
EmfPlusHeader.DualMode property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether [dual mode]. If set, this flag indicates that this metafile is “dual-mode”, which means that it contains two sets of records, each of which completely specifies the graphics content. If clear, the graphics content is specified by EMF+ records, and possibly EMF records that are preceded by an EmfPlusGetDC record. If this flag is set, EMF records alone SHOULD suffice to define the graphics content. Note that whether the “dual-mode” flag is set or not, some EMF records are always present, namely EMF control records and the EMF records that contain EMF+ records. EMF control records are specified in [MS-EMF] section 2.3.4.

public bool DualMode { get; set; }

Property Value

true if [dual mode]; otherwise, false.

See Also