            120
//EmfMoveToEx:                             122
//EmfPolyBezierTo16:                       36
//EmfLineTo:                               172
//EmfCloseFigure:                          14
//EmfEndPath:                              120
//EmfStrokeAndFillPath:                    113
//EmfStrokePath:                           7
//EmfSetTextColor:                         2
//EmfExtCreateFontIndirectW:               2
//EmfExtTextOutW:                          2
//EmfStretchBlt:                           1
//EmfEof:                                  1

See Also